Barneys farm - pineapple chunk (cab, LED, DIY waterfarm)

Day 23
Still streching ha my fat indica has completely changed to mostly sativa running out of room here!!!!
Tbh i prefer the high off sativa so i think im guna like the finished product, defo prefer the look and growing style of the indica tho, hopefully these colas fill in with bud, i dont think its a good idea to grow sativas with leds :/ bit worried about light penetration...
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Day 24
Risked leaving the light where it was last night and it burned the tips of some of the leaves on my cola on the right and one of the left actually grew past the light so it is at its highest point now before having to remove the filter n all the hassle that comes with that... was hoping strech would have stopped by now :(
Yea dont have the time to adjust everything so im guna have to bend it, when did ur strech finish? do you have a link to ur pc grow?
Day 26
2 pictures today pre and post supercroping, following bbc's advice im curious to see how this will turn out but as you can see in the pre pic she has not stopped streching yet... the last two days the smell off its has changed and gotten stronger its gone from a fresh tomato plant smell to a kind of chemical skunk with a bit of lemon hopefully just the fact its in full flower now n will stop streching 20161028_154508-1.jpg 20161028_154857-1.jpg
defiantly i was a bit unsure about doing this so late but the buds changed position within a few hours id say now u have to look close to see the super cropped brances and my canopy is level, it is starting to kick out a really nice smell now its like pineapple and incense, starting to see the trichbomes on the leaves now so thats obviously were its coming from, hoping its the end of the stretch haha even tho ive been saying it for weeks if she stays wer she is ill have a complete blanket of buds, starting to get fun now
Day 31
Hope ur right about the 9 weeks bbc, she looks like she has a long way to go and still streching... guna be away for 2 days so maybe ill notice a diiference after that but most likely it will just have grown past the light again
Day 34
More bud sites maybe a lil bit bigger but still streching past the light every few days, i will be supercropping till the end by the looks of it, may effect my yeild but nothing i can do about it, if i switched my filter now and lifted the lights it would strech to meet it again in a few days, i should have been stricter at the start and really kept her tied down, live and learn i suppose20161105_093536-1.jpg