Bad Day... Grow spot found


Well-Known Member
looks a lot better than i expected after laying down in the back of a sedan for a ride there....

you should be happy with her harvest. yeah poplars always has a way of making me feel better regarding my grows too. :peace:


New Member
Guys those pics are from after i taped it up

It was hella bad before i taped it. Main cola hanging down to the side. Most of the main lower branches hanging down also

I taped it the best i could. Lets see what a week of recovery pulls off


Well-Known Member
I speak from experience... I've seen plants torn apart by wind, taped back together and had a hella nice harvest off of them.... quick action is key, and you got it ;)


Well-Known Member
I don't really either, but I'm letting it do it's thing in the bathroom while the 3 ladies are in the garage. Hope it doesn't hermie on you but just think, you got it out of a hot zone safely, you're not in jail, and your plant's still alive.


Well-Known Member
idk if its a stable strain it wont hermie if it's not there's always a chance... a branch broke on my largest sativa the day it hermied,, but it has hermie characteristics very closely on the edge so a stable plant wouldn't have the same problem... after a few generations I wont have this issue witht his strain though I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
What strain ya doing?

Idk how stable mine is but its a seedsman seeds white widow
check my journal... the desert valley haze is a strain I got from some seeded sativa years ago... I just pollinated a bud of it with climatized blue dream pollen. so I think there's hope, even though I lost my biggest sativa I still have lots of other dank shit in there...

seedsman seeds WW sounds legit bro I think you'll be alright.


New Member
I dont think its eating corn

If it was i think it would have been harvested. Now there hardening up. :(

Piny and a tad citrusey. Im clicking link now:)


Well-Known Member
Well go my monster moved :) Man was that a fucking bitch!!! Took like 2 damn hours ugh

All i had was my small sedan lol so yeah it didnt fit to well :( Snapped a few branches :( So when i got to her new location a pulled her out and she was just like a twig not a tree anymore

So i taped all her branches up and time will tell how she will recover from it :) I will post pics tomorrow i dont feel like going back out there. Also tommorrow im grabbing my other 3

i really hope she pulls through :( I bet i just stressed the fuck out of her also
Woot glad its stable:) ive heard nothing but good from seedsman
how far are you into flowering? looks like i got here too late...i posted to use a truck or something..if i knew you had a sedan the best thing to do would have been to just use the wagon and move it somewhere nearby but far enough away from your old location.

oh looks like it may pull through. if you have a break too late into flower it wont recover...thats the veg stage (primarily) when it heals itself. if you were in veg you would have basically supercropped your plant.

it looks to be pretty early in flower so you have a chance. i think it'll pull through...if not oh well you have a 7 bound to get a relatively good yield either way.

btw. i grew that very strain before (seedsman white widow) mine was indoors though so i can't speak to its quality when grown outdoors...

however indoors its not a great IS a very good strain indoors. i'd say a 1 hitter quitter (only 1 hitter quitter ive grown personally). it smokes just how its described. 60% in your head and 40% in ur body. can be racy if you pull it too early (i'd wait for 50% milky - 50% amber. just dont go too heavy on the amber.

its a nice strain outdoors but it may lack the 1 hitter quitter potency due to the stress (all your top leaves look crappy because its very stressed out). eventually it'll turn around...probably 1 week.

at the least you'll end up with good quality bud if it produces a 1 hit quit when grown without stress.

i personally would like to venture outdoors myself (save on the electric bills!) but im in a location where theres no good places outdoors (i live in a big city with the only nature available being city parks & thats not a good idea). best of luck to you. watch out more carefully for rippers!


New Member
Thanks for that info! Very useful:) good to hear it knocked your socks off

Yeah im about 2-3 weeks in flowering. I will post updates in a week.

Thanks for all your help and reassurance
Glad you got your plant out, bro! You should keep checking back at your old spot just to see what they were doing.