Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious

Dave and I have been having a conversation about the possible effects of the IR heat on internode stretching (via PM) and I am posting this pic of the guest (Holly) showing that internode spacing is 1/2 inch (or less) as I believe the stretching on the NL #1's is mostly strain related, second pic is the first planted clone the fist node is 1.5 inches, second is ond inch and 3rd is a 1/2 inch, so far, clones are growing great, not getting rain yet :)

Will also tell you that Dave is working on some good info to post and may post it here or in it's own thread, either way he will share it with us, so look for it :)


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This one is for everyone, I think I like this supercropping thing, I like how they are responding and reacting and how it is filling in the canopy, they all end up looking like candy canes so I want to call this candy canning, rather than super cropping, I have done one of Kat's colas a node lower to watch the reaction, I will try to let the other one go :)


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Looking good Riddle me ! Been lurking alot so haven't been getting my 2 cents in ! Think I,m gonna read up on supercropping though ! Very cool !
Happy first RIU Birthday. This site grew in TRUE info when you joined.
It's cool to see them recover, huh. Excited for Dave's info. I'm getting closer to a plan for my new project FrigiDare 2 Indica. Check it out if ya got time. (Gonna feel like a dumbass if I got that RIU 1 yr wrong) Would you mind tossing up a pic of you IR lamb, or the site it's from?
Happy first RIU Birthday. This site grew in TRUE info when you joined.
It's cool to see them recover, huh. Excited for Dave's info. I'm getting closer to a plan for my new project FrigiDare 2 Indica. Check it out if ya got time. (Gonna feel like a dumbass if I got that RIU 1 yr wrong) Would you mind tossing up a pic of you IR lamb, or the site it's from?

Yeppers 1 year here today :)

not a lamp it is a heater, here is a link, mine does not have the nitelite
from the looks of the pics it looks like you simply bent the stalk just above the node. So the plant reacts af if you topped it but it repairs the bent stem & it continues growing...
I read the tutorial on cropping but your pics really put it into perspective. so everything on the bent stalk grows up toward the light & this is supposed to... encourage more bud growth? better bud growth? It certaily does make the plant look kind of funny, lol. I thik I'm gonna like this, Lookin' very good Riddle
I have been following your thread and finally finished reading it completely. I was intrigued enough from the CMH light grow to subscribe.

I think I understand the let it rain concept, we always just called it flushing. I do however get that you are trying to mimic Mother Nature and she doesn’t flush but rains. While doing so she leaches out the nutrients that the plant doesn’t use and in her own way brews up a compost tea that washes back over and replenishes the nutrient to the soil.

Being a TLO grower myself I do not need to make it rain as often for I have never seen nutrient burn on any of my plants. But it is a great concept!

I am however curious about the IR heater. Are you just trying to copy nature by it being the 1st and last thing the plants see like a normal day? Why I ask is that from what I get out of reading about light is the more red light causes closer node spacing and that IR light causes stretch.

Also I have heard the the CMH light puts out less heat. In your opinion what is the difference between it and the HPS? How close can you get with the back side of your hand before it burns? This brings me to 1 more question about the CMH. The question is about adding Si. Is adding this do to the fact that you are not using real soil or that the CMH causes the plant to grow at a faster rate, and normal nutes can’t keep up, or for pest and disease control. Just curious!

Over all I think you are doing a real nice service here helping out all the noobs. You have some very interesting and sound advice. Oh and the lady porn is nice to. Keep up the good work and I will keep following your thread if that is all right.
I definitely believe genetics play a role in how much plants stretch. Some are just more sensitive to far red light/infrared I believe. I have noticed this with my Skunk Hazes. When I grew them from seed, they were under 1200w of HPS, and well lets just say they stretched until they couldn't stretch any more. The average internodal distance on the first day of flowering was 2.4 inches. I didn't feel that was too bad since it was mostly Sativa.

It wasn't until I got clones underneath my MH bulb until I realized just how tight the internodes can be packed on a Sativa. Im actually quite surprised. These clones have tighter internodes than any of my other strains I grew under HPS, and that includes indica hybrids.

The key difference is thats HPS bulbs emit more far-red light/infrared light that causes stretch.

I did a quick google, and pulled this from a site:

The attraction to photoselective films came about during the energy crisis of the 1980s when these coverings were marketed as energy saving devices. Currently, photoselective plastics are being evaluated for their potential to filter out the near-red portion of the infra-red spectrum – the light that plants use to sense when they are crowded, which leads to stem elongation or "stretch."
Peg McMahon, assistant professor at The Ohio State University, found that a very wide selection of plants (most bedding plants, mums, Easter lilies, poinsettias and others) grown under infra-red blocking plastics are shorter, more compact and darker green than plants grown on open benches without any additional shade. Such a plastic would also be of interest to greenhouse vegetable growers because daminozide (Altar), once the primary chemical for controlling vegetable height, has been banned in the United States.
The implication of McMahon’s research for growers is that infra-red, photoselective coverings could be used to cover greenhouses and retard stretch without the use of, or with a great reduction in the use of, growth regulators. If a product of this type could be successfully developed and marketed, it could mean vast differences in the way most of the horticultural industry functions.

Here is the website I pulled it from:

I thought Id put up a few pics showing how much of a difference HPS, and MH make in terms of stretch. It may blow some peoples minds :).

The first picture are some Skunk Haze males. I couldn't find any good shots of my ladies at this time, but the males and females were very similar in stature.

Picture 004.jpg

And now a clone of SkunkHazeD. At day one of flowering the seed mother had an internodal distance of 2.16. Now its just a hair over 1 inch.


Btw, that Holly looks great. Real tight nodes on that one.
Dave, I read your article and it was exactly my point.

That is why I asked why he was using it if not to just imitate nature by signaling to the plants it was becoming light and then again to signal it was time for night.

Being a sativa man myself I do however know that in most cases sativa has longer node spacing than indicas, but not always. I also agree with you that it depends on the genetics.

I hope you don’t think I am here to argue, for I have been growing sense 1973 and am still learning. That is why I ask the questions. I am always curious to find out about new things that will help to master this wonderful gift from GOD.

By the way I hope you don’t get jealous but I have my eye on your ladies. Nice!
Dave, I read your article and it was exactly my point.

That is why I asked why he was using it if not to just imitate nature by signaling to the plants it was becoming light and then again to signal it was time for night.

Being a sativa man myself I do however know that in most cases sativa has longer node spacing than indicas, but not always. I also agree with you that it depends on the genetics.

I hope you don’t think I am here to argue, for I have been growing sense 1973 and am still learning. That is why I ask the questions. I am always curious to find out about new things that will help to master this wonderful gift from GOD.

By the way I hope you don’t get jealous but I have my eye on your ladies. Nice!

Howdy Dr Nugget and welcome, I do it have the IR heater set up to come on before the lights so yes in that fashion I am trying to mimic mom nature, but the real intent of the experiment is to give the plants heat (like the sun does) without it having to come from the light. I have thus far found (as I thought) that the light can be much further away and cover a larger area, but of course the end of the grow has not happened yet???
May I ask what you hope to gain by giving them heat before the lights come on?

Don't know, that's why it's an experiment, I am doing it having read that the IR portion of the suns spectrum is the first thing the plants see as the sun rises, I can tell you I have watched em and they respond to it, they wake up and raise the leaves as if the light was on and it is only for minutes the actual temp does not raise that much before the light comes on

won't know what I'm gaining untill they start buddin :)

I didn’t know if you had an agenda in mind or not. Sometimes just a simple experiment leads to something special. I wish you all the luck and look forward to seeing the results.

I would also like to know what you guys think about the theory of UV light boosting potency.
Well guys, I seem to have lost the email that contained the info Riddleme had mentioned before, but I did find a webpage that has the same info. Its a somewhat long read, and I wont summarize it. If you want the knowledge, you will just have to read all of it.

is this it Dave?

I didn’t know if you had an agenda in mind or not. Sometimes just a simple experiment leads to something special. I wish you all the luck and look forward to seeing the results.

I would also like to know what you guys think about the theory of UV light boosting potency.

It definately increases trich & resin production