Barneys farm lsd

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
Ok so I bought a ten pack of barneys farm blue cheese and got 1 female lsd freebie.

I read a few reviews and got mixed feelings about it. Vegd it out and flowered it , very vigorous and fast, no signs of stress.

Plant yielded very well and formed very very dense resin packed colas.

Now for the smoke, what a sensation, very flavourful but not like anything I've had before, cinnamon vanilla and pepper were all present. Thick but not chokey. Very smooth.

The high starts abit uppy like a sativa and straight away I thought I wouldn't like it cos that's usually followed by anxiety but it quickly became apparent that this is an indica stone, just a little more energetic .

I acctually think the lsd should stand for like Sunday dinner cos that's what it smells like, it's crazy. For those of you who don't know what a traditional English Sunday roast smells like I dont know how else to describe it. But for those who do, it smells like when your wife is cooking one and all the different vegetables and meat and Yorkshire scents mix and you get that lush smell drifting in. Every time I open the jar I think it's Sunday hahaha.

Very under rated plant, can't speak for other phenos though coz I only got one. Will post a pic of my last joints worth before I roll it later.

Will definitely be buying a 10 pack to see what else is on offer but will mainly be hoping for this pheno again.


Well-Known Member
My lsd was a hermi bitch... She put out crazy weight, almost too dense of nugs. Like 1/2 small buds were a slice and 3-6 med buds are a half z... so to a grower great but I don't know how the end user feels, I almost felt like I was cheating people with z's that weighed over because it was less than half a mason jar

... anyways I wanted to keep it because it was such a yielder but it hermied on me like crazy, small bananas trying to fuck up everything I'm doing ha

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
My lsd was a hermi bitch... She put out crazy weight, almost too dense of nugs. Like 1/2 small buds were a slice and 3-6 med buds are a half z... so to a grower great but I don't know how the end user feels, I almost felt like I was cheating people with z's that weighed over because it was less than half a mason jar

... anyways I wanted to keep it because it was such a yielder but it hermied on me like crazy, small bananas trying to fuck up everything I'm doing ha
Shame about that mate mine never displayed any signs of hermaphroditism, she was a very robust girl, not that she got much stress though.

I think barneys got the potency wrong though, at 24% thc this would be a killer of a strain, I doubt mine was any where near that, but still a wonderful plant. There must just be sum shitty phenos in the mix.

On The Hunt

Well-Known Member
The LSD was one of the first I ever did, and very enjoyable. It was an odd one, tho. I did 2 different ones at different times-liked the first enough to try again..
They were both almost identical, kinda stretchy, heavy yield (for me, newbie), and awesome high. I did them scrog, which was perfect because they needed it, but the buds were really nice sized. It's been awhile, but if I remember correctly, I got 75g off of one, 65g off the other. Both plants were similar structure, flower appearance, aroma/flavor and effect. Mine turned out just like the description, stone-wise. Very visual effect , with 'out of the corner of my eye' distractions, great for movies. Once I got used to that factor, it was one of my favorites, due as well to the overall mood lift. I actually scared myself a couple of times tho, I had to get used to the fact that I was seeing stuff that wasn't there, lol.
While I have not experienced The English Sunday Roast, I can say to me the LSD was certainly unique. Best I can describe it is like camphor or eucalyptus or something, with some lemon peel kinda thing, and a little skunky. It absolutely reeked. This is when I first learned that baggies don't work. Glass or tupperware or something is the only way, lol. It was truly pleasurable, despite my odd description.

The part I didn't like was, both plants seemed to be finicky and didn't like how I cared for them. Other varieties I had going at the same time had no issues. I think they were nutrient sensitive. They both finished kinda sad looking, but great yield and smoke. I've considered trying again, given that the high is one of my favorites so far, but the finicky nature makes me cautious. There are just too many out there to explore!
Barney's was my first foray into growing, I started out with 2 Tangerine Dream, 1 Pineapple Chunk, and 1 Red Dragon. Didn't really know what I was doing, abused the heck out of em, and I still have yet to beat my yield on that first grow. I have a problem experimenting too much, so it goes. All were superb in their own ways IMO, the RD and TD being preferred for me, my wife really favored the PC. She says it helped her the most out of what we've experienced so far with her nerve pain, migraines. and general body/joint pain. It made me want to go to sleep, which is handy sometimes, but it was a real 'pick me up' for her, strange how that works. The RD was such an interesting flower, smelled of lilies, a little herbaceous and soft, no guava tang like advertised, but in my limited experience was the most functional and mood elevating herb I've tried. Ran it again at some point, and got the guava smell and sour tang, but the high was different. I'd like to revisit her sometime. The Tangerine Dream turned out really well. I see more negative reviews of it than ever, but my 2 were very excellent, similar with a little size variation. While I had the finished flower, it was my favorite medicine for going to work-definitely energetic and mood elevating, happy, and clear. Good stuff, but leafy and a pain to trim, with the finished product being kinda peppery with a nice orange skunky background.
Sorry, got off on a tangent Blue Brother. That pic is awesome, chunky goodness! Nicely done!

I'm definitely excited about hearing more from ya about that blue cheese...

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
Hey oth, glad to hear you had a good experience with the lsd.
Well the blue cheese was grown at the same time as the lsd, it's long been my favourite strain, when I chop it it reeks of new rubber lol almost a toxic smell, after a few days drying it changes to that classic fruity cheese smell. Buds were dense and yielded well but not on par with the lsd. Taste is the whole reason I grow this strain its lip smacking goodness keeps me dipping into the jar. The fact it's not as strong as others is fine cos it just means I get to smoke more in shorter periods of time lol. I had 8 blue cheese and 1 lsd in a 1.2 x 0.8 cab and I yielded 10 gram under 20 oz.

I'm currently growing their sweet tooth and I must say its a very bendy plant, it doesn't have the stem strength of the other strains I've grown. I don't think the yield will match the blue cheese and lsd harvest.

Thanks for taking an interest bro

On The Hunt

Well-Known Member
Hey oth, glad to hear you had a good experience with the lsd.
Well the blue cheese was grown at the same time as the lsd, it's long been my favourite strain, when I chop it it reeks of new rubber lol almost a toxic smell, after a few days drying it changes to that classic fruity cheese smell. Buds were dense and yielded well but not on par with the lsd. Taste is the whole reason I grow this strain its lip smacking goodness keeps me dipping into the jar. The fact it's not as strong as others is fine cos it just means I get to smoke more in shorter periods of time lol. I had 8 blue cheese and 1 lsd in a 1.2 x 0.8 cab and I yielded 10 gram under 20 oz.

I'm currently growing their sweet tooth and I must say its a very bendy plant, it doesn't have the stem strength of the other strains I've grown. I don't think the yield will match the blue cheese and lsd harvest.

Thanks for taking an interest bro
Absolutely Blue- I've long been eyeing the Blue Cheese, in my searches it carries the most positive reviews of Barneys strains. Any pain relief in yours? Always looking for something that tastes great and kills pain! I've hedged around Vanilla Kush and Crimea Blue also, but there's only so much time and space..there's a lot of folks more experienced than I, who don't favor Barney's, but I've had only very good results in the face of some tough treatment and limited numbers/selection. So it goes. Keep up the good work!

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
Absolutely Blue- I've long been eyeing the Blue Cheese, in my searches it carries the most positive reviews of Barneys strains. Any pain relief in yours? Always looking for something that tastes great and kills pain! I've hedged around Vanilla Kush and Crimea Blue also, but there's only so much time and space..there's a lot of folks more experienced than I, who don't favor Barney's, but I've had only very good results in the face of some tough treatment and limited numbers/selection. So it goes. Keep up the good work!
I've also heard barneys getting a bad wrap on the forums but as far as I can tell they're spot on. I wouldn't say it was a great painkiller like others I've tried (paradise's Wappa for example) but it certainly reduces inflammation around my shoulder and helps with the general shoddiness that's felt when ones unwell. I'm looking forward to getting a strong painkiller into my room in the form of a Mr nice medicine man. Heard so many good things am About that strain. Just gotta get my cloning technique down coz they're only available in regulars. Is there anything with an indica type stone and good painkilling quAlities that you can personally reccomend?

Yeah mate I know what you mean, even in our full life we'll never try them all, can't hurt to try tho brother!

On The Hunt

Well-Known Member
So very true sir! I've also heard good things about the Medicine Man. Glad to hear you reference Wappa, got that one in the vault waiting for an opportunity some day, along w/ the White Berry.
In my direct experience, I did the pineapple chunk twice, 2 different seeds. 2 different phenos, but both worked the best so far for my wife's pain, primarily gen. body pain, nerve/TMJ pain and migraines. My own discomforts are different, usually insomnia/depression/anxiety/muscle aches. The Chunk did well for insomnia and muscles. I also did one World of Seeds freebie, Afghan Kush Ryder, which turned out really well. Easy to grow auto, super frosty w/ great fruity hashy smells and taste. Had a great muscle relaxing effect for body pain, and with higher doses numbed my teeth and gums, oddly. I really enjoyed it. I also tried Bomb Seeds Hash Bomb, with average results(for pain). Still looking for The One, in that respect. As well for a strain for me that is a true mood elevator with a clear effect and no raciness. These have been my criteria so far, still Hunting lol. As for cloning, it's something I've avoided, out of uncertainty and space restriction..but we've gotta be able to do it once we find that keeper, huh? The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know.
I'd love to hear more about the Sweet Tooth, heard great things, seems to be a classic. Let us know when u can. Happy grow!

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
So very true sir! I've also heard good things about the Medicine Man. Glad to hear you reference Wappa, got that one in the vault waiting for an opportunity some day, along w/ the White Berry.
In my direct experience, I did the pineapple chunk twice, 2 different seeds. 2 different phenos, but both worked the best so far for my wife's pain, primarily gen. body pain, nerve/TMJ pain and migraines. My own discomforts are different, usually insomnia/depression/anxiety/muscle aches. The Chunk did well for insomnia and muscles. I also did one World of Seeds freebie, Afghan Kush Ryder, which turned out really well. Easy to grow auto, super frosty w/ great fruity hashy smells and taste. Had a great muscle relaxing effect for body pain, and with higher doses numbed my teeth and gums, oddly. I really enjoyed it. I also tried Bomb Seeds Hash Bomb, with average results(for pain). Still looking for The One, in that respect. As well for a strain for me that is a true mood elevator with a clear effect and no raciness. These have been my criteria so far, still Hunting lol. As for cloning, it's something I've avoided, out of uncertainty and space restriction..but we've gotta be able to do it once we find that keeper, huh? The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know.
I'd love to hear more about the Sweet Tooth, heard great things, seems to be a classic. Let us know when u can. Happy grow!
image.jpg Sweet tooth aka bendy stems. Will reply soon super baked

On The Hunt

Well-Known Member
That Apple Jack sounds nice, looking good! Wonder if it displays apple flavor/aroma?
On a random sidenote, I had a bomb seeds Hash Bomb hermie in late flower and pollinate a Barneys fem Amnesia Lemon. I got 12 seeds from it, grew out 8 so far. They were all female, and made really colorful plants with a strange apple pie/garlic/body odor sex stank. Really nice, but one o those I couldn't decide if I loved or hated, made ya sneeze while trimming, very pungent. Endless possibilities...

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
The apple jack was like sour apple bubblegum,
There was a pheno of which the high was exactly like the white widdow. Very mellow happy high. Another pheno was very cerebral and racy which freaked me out abit but the appley citrusy fruity hashy flavour was most prominent in this