B A G S E E D CFl Grow. Mini Cab/Closet Grow []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[]..


Active Member
A broader defination would be any unintended plant. Ditchweed is cannabis and a weed but the shit I got in my closet is no weed. If you let cannabis go with males and females together outdoors it will be a weed. Cannabis grows like a weed but good cannabis does bot.


Active Member
Alrightyyy now So The Bagseed is growing so much there are stems popping out everywhere So are a ton more preflowers. I Have been giving it just water Since The nutrient burn. I plan on taking clones soon tho Cause I need a Constant flow coming in.
Now the ROCK LOCK has mutant leafs the 2 fan leafs you see coming out have no tips on longest leafs. All the leafs are fine except those two. But I am sure everything will be OK I think I see more mutant-ness coming out tho we will see.
Enjoy the Pictures here you GO100_1184.jpg100_1174.jpg100_1168.jpg100_1166.jpg100_1167.jpg100_1185.jpg100_1179.jpg100_1177.jpg100_1181.jpg


Active Member
OK guys I got a update for you all. I Have been busy cause of work but I am free right now so check it. There pistils popping up everywhere on the Bagseed But nothing on the rock lock yet. The Bagseed has No smell on the forming buds but hopefully later on it does.
Why are some of the hairs on the first pre-flowers turning brown?
What can you tell me about my bagseed? Is it Indica Or Sativa?
Bagseed- 100_1213.jpg100_1212.jpg100_1214.jpg100_1218.jpg12 days of Flowering

Rocklock- 100_1215.jpg100_1216.jpg12 days of Flowering(has mutant leafs with no tips)

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