Barneys Flower Power


Well-Known Member
I have started a Barneys Flower power. It just broke soil last night, and has been getting light from a 45watt cfl directly above it since. This is in the outdoor section because it will spend most of its life outdoors, only the first few days will be indoors, after that it will be outside except at night time, to keep the critters off of it. That period will be spent indoors under the cfl until I can transplant it outdoors safely, or into a bigger pot. Most likely I will try to get the seeding into its final potter within the next few days. I have pics I just havent resized the to the proper format. I will do that later on.:leaf:


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
I'm in for the short haul , ha ha ha ha haha . Cant wait to see you in your fire suit after you get your fire power.


Well-Known Member
Something ate my flower power but Im putting two more seeds in cups right after I post this. Its my own fault for putting it outside at such a small size, rabbits love those seedlings that just broke soil. It was pretty too, short fat purple leaves. I didnt have picks of it after it turned purple, which seemed to be overnight. It only had its first true leaves out. RIP FP #1, sucks she didnt make it, but I am starting her sisters now.


Well-Known Member
After taking a good look it just died for some unknown reason, I have never seen a plant go from looking awesome one day to totally wilted fucking dead the next. AHHHHHHHHHH:cuss:
human hair can keep the critters away.

if these are the free seeds sent from Attitude from 4/20, I am not surprised they died, they were free for a reason


Well-Known Member
@Jesus of Cannabis, the plant came up so there must have been something wrong, once the plant is up it was up to me to keep it alive, maybe it did not like the pro-mix. I have never had any issue with attitudes free seeds. I have grown several and had success. Even all 5 of those power skunks people were bitching about sprouted and were healthy, I got 3 females and 2 males. Not bad I would say. I never finished them though, they just out grew everything else. so I had to get rid of them. Very stretchy sativas. They were freebies from the give away at the beginning of the month along with the other barneys stuff. Not the 4/20 giveaway. @Husalife, Ganjatopolis is saying to paint them brown so they are not shining for everyone to see. Anyway, both of my other Flower Power cracked in about 12 hours of being in a cup of water, so I transplanted them into some seed starting mix. The same stuff I used for my fast bud and big devil grow. They should be up in a few days, hopefully these make it, I never have plants die on me, it just puzzles the hell out of me what might have happened to the other one. Either they just dont come up, or they come up and go from there. wtf Maybe some kind of disease? Barneys usually has good stuff, hopefully they didnt just rush this out to have an auto on the market.


Well-Known Member
Both of my Flower Power seeds cracked and broke the soil at the same time, so they are the same exact age. Hopefully these make it. I will be taking these in at night time. I should have done that in the first place with my original Flower Power.


Well-Known Member
Well one just went limp over night, I dont know what the hell is up with that shit. The other one looks healthy, for now. Fuck, did I just get some fucked up Barneys seeds or what? Usually Barneys are good seeds. I hope the last FP I have makes it.


Well-Known Member
Here is my only surviving Flower Power from Barneys. Im on day 6 and the plant seems to be doing well. I wish the sun would stay out, and the rain would stop so I dont have to keep bringing it in. Once it gets bigger it wont be an issue.:leaf:


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Buy a 5 gallon bucket and some Pops Joy Juice and some potting soil and grow that bitch outdoors and keep $350 in your pocket.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Its daddies tomato plant, if your a good boy/girl we will eat some of the tomatoes with salt when its done, now go play somewhere else and leave daddies tomato plant alone.


Well-Known Member
Sounds kind of backwards. If its inside your kids could find it, if you put it somewhere outside where they dont go, you would be better off. But either way, with $400 for start up, look on ebay and see what you can find, I would suggest either a 400 or 600 watt cool tube and an inline fan/filter combo is usually around 180+ for a good one. Get something around 400-500 cfm. And some panda film (black and white poly). Get some wood and build a tent. Or you could buy one, but we are getting out of your price range now. If your in a closet, depending on size, the four or six hundred watt hps would do great, just paint the walls white. And if you run your ducting right and have cool fresh air coming in, and the hot air going out your temps should stay fine. Always have a fan going in the room to keep the air moving. I would suggest saving a bit more money before you get started. Unless you want to grow with cfls, then it would be a cheaper process, just not as effective. I agree with husalife, this time of year, just put it outside to save some money.