Barneys Flower Power


Well-Known Member
Day 35, these pics were taken either on day 32 or 33. She looks and smells good. I hope it hasnt been fucked up like the others, I didnt go check on it today.


Well-Known Member
Some kind of animal keeps knocking my plant over and digging the soil out of the potter. Luckily my flower power is not dead, but looking at the root damage, she wont be happy. Its looking like I will fail this year outdoors, which is bad, I usually always pull in some good shit. Usually I dont use potters, I have never had something dig my shit up like this. I usually put them directly in the ground but I can this year, I have to work around the crops in the field. And they will come down soon so I have to be able to move my plants as soon as they start harvesting. I dont think potters are a good idea for my area if this is going to keep happening.


Well-Known Member
I have put some heavy material over my potter and tied some rope around the potter to hold the material on, hopefully that keeps the bastard out of my soil.


Well-Known Member
My defenses seem to be working, at least for now. She stinks like hell. And is very stick to the touch. Coated in trichomes. Its day 41 I think. give or take a day or two. with at least 30 more days to go, I think she is gonna be one sweet girl.


Well-Known Member
Oh shit man that sucks, It was raining for the past week and I just left mine alone cause I couldn't get to it. I left the bottom of the pot off so it would drain so I thought I would be ok but when I checked today something knocked mine over too, and the plant was laying on the ground growing in what little soil was on the roots. But It looked good still I re-planted it and put more soil in hopefully it pulls through.


Well-Known Member
OH! by the way your FP looks great dude! Mine stretched a lot when I had to put it in a stealthy spot. The cola on that thing is gonna be nice!


Well-Known Member
Thanks organic. I hope she turns out good. I found mine the same as yours, knocked over and the plant was growing in what was left there. Didnt seem to mind much, it was like fuck it Im going to grow, no matter what.


Well-Known Member
Ya no kidding, They are a pretty strong plant. When I checked today I noticed also that there was a couple of ditch weed males on the way and they had pollen sacs that where open, but its too early for males yet prob just a premature hopefully mines not pollinated.


Well-Known Member
I really need to get some pics up. My flower power is doing great and seems to look more gooey every time I see her. She is filling out pretty nice. Its day 48 so hopefully a little less than 30 days to go, the way she looks now she could finish up around day 70, but I will let her go as long as she needs to. Who knows she may surprise me and kick up the weight production and finish around day 65. Doubtful, day 70-75 is probably a more accurate estimate.


Well-Known Member
I think its day 52. But thats if I counted right. Anyway, she is looking good considering the attacks on the root system she had. She stinks, and is very sticky. Im hoping another 20 days and she is done, if Im lucky sooner. I will watch the trichomes and see how she goes. Here are some pics from yesterday or the day before, I dont remember which...


Well-Known Member
those look awesome dude! Barneys farm has some excellent genetics. Im growing a Barneys Red Dragon right now and its my fattest, healthiest plant right now.

good luck man!


Well-Known Member
Its only one plant, it may look like a few little autos together because I LST'd it. So the main cola is pulled away from the lower growth, which allowed the lower growth to receive more light and grow better. Thanks though, Im counting on Barneys genetics being good, as one of my upcoming indoor grows will have several in there.


Well-Known Member
Ive been watching for mold since the humidity has been very high. I have trimmed a few spots off here and there. Thats all i can really do. This plant stinks like hell with any slight disturbance. It will leave a stinky goo that will last all day, smell wise. Mmm piney and sweet. Had to smell my fingers and remind myself of it... ha ha, that was from picking a small piece of leaf off. This stuff should be pretty good. I hope so. If not the smell, and gooeyness of the plant is completely deceiving.


Well-Known Member
Rain, high heat and humidity....fuck. She is so close to being done, within the last few weeks. I have been pulling off smaller buds that show signs of mold. I am just worried about the top finishing up now. It is filling in and looking more trich coated every time I see her. I just want 2 more weeks with no mold or any other fucked up issues, is that too much to ask?


Well-Known Member
update....?? please lol
Sorry, took it down at day 60, good mix of head and body buzz, good piney sweet smell and taste. About a quarter from the top, an eight from the lower branches. I had to take it down, something was wrong with the plant, I think its because I had to keep the potter covered and the moisture was trapped. Probably got sick with some kind of mold or disease, the calyxes started to brown at spots so I chopped her. At least it was very close to being finished. I still have it curing for the most part. I smoke a little bit of her, about an eighth :). Not bad, but I want her for the first game of pre season football this year (NFL not soccer).