B.A.C and Greenlabel


Active Member
Hi all.... soon i'm back with every week new updates start in 3 weeks again....
Greets from Holland

Sorts from GREENLABEL:
-Jack Diesel
-Everest bud
-Frosty Kush
-Berry Delight
-Big Jack

all on cocos with nutrience from B.A.C.

[video=youtube;2wVZ5xEUJcI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wVZ5xEUJcI&list=UUQd6li6fSKcIiV59iIPIkjA& index=1&feature=plcp[/video]


Active Member
the first week on 12/12

setup: 400 dimable HPS greenpower.
-20 containers with coco's (11 liter)
nutrience: B.A.C. line for coco's
This week humadity +80%, temperature : on= 28C off=23

Starts EC 1,8 and PH 6.0