Bag o' Schwag, first grow, closet CFL setup


Well-Known Member
DAY 21

Alright, so I'm back from my break and the kiddos aren't doing as well as I'd hoped, and they're certainly root-bound. I'm getting more money today, so I'll go out and get more pots/soil/perlite tonight and post more pics. I'm going to double the light setup as well, since the babies will be much more spread out in their pots. Also, since everyone else posts their pics IN their messages, I'm gonna start doing that. Easier to look at, and more people are drawn to them. ;)

These 3 are from last night as soon as I got home. Not looking as good as I'd hoped, but not as bad as I feared:

These next 3 are from today. I added a couple bottles of yeast mix for CO2 generation. Hopefully that will help them heal and take to the transplant a little easier. I know I always settle in quicker when there's tons of food around. ;)

That second pic LOOKS like a triploid, but if you look closer you can tell that the leaves just grew wonky on it.

The last pic shows that these guys are definitely not as tall as they could be for their 21st day alive. My educated assumption is that they're root-bound and need much more space to spread out and eat up that light. With the changes I'm making tonight I don't know if I'll be left with any money for blazeables, which would be highly depressing since I'm dry.


Tomorrow's my 21st birthday! Send me rep and presents. :)


Well-Known Member
nice, they def. look good, and yeah they are rootbound, most defintely, especially since the soil isnt even filled to the top in those cups. What you transplanting them into? 1 gallon? 2 gallon? Make sure you dont go to big. Take some shots of the root system when you transplant, id love to see! Happy early bday homie, Ill blaze on for ya!

Muddy Paws

Well-Known Member
Hey Glory! Welcome back from your break :)

I'm gonna PM you a thread that will help you a bit, K?

I did it for ya today figurin it might help you a bit.


Well-Known Member
I'll definitely take pics of the process, and thanks for the link, Muddy Paws! I'll be repotting in the morning, so I should have an update for you then. Good night, RIU!


Well-Known Member
DAY 22

I just transplanted them, and to my dismay none of the plants were rootbound! I'm not sure what's stunting their growth, but the soil they were in was very crumbly, so their root systems SUCK right now. Anyone have a good idea what to do to make them root better?

As promised I took a few pics of the process. From the last picture you can definitely tell I need more lights, but Wal-Mart was restocking last night and didn't have anything that I needed. I also bought a thermometer/hygrometer, and now know that I'll need another fan, and a way to mount them on the walls.


Oh, and don't forget it's my birthday! :D

Muddy Paws

Well-Known Member
Happy Birthday, Glory!!

Nice work on the transplant, my friend! They look good. Looks like we went to early with the transplant, I thought they would be rootbound too.

Check the ph of your water and make sure it's okay, otherwise that may just be burn from the nutrients and the plants will grow through it.

I hate having crappy leaves on my plants too, so next time be sure to flush the soil for your seedlings before you plant them in it.

Nice work, Glory...we'll get ya through the tough stuff!!

Muddy Paws

Well-Known Member
VERY important thing here; Pull the reservoir off the bottoms of those pots and sit the pot caddy corner to the nipples that are sticking up through the bottom.

This will allow the pot to drain so you don't kill your planties :)


Well-Known Member
I was wondering why the drip pans were so close to the pots! I'll take care of that right away, and I also just tripled my wattage, adding 3 150w warm CFLs and 2 more 100w cools, plus another fan. I'm building the new reflector right now, then finding a way to mount the fans because the thermometer got up to 96F! No good, that. So I'm beginning to believe the planties have been very very hot since they were put in there, which would stunt them. The CO2 could also have raised the temps, so I'll keep an eye on it. Hopefully more circulation will do the trick.


Well-Known Member
Here's the new lighting/fan setup. I don't know what to do about the heat at this point.... I just checked it and in direct light the thermometer went all the way up to 105F! NO GOOD.

The plants themselves feel very cool, and the air around them is really cool, too, thanks to the fans. I can't afford a little air conditioner or anything, so I need a cheap way to keep this area cool. Any pointers?



Well-Known Member
whats up man? try removing the ballast from your grow room this will remove the heat the ballast is giving off and they give of alot lol. hope this helps. i read through your journal later im gonna injoy the nice weather here in boston lol.


Well-Known Member
are you useing cfl's? try getting a fan between the lights and the tops of your plants and you should get a little vent to suck the hot air out. sorry like i said i dident read your journal yet lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking it out, bwinn. They're CFLs and there are 2 fans blowing air around right under the lights. I'm not sure where the best place to install a vent is. The whole box is pretty much filled with the hood over the lights right now, so not a lot of air is able to get out the top. I did the best I could, though.


Well-Known Member
105 degrees is almost killing temp. That will extremely stunt their growth, like severely. 5 things Ive noticed that you should do.

1. Get that temp down!!! asap if you want them to live. You have to vent your box, cant you just crack it open? is there a reason your leaving it sealed? You dont even want your temps in the 80's so 20 degrees above that is extremely bad.

2. The transplant did happen to soon, they weren't root bound :( which I thought was the case until you told the temps. This is fine although it will take longer for the roots to spread, but no biggie.

3. Humidity, you need to get it up. You want the RH (relative humidity) in there to be anywhere from 50-70... thats where having your box sealed will help you, but then the heat goes up... so you have to find a good medium. Also if you leave it totally sealed you just have stagnant air, with no new co2. Yeah you have fans but their just blowing around pre used air... its like sticking you in a coffin with a fan and saying you'll always have oxygen, doesnt work that way.

4. Make sure the PH of your water is on check, this is crucial. There are tester kits everywhere, test your water.

5. Nutes/Flush... You shouldn't be giving them any nutes yet, hold off on all nutes for the time being till you see substantial new growth (maybe even a node worth) I would flush them currently with PH'd water, they in 1 gallon pots now? Flush 2 gallons through them each if so. Do you know if your soil contains nutes? Flush, wait a bit and see how they react.

Hope this helped. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks ru8fru. It's not necessarily sealed, but the circulation does suck. The temp just shot up when I posted the last update, it had been just over 80 before. I'll definitely open it up and see if that helps. The humidity is going to be a problem after that, though.

pH is spot on, and I'm not using any nutes other than those already in the MG soil.

How cheap can I get a humidifier?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking it out, bwinn. They're CFLs and there are 2 fans blowing air around right under the lights. I'm not sure where the best place to install a vent is. The whole box is pretty much filled with the hood over the lights right now, so not a lot of air is able to get out the top. I did the best I could, though.
since heat raises the best place would be the top of your room to put a fan that sucks the hot air out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ru8fru. It's not necessarily sealed, but the circulation does suck. The temp just shot up when I posted the last update, it had been just over 80 before. I'll definitely open it up and see if that helps. The humidity is going to be a problem after that, though.

pH is spot on, and I'm not using any nutes other than those already in the MG soil.

How cheap can I get a humidifier?
Depends on how cheap of a humidifier you want ;)... can range from 20-60 bucks. Although be careful of mold, especially in that small area, and make sure you PH the water that you put in the humidifier. I would position your fans so that one has it blowing on the lights (top of the lights and the canopy of the plants) and one has some air blowing through whatever opening you have.


Well-Known Member
is the top of that cabinet open all the time,,if so,,just buy a medium sized box fan,,lay it on top,,air coming out,,and klik it on high,,I grew my last grow with only 20 % humidity or less pretty much the HoLE way through,,and it turned out great,,you could buy a small cool mist humidifier,,and point it at where your air goes in,,hope this helps

Keep on Growin


Keep on Growin
