Bad weed 2 awsome weed


Active Member
this is week three for one of my 6 plant the other five are just now sprouting (will not post pics of them until three leaf set)i use one regular house hold cfl lite/reflector from petsmart. this is the middle of week three i am using the flood system hydro(always in water)w/ airstones from petsmart this is the first post of many give me any negative or positive feedback it's greatly appreciated.



Active Member
no thats just for the veg room in the flower room i got 2 sunlite cfl's and 2 blue spectrum cfl's
this is my second grow first journal so i'm tryin 2 develope new plans that work good for me. like my lite cycle is 18 on/ 1 off/ 2 on/3 off/ then it starts again but basically it's 20 hours of lite i'm also gonna try the scrog (if anyone has any tips on how to make 1 it's greatly appreciated.)


Well-Known Member
Look at my journal I have a pretty cool little scrog and you will find other scrog growers through the journal comments


Active Member
i just moved my larg plant into the flower room but i left hte lite on 18 hrs.
my other babies are poppin up i am gonna wait about 4 more weeks before i add my scrog



Active Member
Please i've reached a major road block in my grow!! Today march 9 upon checkin my progress(1 week b4 i was gonna enter my scrog) i noticed a problem that i thought was nute burn and thought i handled it if u have any i dea of whats goin on wit any of my kids please don't be a stranger post it it is greatly appreciated



Active Member
i know that ain't a scrog i am tryin 2 build 1 out of that well a bigger 1. but my ph is 6.7
i used a airstone from petsmart it 5" ,3 outlet air pump,i have'nt used any nutes bcuz it showed some signs of nute burn.(i'll post pics of my scrog)my little plants are like 3 weeks old and are not growing like my first plant so any idea of there problem


Well-Known Member
those pics arent of nute burn. if anything, thats a deficiency.

I started feeding my hydro plants 1/4 strength nutes at week 2.

what type of nutes are U using?

drop ur pH to 5.5-5.8

the lil ones look good to me. theyre gonna stretch bcuz of the CFL's.
they have the same problem as the older one does. so its probably in ur water. not the nutes (that ur not using.)

i dunno what u mean by "not growing like ur first one" but if u mean not as fast it may be bcuz of a few things (mainly genetics, lighting, stress, and the sex of the plants. most females grow slower than the males.)

ur off to a good start. keep us updated


Active Member
ok. so i should put my advanced nute turantula in at 1/4 the strenght on my oldest.bcuz i just put in my scrog hopefully this problem will be resolved by the time it reaches the screen. how do u train the plant so thebud sites come up from the middile or bottom of the plant to da screen.