Well-Known Member
lol you never fail to amaze me bro hahahaha
wait for the WW looks to be some dankkkkkkkkkk
wait for the WW looks to be some dankkkkkkkkkk
epic! still fighting the mildew i see tho man, seen a lot of folks with the same problem this time of year
Epicepic! still fighting the mildew i see tho man, seen a lot of folks with the same problem this time of year
yeah man greenhouse are pretty shoddy as far as i can tell.
what size pots are you in DWR? ive probably already asked but im a stoner and my memories...... wait what?
^^ rofl.......yea man those look like day 45-50 not 34. thats sick dude
there looking realli sweet m8. keep up da wkd work
Looks real nice bro...
day 34
Page bump and pic bump! Looking good bro. I fucking hate that powder mildew shit.
Ive not heard that method b4, ive been dabbing each spot with surgical spirits. Buds dunt seem botherd tho D, very dank.
yeah i know cuz the fucking shit world is a fucking shit hole and no one fucking wants anyone to know about this shit !
Try it, u need to have silver quartz sticks... and a mashine that gives it electricity.. u can heal aids, hepatitis.... and evrything there is ... u can just fucking kill it.
I've been drinking the water since 3 months myself now, remember the mice i had...
lol.. i sold em right.. this girl had em, she came crying to me with this half dead mouse... so i told her to give him the water and put him near food and a very warm place..
lets put it like this if it wasnt for the water little mouse would be dead... Also i am trying it out on some patients i have, i am currently building the devices myself... u want one ?
* EDIT *
Ohh and i have electric impulse devices aswell wich u can attack to your body.. heals it in 2 weeks whatever u had.. fungus on your feet u can never get rid of or some type of shit `spot on your ass... 2 nights.. and its gone !
Nice use of HoLE,,,,,,plants are lookin awesome DWR