Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious


Well-Known Member
Well ya know what they say " great mind's think alike". lol

Everything looking awesome as always. Do let us know what he thinks of what you are doing with the IR.




good read. what kind of light are you using for infrared? You gonn' do it big this grow you got it looking like veggie delight. Can wait to see them flower.


Well-Known Member
good read. what kind of light are you using for infrared? You gonn' do it big this grow you got it looking like veggie delight. Can wait to see them flower.
Not using a light, I'm using an IR heater (puts off IR light) and gonna let em be all they can be

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Well RMH, I guess you lose your bet, as I was right #2 & #3 are girls, both showing preflowers, still pretty sure #1 is the boy though he is not showing yet

pic's so you can see

You'll love the update tomorrow they grew another 3 inches up to 18 now
Dang it, you sure those tags didn't get switched, lol.

Lookin good man


Well-Known Member
Ok got a question for ya?

who can tell me what a sink and source are?

lurkers are allowed to play too


Well-Known Member
the method of how the plants are taking water, sink from the top, source from the bottom. thats just a wild guess


Well-Known Member
no, but good guess

this is about learning to read your plants, there will be a pic, but instead of just postin it I thought we would have some fun first, kinda like the NooB Advice game/class :)


Well-Known Member
source is where the water or nutrient solution is coming from, and the sink is where the source stops through the medium and drainage happens. How's that?


Well-Known Member
No, but your thinkin, bit of a hint, has to do with energy
Source is water/nutrient or soil release of nutrients, by water AND Sink is absorbtion of nute's by roots, and the drainage through the medium. So I was half right and I'm adding to it. On yet?


Well-Known Member
Source is water/nutrient or soil release of nutrients, by water AND Sink is absorbtion of nute's by roots, and the drainage through the medium. So I was half right and I'm adding to it. On yet?
No still off/wrong it is about what the plant is doing, not the nutes or water, member I said this is about learning to read your plants, which means there is a sign you can see


Well-Known Member
is it where there isnt an available source for thew plant to obtain what it needs so it uses it self and drains the 'sink' to take what it needs from itself?


Well-Known Member
is it where there isnt an available source for thew plant to obtain what it needs so it uses it self and drains the 'sink' to take what it needs from itself?
you are very close, you get one ding :)

sink is where the plant stores nutes for later, now how do you know it is a sink by looking at it?


Well-Known Member
No still off/wrong it is about what the plant is doing, not the nutes or water, member I said this is about learning to read your plants, which means there is a sign you can see
I read my plants to decide when to water not a set time/days. So I see their Turgor pressure (sp?) drop, then I see when they are ready for a growth spurt by reading them after a watering. On a cellular level is this involved?


Well-Known Member
I read my plants to decide when to water not a set time/days. So I see their Turgor pressure (sp?) drop, then I see when they are ready for a growth spurt by reading them after a watering. On a cellular level is this involved?
has nothing to do with watering, is more a sign of maturing, plant getting ready to flower


Well-Known Member
has nothing to do with watering, is more a sign of maturing, plant getting ready to flower
Is it The side of the plants getting the far red light (it is not overhead, I'm pretty sure) are beginning to flower while the 'shadowed' from the far red are not. Converting the chemical and flowering. The post earlier involved? If I'm not much closer, I'll wait to see.


Well-Known Member
Is it The side of the plants getting the far red light (it is not overhead, I'm pretty sure) are beginning to flower while the 'shadowed' from the far red are not. Converting the chemical and flowering. The post earlier involved? If I'm not much closer, I'll wait to see.
Has nothing to do with the IR, half of it was posted above, I think you missed it


Well-Known Member
the plant is in sink when the leafs drop after it has used up all its stored nutes aka the source?


Well-Known Member
the plant is in sink when the leafs drop after it has used up all its stored nutes aka the source?
Nope, we have already said the sink is where the plant stores nutes

hence deductive reasoning would say the source makes the nutes for the plant to store

now all that it is left is what tells us which is which when we look at em?

hint it is a common noob question