DemonTrich Grow Journal-- BF Laughing Budda and BF Pineapple Chunk from seed


Well-Known Member
im sure your will as weeks go by. what week are you at in flower? what nutes and strains you running? I added a "density" additive the last couple weeks as I thought mine weren't getting fatter. so im not sure if its the added "density" nute, or the fact they are nearing the harvest mark. either way im happy with my first grow so far. after I harvest, dry and cure.....that's another story on how happy ill be. lol


New Member
Im in week 3 of flowering, using....dont laugh KC36 i know theyre shite but Im new made the mistake of picking these, germed 4/10 and had 1 male, ripped it out after 1 week as it had balls like marbles. Im using supervit and Big Bud


Well-Known Member
do you have a link to your grow? post it up, id like to check it out.

8/23 update
nothing really new to write about. looked at the trichs on the girls today again. all plants seem to be a mix of clear and cloudy. NO amber on bud sites yet. they are fattening up nicely tho. I might have to stake up the KKSC plants, as they are kinda falling over on my other strains. ill be watering tomorrow, so ill do it then. my old CG is coming over today and gonna take a look at my progress so far. its always nice to have an experienced 2nd look at the progress. I wish they were ready to chop, as my veg room is ready to flip!! i think my timing is off by a week, as they are getting big. just hope they don't out grow the flower room.

the Pineapple Express bagseed plant is coming along nicely. she/he/it is still under 600mh 18/6 in the veg room. I top dressed the solo cup with FFOF soil to give her a little nute burst.

in the VEG room. im having some issues on the plants. I am having some red leaf tops and side of leaves. im not sure what the problem is. I have a "fruit fly" issue. they are NOT fungas gnats. I hit the plants with a watering of spinosad, then 3-4 days later I have this problem. im sure its from the spinosad watering. im thinking I need to flush the plants, then give them some nutes on the next watering. ill get some pics up now. the red has gone away slightly since the last watering with 1/4 nutes (thought it was nute def). now im thinking it was from the spinosad watering. but no more fruit flies. about 20% of all the leaves on 6 plants have this. all got fed the spinosad solution per the label.



Well-Known Member
so I flushed the veg room plants last night. I was only able to use 8 gallons per 5 gal pot, as I ran out of useable water. I have 2-31 gal and 1-18 gal water containers. what a pain in the ass that was. since I grow in my basement, my only option was to flush in my 4x4 stand up shower (upstairs). oh well, I got it done. now I guess I have to sit back and wait. I did top off the pots with fresh FFOF soil. when the pots dry out, ill hit then them with a 50% nute feeding.

also watered the flower room tonight. still NO amber on the bud sites. the buds are really packing on the weight and size. the KKSC strains are falling over and im trying to keep them upright. the LB strains sugar leaves are turning a nice purple color, and the PC are looking nice as well.

the PE seedling is coming nicely too. 3rd nodes, but still the usual small tiny leaves. no sign of roots on the bottom of the drain holes. might repot in about 4 days.


Well-Known Member
this is week 9, so I plan on harvesting on Monday. the trichs are mostly cloudy, few clear and one or 2 amber on each bud. this is this weeks schedule:
mon: 40ml of sugar daddy + 2.5ml of magic cal per gallon of h2o
tue: 40ml of sugar daddy + 2.5ml of magic cal per gallon of h2o
wed: 40ml of sugar daddy + 2.5ml of magic cal per gallon of h2o
thurs: flush with 5 gallons of h2o
fri: flush with 5 gallons of h2o
sat: flush with 5 gallons of h2o
sun: flush with 5 gallons of h2o
LIGHTS OFF for 24hrs
Mon: chop/harvest/hang on lines in basement.

Monday is also a deep cleaning of the flower room and veg room, then flipping next cycle into the flower room. potting clones from cloner machine and do it all over again in 9 weeks.

I ordered my brovia humi packs today. 10 packs of the med size at 62%rh. buying my 1/2 gallon mason jars on Friday. probably buy a dozen of them. going to follow the harvesting and curing tek in the subforum.


Well-Known Member
flower room update:
so after even more trich checking, I have 75% or better cloudy and 25% clear. ive only found a few amber on the sugar leaves, none on the bud sites. so I may have to hold off on chopping this Monday. anyone have an advise on if I should chop or wait another week? i flipped 6/28, and all 3 strains are an 8-10 week flowering time. I work 6-7 days a week and 12-14 hr days. I have sat/sun/mon off of work for the holiday, so I was hoping to get the flushing and chop done then when I have time to spare. i did 2 days of really good watering of 20ml/gal sugar daddy and 2.5ml/gal of magic cal (technaflora nutes) with about 1" run-off in my drip trays. today ill start the flushing process reguardless if im going to chop on Monday or wait another week.

Cutting/clone update:
i potted my clones today. i have 17 of 18 make it to potting. 1 didn't take. not a bad ratio. im normally 100% the way i do it, and have been my last 3 cloning grows.

Pineapple express bag seed update:
i talked to my old CG about the found seed. he said it will probably hermie on me. its worth my time to find out, as this strain ive been smoking for the last 6 months and i still LOVE it!! it had 4 nodes on (it) and doing well.

Veg room update:
watered today with 50% nutes. they are getting very big waiting for the flower room to finish up. i may run into some height issues this time around. my current veg height is taller than my flower room plants. oopppsss lol im still trying to figure out a perpetual cycle on the 2 rooms. the veg room is 2 weeks behind flipping (imo).



Well-Known Member
ok so Friday morning on my usual am peek into the room, I looked at the trichs again over all 7 plants. so over night about 10% turned amber. so after work I began my tent swapping and flushing of the flower room plants. I FLIPPED today as well. new batch of veg plants went in, and my flower plants are now in 48 hrs of darkness in the veg room. my veg plants are as tall as my finished flower plants. I hope I don't run into height issues. im flushing the flower girls. last night I used a final rinse product (4ml/gal) @ 4 gallons per plant. today and tomorrow ill flush with 4 gallons of just ph'd water. Monday ill chop and hang in my basement. I already have my 1/2 gal mason jars, brovida 62% r/h packs and temp/humidity controllers (9.95 @ walmart). I also staked the newly flipped plants. the KKSC strain grows out of control and the buds fall over. the flushing, I rigged up some 5 gal buckets and suspend the pots inside it with the help of coat hangers. works perfectly.

the clones are still under t8 6500k 24/7. I also put the PE seedling under the same light as I need the veg tent for 48hrs of darkness to finish the flower plants.

pic 1 is the newly flipped veg/flower plants
pic 2 is the flushing bucket system for the flower plants (kinda hard to see)
pic 3 is KKSC (kyle kushman strawberry cream)
pic 4 is the laughing buddah



Well-Known Member
update for 9/2

I CHOPPED today!!! that only took 2+ hrs to cut and hang in my basement. I have 3 rows, each having their own strain hanging on them. I have a 20" box fan on LOW about 15' away, with 3 a/c registers open down there. this should help keep the humidity levels around 60-60%. if not, then ill remove my portable a/c from the flower tent (they don't need them now anyways) and turn it on the dehumidifier setting. I took a look at the trich one last time. 10% amber 10% clear, 80% cloudy (at least my best guestimate).

Flower room:
going to water them today. my current flower plants are as tall as my flower/chopped plants. im hoping I have the room for the stretch.

they are still under 24/7 t8 6500k lighting. going to water them as well.

pineapple chunk seedling:
it is still growing strong.

now I have my veg room back, ill be putting the clones and PE seedling back under 18/6 600w m/h in a day or two. need to clean it out before hand.



Well-Known Member
What a beautiful sight.. 2 hours is pretty good.. I imagine you will have your work cut out for you when you do the final trim.


Well-Known Member
well I rushed thru the 3 KKSC strains. the other 2 strains I cut and hung each branch, the kksc I chopped the plant in 3rds from the top and just hung them. lol I peaked at the temp/humidity gauge this am and it was at 54%, but fluctuates to 62% high. im going to try and have my wife help me on the trimming after the hanging dry. or she will bish and moan and ill have to do it by myself. she is just pissed she cant smoke any cause the is pregnant. she hates it, lol. she says it smells so good growing, but wont help with anything pertaining to my grow. oh well, im used to doing everything by myself.


Well-Known Member
9/5 update

harvested plants:
day 3 of chopping and my house is smelling nice and ripe. for my next harvest, ill do things a little different. ill dry in my flower tent with the carbon scrubber, removing the light of course for room to hang all the girls. my temps are a consistent 73* and 50-60% r/h. im going to do a little more trimming of the small fans I may have missed and some of the sugar leaves. hoping to save a bit of time on trimming. all my mason jars/lids/caps have been washed and closed up ready for use. going to test all 12 of my temp/hydrometers today with 1/4 cup of salt and h20 to get accurate readings and to see how far off each of them are. some of the buds are slowloy loosing their moisture when being swueezed (gently of course. I have 5 buds that accidently got snipped in the initial trimming of the fans. I have those laid out on a screen (flipping 2x daily). I might let them dry 80% on the screen and toss them in my bowl and get a smoke out of them. the bad this is I don't remember what strain they are. lol

they are still under 24/7 t8 6500k lighting. im keeping them under this light as I need to slow down the growth and buy another weeks time to time my cycle better. im overlapping by 2 weeks. shooting for a couple days. if that makes sense. no visible roots on bottom of solo cup holes. so they stay in the cup for now.

PE seedling:
still growing strong. 5 small nodes on it. still no roots visible on the drain holes in the solo cup. so in the cup it will stay.

thanks again everyone for following my grow, and continue to follow and give me tips. ALL yips, weather good or bad are always welcome. with the RUI community, I would have been lost and most likely would have killed my girls.


Well-Known Member
for sure. I put a small nug of KKSC thru my grinder a bit ago. should be ready to taste test tonight after it dries a bit more. I know its not cured, but I cant wait any longer to try it out. oh the smell of it, and loaded with trichs. looks awesome thru my 45 powered scope.


Well-Known Member
9/6 update

well I started to trim up the stems hanging in the basement. I got about 8 branches manicured (or what I think is a decent manicure, lol). wow, what a pain in the ass that is to trim up. oh well, ill have some trim to make some dry ice/bubble hash with or some iso/bho out of it. I called out of work today, as I felt the other branches hanging and they are crispy on the outside (still little moist inside and the stems are bending then snapping). time to finish trimming up the remaining branches and jarring them up. looks like ill put in a 12+hr shift doing this. 7 large plants worth. today would be day 4 after chopping. basement temps are stable at 72* and 50-54% r/h. absolutely perfect for drying from what ive read.

I did test out a sample of the KKSC (I think it was that strain) and WOW was that nice. really nice head high, burned nicely, no sparks or popping. little harsh, but I think that's due to it not being cured fully. but it was still nice. loaded with trichs and the eye appeal is spot on.

after I trim all the branches, ill snap some pics, then more after I jar everything. I hope everything fits in the 12 1/2 gallon w/m mason jars I have. I might be wishing for that amount. lol

I may have to pot them today or this weekend. they are getting bigger.

PE seedling:
it is still growing nicely. still hoping it is a she. but from what ive read, a bag seed will normally turn out the be a hermie if it was from a hermied plant.

after I get the harvest into jars today, ill do a sort of time line from popped seeds thru jarring in one post.


Well-Known Member

heres a couple pics of the Laughing buddah (first 3 pics) and the pineapple chunk (last 3 pics). ill get some of the kyle kushman strawberry cream (KKSC) later today.

I noticed on one of my LB strains when trimming, it hermied on me. found some small white seeds. not a lot, but seen some. I tried to pics them out when I seen them. not sure how 1 plant out of 7 hermies. which im not complaining at all btw!

note: I think after this next batch of flowering plants, that ill only run ONE pineapple chunk. it just didn't live up to my expectations. buds were small and minimal. I got 3 1/2 gallon jars filled about 3/4 the way with the end product from 2 plants. I got 4 or 5 jars of the same from the laughing buddah on 2 plants. I got 4 jars of the KKSC off 3 plants.

the KKSC dried really fast on my make shift drying lines in the basement compared to the other 2 strains. not sure why, all were in the same controlled environment. all jars are reading 64-66% consistant for over 24 hrs. so those are staying sealed for 3 weeks. 2 PC and 2 LB are holding steady at 67% for 24 hrs. the remaining are being burped for 4 hrs then lids back on. their readings are 69% and one has 71%. all the small ass popcorn buds (not worth bagging) got tossed into my trim bag for processing. I have a nice amount of trim and worthless popcorn nugs, about 1/2 a grocery brown bag worth. not sure if I wanna make dry ice hash, bubble hash, iso, bho (scared of this due to the explosion and me living in a condo factor). imo, I should net a NICE amount of what ever I decide to make.

as soon as the remaining jars stabilize under 70%, ill snap a few pics of the jarred product. theres 13 1/2 gallon jars of medicine in total. ill also get an estimated weight as well when I can. I did do a little tasting of the product. I LOVE the laughing buddah. nice head high. the KKSC is also nice. I don't think I tried any PC yet. some of the buds got mixed up in my trimming plate.

I potted the PE seedling, 2 LB, 2 PC, and 2 KKSC for my next rotation. I also needed to buy more soil and perlite. I did NOT buy the usual great white mychorizhae(sp) this time (being cheap I guess). I did add a myco tea for the repot watering. the other few clones are still in solo's.

imo, im gonna run into height room :( I vegged way too long (2 weeks longer than I should). and being in 5 gal pots vs 3 gal like last time they grow larger quicker. they are already showing some flowering charastics.



Well-Known Member
dry weight of the PC (2 plants) was 4.73oz.

so I watered/molasses my flower room last night. I f'n forgot to ph the dam water. my water is 8.0. im a dumbass. now I have to wait a couple days then water with 6.5ph'd water. I hope I didn't stall the flowering growth any by my big mistake. iirc, this would be week 2 since flipping.

the KKSC strain is growing TALL!!!! 5"+ higher than the LB and PC. everything is looking good. just hoping the stretch is almost over as im running out of room (height wise). those 5 gallon pots allow the plants to really get BIG compared to the 3gal I used last time.

veg room is coming along nicely.. the pineapple express bag seed plant is growing nicely. a few more weeks and im taking a few clones, then going to toss it into flower to sex it. fingers crossed, hope it a girl!.


Well-Known Member
You will be fine in soil. I also run 7.9-8.1 from the tap and find it actually drifts down a little bit when I bubble the water with molasses. I have forgotten to pH down a few times since I like to smoke before lights on :D. No noticeable effect, I don't make a habit of it but the run off is fine. FFOF does a pretty good job of buffer most water conditions.


Well-Known Member
cool, thanks bro!!!! ive been sweating it all day at work. I do add 1 cup dolomite lime (powdered) to every 1.5cu' bag of FFOf. so hoping that will help buffer the 8.0 water out. that's what I get for sampling my medicine and "attempting" to work in my pharmacy....I mean garden. lol

is it bad that my 2 KKSC strains are peaking above my XL hood? lol they are in the back of my tent. I have about 1.5' of height adjustment remaining before I hit the ceiling. these plants really took off in the 5 gal planters. holy crap. im hoping the yield will shot it also.


Well-Known Member
did a couple dry ice extractions with my dried and frozen trim from the last harvest. I used 6 lbs of dry ice and a 160 micron bubble bag.

trim weight: 107.6g
pull #1: 11.9g
pull #2: 9.2g

not too shabby

pics 1-3 are the 1st pull
pics 4-6 are the 2nd pull

pic 7 is the KKSC
pic 8 is the PC
pic 9 is LB

