Baltimore Riots, WTF is going on, is this my country?

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I'd probably get chased out of the state by friends and family if they found out I voted for Obama, or was an atheist, or liked transgendered girls. I have a facebook under a different name and just have my out of state friends on it and I haven't even been on there in a month or two.

They'd be cool with everything but the trans thing lol. I mean they wouldn't stop being my friend but they'd be weirded out for sure.

You like transgendered girls?!?!?!? I had no idea. Why did you never bring this up?
Oh they burn their stores, how come-----yeah, they believe they wiII be murder by some cop, why care about the area ?

Go show pictures on TV of a cop shooting a guy in the back, an then be in shock that they go wiId on the streets a few weeks Iater
, on...gosh, what a surprise
How come the community center that was "8 years" in the making, never open ? 8 years, ha,....what a laugh.....that place was never going to open
U were right Buck . U da man. Wished sweet lips would of done this 1 day earlier though. Live and learn just like our naive prez.

*missing comma
*are the
*would have
*missing comma
*i'm sure you meant 'uppity' rather than naive

you're welcome. quit making your fellow white people look stupid.
what if your best friend went into police custody perfectly OK and a few hours later his spinal cord was 80% severed?

Find out what happened. Let the investigation run its course.
Burning down a CVS and looting the joint only verifies the fact that they're dumbasses
Buck, If you walk into a 711 and come out and your car was gone, who would you call?
Or would you call for a pizza and walk home ?
The people who's job it is to uphold some sort of law don't have easy jobs. Thousands of arrests are made every day. Sometimes it just might not go off textbook perfect. These thugs have rap sheets half a mile long
Their likelihood of meeting unfortunate circumstances keeps getting higher and higher
Find out what happened. Let the investigation run its course.
Burning down a CVS and looting the joint only verifies the fact that they're dumbasses
Buck, If you walk into a 711 and come out and your car was gone, who would you call?
Or would you call for a pizza and walk home ?
The people who's job it is to uphold some sort of law don't have easy jobs. Thousands of arrests are made every day. Sometimes it just might not go off textbook perfect. These thugs have rap sheets half a mile long
Their likelihood of meeting unfortunate circumstances keeps getting higher and higher
I personally wouldn't call the police, they tell you straight out they probably won't get your car back, I'd be hard pressed to call the police in any situation lately.. I'd call my insurance and start a claim, If my insurance company wanted to pursue police action to try and recover losses, that's their prerogative. See my earlier post that shows his "rap sheet", and how plenty of people have similar arrest records - minor drug offenses, burglary, simple assault..not a hardened violent criminal..this justifies lethal force? Police have tens of thousands of interactions with people on a daily basis, yet they want to base their actions and interaction with the public on the 1%, probably less than 1% of violent encounters they have? They are criminalizing 99% of the people they deal with just for THEIR perceived safety, which is patently unconstitutional. They CHOSE the job, THEY are the ones that should have to deal with the dangers of the job, not the general public. I'd rather have 10 dead cops than one innocent person..
Stormfront? Enlighten me please..

And I'm not saying there are no bad cops, I'm just saying not all are dirty any other job in the world you get good ones and bad ones..
A good cop not arresting a bad cop makes him a bad cop. Serpico was a good cop but got shot in the face. bongsmilie Very few good cops.
I personally wouldn't call the police, they tell you straight out they probably won't get your car back, I'd be hard pressed to call the police in any situation lately.. I'd call my insurance and start a claim, If my insurance company wanted to pursue police action to try and recover losses, that's their prerogative...
I understand what your saying but in all reality the first question the insurance company is going to ask you is to see the police report.
It seems as though I come off as some kind of cop lover but I'm not. Why can't people understand that there has to be some kind of enforcement of law. Unfortunately, those who have to enforce it are made up of the same human beings prone to mistakes and failure that all of us are. Sure they chose that profession. Just like a carpenter chooses his...then saws off a few fingers cause nothings perfect out there. Shit happens and will continue to happen. But going out there rioting, burning buildings and looting stores only makes them look like the fools they are.
Riots are ignorant and not the proper way to handle Situations like that. Take the riots caused by Rodney King For example. Innocent people getting pulled out of their cars and beating in the middle of the streets. Innocent peoples buildings being burnt to the ground. And people out here working everyday struggling to get by having their stuff ruined by a bunch of idiots. I understand the anger I'm angry too everytime I see it. But everyone contributing to destroying people's property. And harming other innocent people are just as bad as the people they ar Rioting about.
I think riots are good, but pulling innocents from cars and beating them is crossing the line.

Governments should fear the people.
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