Badass Movie Scenes!


Well-Known Member
I can't fall asleep and I haven't read this thread in a while but has anyone mentioned the Poltergeist scene when the guy rips his face off in the mirror.
True Blood head twisting sex scene:)
The scene in the STAR TREK('09) move at the beginning when he "kamakazes" the enemy(romulan?) ship,while his wife is giving birth to Capt.Kirk.Im stoned and sleepy give me a break:eyesmoke:They were badass scenes though!:peace:


Well-Known Member

Context is everything in this scene! Dudes betrayed the Corleone family, looks like it was a mistake... lmao


Well-Known Member
Padawan what are your top 5 movies of all time?I couldn't pick just one so im asking for 5 best.Im high and my brain can't function well enough to recall my top 5 but ill post them asap:eyesmoke:I think it took me ten minutes to finger fuck this post:):peace:

Prisoner #56802

New Member
The Clockwork Orange break-in sequence! Yikes! Edited for youtube....



Well-Known Member
Probably a little excessive, but what's a white supremacist to do when two black guys try to steal your truck?!

"Say goodnight!" - that line is terrifying in context! I think I'd rather take a bullet to the chest if I were him!

The way his eyebrows raise when the cops roll up as he's looking at his little brother as if to say "oh well, it was worth it!" was fantastic, I wonder if he ad lib'd that..

Norton fuckin' owned in that role.


Well-Known Member
Probably a little excessive, but what's a white supremacist to do when two black guys try to steal your truck?!

"Say goodnight!" - that line is terrifying in context! I think I'd rather take a bullet to the chest if I were him!

The way his eyebrows raise when the cops roll up as he's looking at his little brother as if to say "oh well, it was worth it!" was fantastic, I wonder if he ad lib'd that..

Norton fuckin' owned in that role.
The "dinner with the jew" scene was a badass scene.His performance was grossly overlooked by awards(maybe it was the his career sure took off after that though.

Prisoner #56802

New Member
^^^^ Norton really learns his lesson is prison when he gets "butt-hurt" (LOL- raped by a dude) and realizes he has to do shit he doesn't want to do to survive - like become friends with a so-called 'nigger' and actually work in the prison, too. That is the true lesson of the film - look at where u will end up if you take this racist shit to violence today. Maybe back in the 50's the shit would have ended right there in the fucking street..... but not today - no fucking will come back and haunt u - there's no hiding from the law anymore

Prisoner #56802

New Member
here's an edward norton RANT from the 25th Hour - damn nice fucking 4 min rant


Prisoner #56802

New Member
the "I'm mad as hell" rant from Network.....from the 80's! A great film

"I'm a human being, god damn life has value!"


Prisoner #56802

New Member
the dropping ACID scene from Easy Rider - tripping in a New Orleans cemetary!
