B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..


Active Member
The Setup/Plants

100_1112.jpgThis is the Timer And the thermometer outside the closet.
100_1113.jpgThis is inside the closet as you can see I have the The Surge Protector connected to the timer. Then everything is connected to that.
100_1114.jpgThis is the Bagseed at 35 days of veg. Really dark green color any reason? Topped/LST
100_1115.jpgThen there is the ROCKLOCK At 5 Days veg. Horrible picture but it has its fan leafs coming out.
Any questions at all?
Looks female to me. :D I think some of mine looked like one pistil too. My guess is either one comes first or it's two and just hard to see.
Some of my better plants have darker leaves, esp since I improved the soil. So maybe it's just a sign they're nice and healthy. Looking good!
Where did you pick up your light? (what the bulbs are plugged into and the chains) I need something just like that!

ETA: Nevermind, I looked closer and see what it is. Nice!


Well-Known Member
critik, looking good bro. Not to chime in after the fact, but did u ever figure out the curling leaves on the bottom. As a rule of thumb, when a leaf curls under it is usually not getting enough of something or it overwatered. If the leaf curls upward it usually has too much of something. also, the purple stems could be a sign of some sort of def. as well. Just my 2 cents. I've seen both of these issues in past grows. Might wanna bump up your nutes just a little and see what happens. Old growth will still stay purple but new growth will be normal. hope this helps, and if not then just throw it out the door and keep going. both are looking good at this point. + rep bro


Active Member

Thnx man I am trying thats All I can say. Now I did not find out what the Rams horn affect in the early stages was. I am guessing over watering. My rocklock is at the same stage and it hasn't curled under And I haven't been watering it like I did the other one when it was at the same age.

I gave the bagseed full strength of schultz twice already(2 waterings in a row) . I am going to give it just water next time. Also I noticed that only the top has the purple stems the bottom doesn't only the top new growth. I also notice that when the leafs are small they seem to have this necrotic dark/light green patches all over the leafs but it goes away as they get bigger.

This plant confuses me in many ways. A fan leaf at the bottom has its edges curled up slightly but isn't worsening.

I just don't know man. But its healthy I can say that. I hope I can learn alot more from the rocklock I am going to do everything different Not water as much, go easy on nutes for the first few feedings etc...

If you want pics just tell me Ill show you everything I am talking about.


Well-Known Member
that's cool man. post up the pics. if nothing else it keeps us all in the loop and helps others chime in and try to help. I started out growing bagseed as well to try and learn what i could on a plant that if it died then oh well. Hell, all of the problems your having with it could just be bogus genetics in the seed. There's really no way to tell. just keep doin what you're doin and we are here to help when we can.


Active Member
I will throw up some pics in a little bit. And A ?. I am noticing the Round leafs on the rocklock slightly turning yellow. Do you know which point in growth they fall die off. Its at 8 days of veg usually they stay on there longer or stay green atleast. There already turning yellow.


Well-Known Member
IMO it varies on how long they will stay on. some of mine stay on for a month or so while others die off earlier. however, i usually use those leaves turning yellow as a sign that they are ready to start getting nutes. start out small, 1/4 strength or so and keep an eye on them. do they already have other leaves or just those round ones?


Well-Known Member
are the leaves on the rocklock curling upwards too?
i had a cfl rubber maid grow with a bagseed but it got a lil burnt from bein too close
i moved and its fine now, threw her outside tho
i also got some rocklock germin rite now along with like 10 other freebies lol
great grow, i will be watching.


Active Member
the rocklock already has its first fan leafs coming out and the other leafs. And no the rocklock isnt curling up but i think it mite we wil c


Active Member
Guys I got a ?. I accidentally cut one of the pre-flowers off while I was trying to tie the plant down. Will this harm the plant in anyway. I mean it was just 1 there's a lot more.