Barney's Farm - Tangerine Dream - Waterfarm!


Scientia Cannabis
Looking very nice mate!

Have you checked the trichomes?
How are they (colour wise)?

How long time will the plant have spent growing in that system since you first put it in?
I'm amazed at the amount of time it must've had, and I'm sure I've counted wrong lol, but I get around 155 days in total.


Well-Known Member
Looking very nice mate!

Have you checked the trichomes?
How are they (colour wise)?

How long time will the plant have spent growing in that system since you first put it in?
I'm amazed at the amount of time it must've had, and I'm sure I've counted wrong lol, but I get around 155 days in total.
The trichs were almost all coudy last week, and now there pretty much all turned and there's some ambers in various places as well - probably around 5% last time I checked - we'll see how much more I get after the low, low ppms she's now getting and the next 2 days' Final Phase flush. I looked at the label on the Final Phase last night and it said to use it for the last 7-10 days, but I've been dialing back the ppms about 200-250 per day for this past week, so 2 days of the clearing solution should be plenty.

I'm not at home right now and can't freely browse through my journal and check, but I think your estimate in total days is pretty close - I'll confirm that number when I'm to check.

Cheers! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Flushed and drained the rez completely this evening and added back a pH'd straight rain-water and Final Phase solution (2.5 tsp per gallon). The Final Phase actually increased the ppms to about 100 which is fine - it will use this for 1 day and tomorrow night I'll do the exact same thing, draining the rez and adding back a fresh pH'd rain-water and Final Phase solution. The root-mass has obviously absorbed enough nutrient that it's difficult to bring the rez ppm's down all the way, but I'm pretty close. After rotating the solution for about a half-hour and then testing, the rez was at about 200 ppm. Considering the Final Phase increased the ppms by about 70 ppms, we were left with approx 130 ppms. After tomorrows identical flush, I hope to be down to ~100 ppms or lower, which will likely be the final test before chop time Friday evening.

So I unplugged my light this evening as well - by Friday evening at 7 pm, it will have had about 43 hours of darkness. I can't imagine I'll see much more difference in size of the tops at this point, but wow they're already looking fantastic. At this point, I'm hoping this last flush will pull out any left-over nutes from the buds. I tasted a few leaves from various parts of the plant, and couldn't taste any me, that's a good sign that the plant is already quite 'clean', but this flushing will be a good closing touch, hopefully giving an even whiter burning and tastier bud.

Things are looking up - just over the horizon, the finish line is ACTUALLY in sight!!

Stay tuned for more updates this week and plenty of pictures of chop-to-trim-to-hang-to jar!!! :leaf:


Scientia Cannabis
Sounds like she's ready for a chop soon ^^
Never follow those labels, I've learned that the hard way, rather give too little than too much mate!
That sure is a long time for 1 plant, but the results cannot be denied ;)

Keep up the good work and can't wait for a smoke report, my own TD is doing REALLY well now after some slow growth and is showing her true colours.
I can't wait to try it!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like she's ready for a chop soon ^^
Never follow those labels, I've learned that the hard way, rather give too little than too much mate!
That sure is a long time for 1 plant, but the results cannot be denied ;)

Keep up the good work and can't wait for a smoke report, my own TD is doing REALLY well now after some slow growth and is showing her true colours.
I can't wait to try it!
Thanks! I'll be sure to post a few smoke reports as it cures. The slow growth seems to be a common issue with this strain - I saw the same thing early on in my grow but attributed it mostly to the new hydroton in my waterfarm and the fact that it was not yet 'seasoned' as it drove my ppms up a bit.

Good point regarding the product labels - they will always tell you to use the supplement more, as then they will be able to 'sell' you more - makes sense from a marketing point of view. This is just a clearing solution though, so it's a bit different - no nastly chemicals, actually quite the opposite - but still, I think 7-10 days of flushing in a hydro setup is a bit extensive... I hope my 2 days are sufficient - no more lights, so it will not be drawing it up as much as when the light was on, but it did get 5 hours of light with it in, so...


Thanks! I'll be sure to post a few smoke reports as it cures. The slow growth seems to be a common issue with this strain - I saw the same thing early on in my grow but attributed it mostly to the new hydroton in my waterfarm and the fact that it was not yet 'seasoned' as it drove my ppms up a bit.

Good point regarding the product labels - they will always tell you to use the supplement more, as then they will be able to 'sell' you more - makes sense from a marketing point of view. This is just a clearing solution though, so it's a bit different - no nastly chemicals, actually quite the opposite - but still, I think 7-10 days of flushing in a hydro setup is a bit extensive... I hope my 2 days are sufficient - no more lights, so it will not be drawing it up as much as when the light was on, but it did get 5 hours of light with it in, so...


I hope my girl grows up to look as good as yours. She is 6wks and needs a new home everyone want baby's from her but Iam
Not sharing

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
hellz yeah

tell me how they cure

i had difficulty with the whispy buds. im interested in seeing your techniques :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, trimming this biatch will be quite the task. We should end up with quite a lot of quality trim though.

I'll try to get a few pics tonight of it all hanging - I'm going to chop all of the prominent tops, and then remove the light from the tent and hang them in the same place - that way I can use the same vented, filtered tent for drying. We'll pull them in and out of that tent as we trim them all.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HI Dayzt, those are really beautiful close up pictures. I especially like this one where i can see the calyx's form on top of each other in little pointy rows with the pistils popping out at the end. That is very unique in my eyes, i havent seen much of that before on a strain. Very cool. I thought you were chopping this week? :peace::joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
HI Dayzt, those are really beautiful close up pictures. I especially like this one where i can see the calyx's form on top of each other in little pointy rows with the pistils popping out at the end. That is very unique in my eyes, i havent seen much of that before on a strain. Very cool. I thought you were chopping this week? :peace::joint::peace:
I think it's because that bud is laying sideways, so all of it's "branch tips" (buds) are pointing straight up at the light.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I think it's because that bud is laying sideways, so all of it's "branch tips" (buds) are pointing straight up at the light.
i think it's a strain thing....

i had foxtails on pretty much every nugget... they would appear to grow straight outwards if the plant wasn't on it's side..

i think it's a genetic trait, leaves some very whispy looking nuggets in the jar


Well-Known Member too stoned tonight after the chop, so I couldn't start trimming this eve - will get some rest tonight and start a long trim day tomorrow just before lunch. Got some pics though - just some shots of all the largest tops hanging - still quite a lot of bottom stuff to cut yet, and some of it had quite a lot of bud - just more leaf to trim...

Enjoy - more to come in the next few days!



Well-Known Member too stoned tonight after the chop, so I couldn't start trimming this eve - will get some rest tonight and start a long trim day tomorrow just before lunch. Got some pics though - just some shots of all the largest tops hanging - still quite a lot of bottom stuff to cut yet, and some of it had quite a lot of bud - just more leaf to trim...

Enjoy - more to come in the next few days!

Holy God batman those are looking goood. Nice job man.