BalZacs Guerrilla Grow NY Style 2011


Undercover Mod
oh it doesn't help that I had my dads painting in the car he probably thought it was stolen or some shit. He def. knew it was my car(all the sheriffs in town got me now there is only three of them) and he stuck around for awhile.


Undercover Mod
I'm not gonan be proud but tomorrow if weather holdouts I'll be coming back with pics finally. Sad year kinda ruined my grow guide. With its non impressiveness. Although very stealthy and I think i will still get some nice buds.


Well-Known Member
Why the piggers keep fucking with u bro? Ill show u a pic or two of my outdoor from PA this summer, maybe it'll cheer ya up or maybe some motivation for next year.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for your bad luck Balzac.
Is that the major thing that went wrong- that they were planted too early? Is there anything else that we can all learn from?


Undercover Mod
My white widow mother is gonna be 5 fat colas I can't weight two more months. They are about a week into flowering been fertilizing them for three weeks already with cal mag and fox farm tiger.

I also laid slow release seagull organic turds a few weeks ago for slow release of Phosphorus and nitrogen.

I wanna make the best of this the one good thing is the plants are really stealthy.


Undercover Mod
If my connection didnt suck i could upload more than a few at a time.

I'm using Fox Farms Tiger and Cal Mag this year.

I started fertilizer three weeks ago. I try to start a week before they start to bud.



Well-Known Member
If my connection didnt suck i could upload more than a few at a time.

I'm using Fox Farms Tiger and Cal Mag this year.

I started fertilizer three weeks ago. I try to start a week before they start to bud.
looking good but you should get that one some sulfur, I'm seeing signs of a deficiency in that photo.

epsom salt fixes sulfur deficiency as it is magnesium sulfate, the bacteria break the molecule apart for the plant to absorb.

1 tbspoon per gal. takes 3 days to show effects.