Barney's Farm - Tangerine Dream - Waterfarm!


Well-Known Member
Very nice work all together. Are you off on Monday you said for numerous days, aye? I'd take a small jar with me if I was in your shoes :)


Well-Known Member
Damn, didn't know you were already chopping it down. I'd hate to trim that monster! Looks like it would take a week.

313 Kronix

Active Member
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, it looks amazing! But as a Tangerine Dream grower I am hoping to get an idea of what to look forward to is all. And this is the only grow I am seeing of TD that is this far along in it's grow.

And....OMFG!!!!! That's from 1 plant?!?!?!?! Wow now I'm really stoked.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, thanks for all the posts! - this weekend has been a ton of work - got the whole thing done for the most part - a small amount of screen-buds still need to be divided from the stems yet, but the full stalks are all hanging. My wet weight is around 1000 grams, plus we stripped alot of the outside buds and I'll need to spread them on some screens to dry this week - need to get some from Ikea in the next few days for that, but it looks like there will be another 200 grams or so of small 'budlets' in the lower trim, and then rest will all go into the trim-bags. I ended up with about 5 bags of high-quality trim which will be excellent for hash and butter.

Pics will follow in the next few days as I get things organized and cleaned up. I got some pics of the lower stem as well which is really cool looking - there was quite the stew of roots in the rez, and it was quite a mess as I found a lot of nutrient buildup down there. I think it will be a lot better next time with the extra air-stone down there - we'll see. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Fat tree, great job.
Feels nice to grow a tree eh?
Look at all that plant tissue and tree bark.
You met it as a seed. And gave it all the minerals and water to form that structure. You created that.


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I've been vaping my tangerine from the 7 week cure jars... It's incredible.

Just plopping a nug out, grinding it to dust and throwing it in a volcano bowl and tasting the sweet sweet vapors.

Super smooth on the lungs, slightly fruity with very sativa-hash-y flavors all around... all in all just very pleasing to the mind. giddy, hazy (not the strain) high. excellent for waking up in the morning, or 'waking up' in the middle of the day after some lengthy errands or something..

congrats again!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
fuck me those are some tall plants..just getting started it seems too.. very interesting setup dude, seems to be working great


Well-Known Member
fuck me those are some tall plants..just getting started it seems too.. very interesting setup dude, seems to be working great
That's one plants in a 5 gallon custom made rdwc/drip/aero bucket :-D

Thank ya still experimenting with it but seems to be working out just fine so far.I'll try to take more detailed pictures of it and post them up one day. School started again so time's limited.


Well-Known Member
Wow sutra - your plant looks a bit familiar! =) I think with some LST you wouldn't have such tall stalks, and thus multiple average sized ones like I did.

One thing I noticed about this plant, is that the bud sizes are a bit deceiving - they're not nearly as heavy and dense as indica buds - like SrV said, they're very 'airy' and 'fluffy' buds which appears to be genetic. I'm guessing that with a bigger light, they would be a bit denser, but with all the sativa influence, maybe not so much. We'll sure enjoy this plant, but we certainly won't miss the painstakingly long time it took to trim! Near the end I was just stripping the stalks that had minimal buds on them - those buds are totally smokable, and not considered 'popcorn buds' for hash, but I'm going to dry them spread-out on screens in the drying tent and then remove the extra leaf afterwards - it would take literally days and days to manicure all of


Well-Known Member
I love trimming bud.
But I had to trim this leafy fucking 13g 12" nug.
It was such a bitch.

And it was random bagseed, so the leaves were only half as frosty as they should be..
You know how leaves are in sets?
Like primary secondary trimary whatever,
I had to remove another generation of leaves because they weren't frosty enough.

I'm NOT stoned yet, so sorry if that doesn't make sense.
I should go find a bowl..


Well-Known Member
I love trimming bud.
But I had to trim this leafy fucking 13g 12" nug.
It was such a bitch.

And it was random bagseed, so the leaves were only half as frosty as they should be..
You know how leaves are in sets?
Like primary secondary trimary whatever,
I had to remove another generation of leaves because they weren't frosty enough.

I'm NOT stoned yet, so sorry if that doesn't make sense.
I should go find a bowl..
I completely understand - there was one stalk on this girl that had a 1/4" wide 'flat' stem which appeared to be a result of two stems grown together...odd. The bud on it was so leafy that once I'd removed it all, the bud underneath was too underdeveloped (pale whitish bud kinda like what you see in non-viable white seeds) to determine if it was okay or not... I hung it to dry and hoped for the

Don't get me wrong, I love to trim too - but after 7-8 hours of it and you look down only to realize you have tons The sativa buds are so much more work than the heavier indica doms.. but the scissor hash was fantastic! :leaf:

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Congratulations DayzT! your doing an awesome job. Try to meditate while trimming in different places and postitions, different postures but try to maintain good ergonomics and posture. Music, food, smoke, breaks and please TAKE MORE PICTURES! this should be an absouletly wonderful expereince for you! I wish i were there to help you buddy! What are you listening to right now? Im listening to YES . YES you Can..hahahahah take it easy!


Well-Known Member
Congratulations DayzT! your doing an awesome job. Try to meditate while trimming in different places and postitions, different postures but try to maintain good ergonomics and posture. Music, food, smoke, breaks and please TAKE MORE PICTURES! this should be an absouletly wonderful expereince for you! I wish i were there to help you buddy! What are you listening to right now? Im listening to YES . YES you Can..hahahahah take it easy!
I love yes.
And I can't wait to trim next round now!


Well-Known Member
Here comes the majority of the trimming and harvest pics - I'm taking a few more tonight of the stem and them all hanging in the tent, other than that....enjoy!! :leaf:
