banana's = more females


Active Member
Putting greeny bananas in your grow room till they ripen increases the number of female plants. Lol it's true ask Cervantes
Unless you're talking about feminized seeds, then there's certain tricks to it but those things will be what they will be from the moment that seed is, produced, short of a stress induced hermie.
I know from growing other plants like Tillandsia or airplants that you can enduce flowering early by placing them in a bag with somethings producing ethylene (banana peel). Not sure about the females but if anythings maybe it'd make them show sex earlier?
Also just because someone has been a member of an internet site does not mean they have been growing longer, plants were around before the internet.
If I was some young computer wizz I'd post up all the pics links to this truth but please just google it go on give it a google