banana's = more females

Buy ripen if you want your buds to ripen a bit faster it Will be cheaper than a few boxes of bananas n instead of having said boxes in your tent how about you add two more plants n get greater yields cuz I assure u the extra plants will beef up ur yield more than those fucking bananas would. I'm done commenting, this thread should be deleted fir fear of this stupidity spreading.
This has nothing to do with ripening buds, can you read?
If you harvest on a full moon your shit will be fire!!
its hard for people to understand pure science will read uppon myself and check it out because i have my own regular seeds diesel,g13,hashplant will try on if the info is interesting enough because i like new shit :)
If you harvest on a full moon your shit will be fire!!
Here are a couple of passages from Marijuana Horticulture. The first piece can be found in the fifth edition of the book, the second piece will appear in the update of the book.

Environmental factors that influence sex determination of cannabis start the moment seedlings have three pairs of true leaves (not counting cotyledons). These factors include but are not limited to:

1. Increasing the level of nitrogen makes more female plants. Lower the nitrogen level to create more male plants.
2. Increase the level of potassium to increase male tendencies; lowering the potassium level encourages female plants.
3. A higher nitrogen level and a lower potassium level for the first two weeks increases females.
4. Low temperatures increase the number of female plants. Warm temperatures make more male plants.
5. High humidity increases the number of female plants. Low humidity increases male plants.
6. Low growing -medium moisture increases males.
7. More blue light increases the number of female plants. More red light increases male tendencies.
8. Fewer hours of daylight (e.g. 14 hours) increases the number of females. Longer days (e.g. 18 hours) make more male plants.
9. Stress: any environmental stress tends to yield more male plants when growing from seed.

Henk, owner of Dutch Passion Seeds, http://, was kind enough to allow us to adapt this information from his archives.

See Chapter ????, "Breeding," for information on producing feminized seeds.

How to Help Ensure Female Seedlings

Ethylene diluted in water and sprayed on cannabis plants increases the number of female flowers and decreases the number of male flowers. To have the fullest effect, the hormone must be applied before pre-flowers appear. At this point plants are in the process designating their sex, male or female.

The spray releases a gaseous vapor of ethylene. Ethylene gas surrounds and overwhelms plants with the female hormone, promoting female tendencies. When enveloped in female hormone, cannabis plants designate sex and soon start producing female hormones, female pre-flowers and later female flowers. See Chapter ??? Additives, for more information on the hormone ethylene.
Note: Ethylene sprays can be phytotoxic when not diluted properly or applied in hot weather.

From literature it appears that the growth of a male or female plant from seed, except for the predisposition in the gender chromosomes, also depends on various environmental factors. For growers who are well experienced, percentage of female plants is 60% - 90% female, but less experienced growers can end up with 100% male plants. The environmental factors that, according to literature, influence gender are:

- a higher nitrogen concentration will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).

- a higher potassium concentration will give more males (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).

- a higher humidity will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).

- a lower temperature will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).

- more blue light will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).

- Fewer hours of light will give more females (at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or three weeks).

- In later stage, as you increase the light, the plants grow faster and show more females/less males.

Sixteen hours of light per day seems to be the best combination, beyond this makes little or no appreciable difference in the plant quality.

- Another idea is to interrupt the night cycle with about one hour of light, This gives you more females.

- Spray dilute Fish Emulsion ( 1 tablespoon per gallon ). When the plants have three sets of true leaves, plus the top sprout, give them a wetting spray of Fish Emulsion. Do it once a day for three of four days. Top and bottom of the leaves.

- To achieve 100% female plants is to expose young seedlings for several hours to an atmosphere of Carbon Monoxide. It doesn't hurt the plants, but it could kill you.

- Treatment of hempseed with ethylene gas will increase the resulting number of female plants by about 50%. Ethylene is produced by certain plants (i.e., bananas, cucumbers and melons), and these can be used to treat hempseed in a simple manner. About two weeks before you plan to sprout the seeds, place them in a paper bag or envelope and put that in a plastic bag with the peels of a ripening banana or cucumber.

Replace the peels after a couple of days, and change the bags to prevent mold.

- When hempseed is treated with the female hormone estrogen, percentage of females that are produced will increase by about 10%.

Dissolve a birth control pill in water and soak the seeds overnight in the solution. After the initial soaking, continue to treat the seeds by sprouting them on a paper towel soaked in the solution.

courtesy of
plants are pure chemistry and if a special blend of the right conditions the seeds will have better chances of female but not 100% ever but an interesting read i had for the day GO BANANAS
See the info is there mate check out that Jorge Cervantes thing I posted it is in conjunction with henk from Dutch passion
Wow, looks like I missed some shit last night, weed is the biggest cash crop in the US, possibly the world, breeders have done some crazy shit with genetics and people like hempy and whoever came up with scrog method, have truly revolutionized growing. So don't you think if fucking bananas magically turned male plants female...someone would have fucking caught on by now.
I know from growing other plants like Tillandsia or airplants that you can enduce flowering early by placing them in a bag with somethings producing ethylene (banana peel). Not sure about the females but if anythings maybe it'd make them show sex earlier?

Ethylene gas promotes ripening. If you run Co2, you should stop for the last 2 weeks due to it blocks ethylene production by the plant thus slowing ripening.

Jorge is not a ganja GOD.....He has his head up his ass on more then that....

If those lists you posted tokalot were actually working that well - don't you think that the methods listed would be being used and repeated all over.....

Please, just explain to me just the fuck HOW they figured that any of those methods you listed actually work.....How did they know that 50% increased to female - I mean how did they know what the seeds were sex wise that they treated and actually able to conclude that they got a 10-50 or even the 100% increase?
You can't! By average? NOT a viable scientific method of deduction!
It simply is guesstamate reasoning to reach false conclusions. Or at the best, limited effective results that can not be accurately measured due to the FACT that you can not actually KNOW the sex ratio of the seeds your testing......Don't even get me started on control factors....

Mumbo Jumbo at it's best!

Bring on the Pit Bull strain that runs less then 40 days and is over 30%.......Yeah, right. That was real too!

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Wow, looks like I missed some shit last night, weed is the biggest cash crop in the US, possibly the world, breeders have done some crazy shit with genetics and people like hempy and whoever came up with scrog method, have truly revolutionized growing. So don't you think if fucking bananas magically turned male plants female...someone would have fucking caught on by now.
if you read and understand seeds they are not predetermined sex buddy and certain thing might just do it better then you think

"Treatment of hempseed with ethylene gas will increase the resulting number of female plants by about 50%. Ethylene is produced by certain plants (i.e., bananas, cucumbers and melons), and these can be used to treat hempseed in a simple manner. About two weeks before you plan to sprout the seeds, place them in a paper bag or envelope and put that in a plastic bag with the peels of a ripening banana or cucumber. Replace the peels after a couple of days, and change the bags to prevent mold.
Hempseed can be feminized while they are forming on the plant. Fruit peels are spread around the area for two weeks before the plants enter the flowering phase. Remove the skins when the plants begin to flower. Otherwise, treatment with Etephon will accomplish the same effect."