bad infestation please help!


i have small green worms with black heads all over my baby eating it alive :,( and there are black dots all over the bottom of every leaf and the worms are eating trails into my very poor so whats a ghetto way to get rid of these please help my babies!


Well-Known Member
Ghetto way? rubbing some dirt in the cuts(don't do this unless you have the urge to see your plants die).

My suggestion: Fill up a spray bottle, put 1 or 2 pumps of some dis washing soap and spray all over the leaves, then take your time and spray under each leaves, all the stems, then when your plant is really soapy, spray the dirt with soap, then spray your planter, then spray your water run off tray.

A better suggestion: Neem oil or other organic pest control formulas.

An ok suggestion: Using non organic pesticides only while it is in the vegetation stage.

Best of luck to you bro, I hate pests.

P.S. If the dish washing soap doesn't work for you then try adding some spicy peppers or even tabacco tea to the mix.


Well-Known Member
You need BT right away. BT= Bacillus Thuringiensis

I use the THURICIDE concentrate, but there are many products that contain BT. Dipel is one. Easy to find at HD or Lowes or similar.

Not a poison and only affects caterpillars. Harmless to everything else. They eat it, it locks up their gut and they die.

The other treatments are going to be less than effective.

I can help you cat . Heard some of the problems wow that sucks, but I need to know more aboutyour set up. Is it indoors? Any pics ?Sounds like you got a case of spidermites as well.Let me know befor you do anything okay and we can get to the bottom of this OH and at what point in growth are your girls at? Let me know ill get back to you tommorrow. Peace the SIZZLER