B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah im in coco already ( shits the business ) im pricing up a 400w and some red cfls for the side/under branching.

im running a 600 at the moment ive never used a 1000 or any other tbh but i have read that the 600s are better for light penetration and more cost effective than the 1000

anyway enough jacking back to the buds!


Well-Known Member
hey guys sorry havnt updated anything had a little problem with the coco grow, it started to have spider mites on top of the buds.. i had to cut them early...

The yield was 400+ gramms.. not over 420 tho :) lol..... <--- crappy yield.

The hesi grow yielded 290 gramms... :) <-- crappy yield..


I have allready given my m8s about 300g's to smoke allready... seem to like it, even tho it was cut a week early.. also gave my business partner some ( 138g's ) smoke... kept 200g's for myself...

and smoked some shit over the days with m8s

here it is :)

The black hand dude is not me.. its my partner... gave him whatever fell out the bag :) we agreed on 100g's... guess he got lucky with the 38 + :D

here's my m8s 138gs he got off me... its the coco grow... sorry i could take any more pics but you know how things are when you harvest... things are more important than posting pics :)

This is the hesi weed, i prefer this one cuz it was in a week later and hase more resin.

200g's or more..




Well-Known Member
lookin grand man but whats with the blue???

yeah sry man, low bat now time to change settings.. was set for flouroscent.. huh.. sry m8 will get you some more snaps while i roll one up tomorrow :D AIGHT :D

those WW look wicked for day 17 dude
DWR rockin the buds as usual
its day 19... and i fed them there first big feed today... should blast off in the next couple of days :D

cheers man

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah sry man, low bat now time to change settings.. was set for flouroscent.. huh.. sry m8 will get you some more snaps while i roll one up tomorrow :D AIGHT :D

sloppy man your letting yourself go.... :lol:

shitter bout the mites i can only recommend one thing hot shots no pest strips. ignore the horror stories of killing test bunnies and mice before they could catch cancer. just means the shit works ;)


Well-Known Member
day 30 Flowering - white widow



Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
naah man im laying off the coke hahahah yeah ive heard a couple of guys used it but used it with other new things in their setup so couldnt accurately say it made the improvements. you reckon its worth it tho i take it!

ill have a butchers at it, after spending £40 on canna boost im reluctant to spend much more for a while lol


Well-Known Member
naah man im laying off the coke hahahah yeah ive heard a couple of guys used it but used it with other new things in their setup so couldnt accurately say it made the improvements. you reckon its worth it tho i take it!

ill have a butchers at it, after spending £40 on canna boost im reluctant to spend much more for a while lol

gives u that extra push... :) u can use pk13/14 as a substitute :weed:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
im already using the pk 13/14 but aparently you can run both side by side. shooting powder looks cheap enough for the 30% extra return!


Well-Known Member
im already using the pk 13/14 but aparently you can run both side by side. shooting powder looks cheap enough for the 30% extra return!
:) well cut down with a & b to 30, give 20 of pk and then maybe half a bag of shooting.. yeah might work.. :D

that WW is just lovin your attention DWR, how u liking the puff from the recent coco?

cheers....... the hesi was better.. i cut it a week later.. coco harvested at 6 weeks.. rofl... :D

hesi got me fuckd up... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well the soil got me way fuckd up.. evry1 was asking for the weed in the soil... :)

oh well... i've got 1 smoke left... :weed: