Bag seed viability

I'm going to try and use bag seed due to budget constraints. Any Idea what I can expect for germ time, average stand, etc. I have about 20 on day 3 of germ. Cheers:?:


Well-Known Member
It varies widely on bag seed. I've pulled seed from bags and found Sativa dom before, I've found others that explode with growth and flower faster than genetics that are better. I've had a couple of really good grows with them that put to shame what they came out of. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
bag seed is hit and miss. i have got some reasonably nice buds off bagseed grows and i have got some reasonably shitty buds.

my honest opinion, if they didnt come out of a bag of high grade shit they probabally arent going to be great. but like someone said above they will probabally put the weed they came out of to shame.

its really not that expensive to grab up a 5 pack of seeds from a breeder and know your going to come out with some nice frosty buds.


Well-Known Member
I've started 4 bagseed recently, and 3 of them were all different Indica dominant, 1 was heavy sativa, but all were from 1 supplier, go figure-IDK WTF he's got growing LOL.
All grew nice, (one still going) and I plan to do a couple more, maybe three for the coming season.
They all seemed to come up within 3-5 days.


Well-Known Member
Go check out my only picture named bag seed. Germ time should be similar to any other seed. You'd be best to grow a few and clone the best of. I got 4 zones a piece of two random bag seed plants. Decent smoke too. Best of luck to you.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
IMO, most bag seeds will have the Hermaphrodite strain. Most growers don't grow males near their garden, and don't want seeds in the finished product. So the only reason seeds are in the bud is because some nanners or balls got loose from a lady who threw out some pollen. So, be prepared for all females with the Herm strain.


Well-Known Member
IMO, most bag seeds will have the Hermaphrodite strain. Most growers don't grow males near their garden, and don't want seeds in the finished product. So the only reason seeds are in the bud is because some nanners or balls got loose from a lady who threw out some pollen. So, be prepared for all females with the Herm strain.
Good catch, thanks-that would explain why 4 out of 4 I have germed, have been ladies, but only my Sativa had a few seeds in it, but IDK, I DID mistreat that one quite a bit also.:roll:

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
Good catch, thanks-that would explain why 4 out of 4 I have germed, have been ladies, but only my Sativa had a few seeds in it, but IDK, I DID mistreat that one quite a bit also.:roll:
I've also grown bag seed, so I learned from experience on this one. I will tell you this: all of the MJ I grew was excellent, even though I had to pinch/pull off balls and nanners during the grow. Good luck!
I appreciate all the input, I see one seed swelling but I have them at a constant 75 degrees f, in some wet paper towels and in a zip top bag. I have to leave for 2 days and will cross my fingers. Cheers


Well-Known Member
Puff up the bags a bit, to make sure you have plenty of air in there if you're not going to be around to open it up for a breath.


Well-Known Member
I always use a coffee can they keep moisture really well and oxygen still gets in...100% success rate for me so far
i have grown three bag seeds two came out females and one came out herm one of them didnt even sprout the three pointed leafs it went straight to 5 and 7 pointed


Active Member
I was doun my first indoor grow frim 2 bagseed and they both turned out to be males :/ id just some cheep fem seeds thats what im doing for my next grow
i am currently growing two diffrent bagseeds they are almost 4 weeks old and the best one is about 6 and a half inches is that a good growing rate? for how much time has passed?


Active Member
Wow, hopes mine are like that,, im 5 weeks in and mine are almost a foot and 8 in,, so I would say your not to far behind, but I believe mine grew very slow until week 4 and then they shot up,,


Well-Known Member
Best thing about bag seed is that it's a mystery plant.You don't have any expectations of it and that makes it exciting.It's also rewarding because you are rescuing the genetics of a strain and giving them another chance ,instead of just tossing it in the when you end up with a few zips of nice weed and you didn't have to fork out for the seed ,thats cool to.

But there is an aside to this.Firstly the reason that there is a seed in your weed might be that it came from a hermaphrodite plant.Which isn't necessarily a bad thing ,but your seed might then go on to be a herm aswell.Some people don't mind this though and if you dont mind seeds in your weed you will have an endless supply of that strain..It could have just came from reg male and female plants to though ,so you might end up with a straight up male..

If the seed is a nice and fat and a good brown colour and doesnt crush in your fingers if you squeeze it it should be viable.
I've also grown bag seed, so I learned from experience on this one. I will tell you this: all of the MJ I grew was excellent, even though I had to pinch/pull off balls and nanners during the grow. Good luck!
Damn.. All this time I thought I was getting hermaphrodites cause some light was getting in. Thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
I've also grown bag seed, so I learned from experience on this one. I will tell you this: all of the MJ I grew was excellent, even though I had to pinch/pull off balls and nanners during the grow. Good luck!
out of 30+ bagseed plants grown outside last year, only 1 hermed