awesomest oil rig


Well-Known Member
Very cool looking shit
Only a few weeks ago I didn't have anything special at all. We very recently met some glass companies through business and got some pieces given to us. Needless to say, we are on cloud 9. Looks like I'll have to contact a few more glass companies and see if I can help them out business wise as well. ;)


Well-Known Member
The starbucks ones are cool.

Also love the illadelph rigs, I was at Illusions glass in Denver today lookin at illadelph stuff, tryin to find a mini beaker coil in green.


Well-Known Member
Why thank you evah so kindly sir.

The E-nail is fun, almost too fun... You get Supah-High in a blink of an eye.

The first couple of dabs tasted like any Ti nail that hasn't been properly seasoned.
After that, just delicious oil.

The Quartz domeless took quite some time to season, but now also...just taste oil...errr, sometimes you get that” hot glass” taste if dabbed too hot.

I'm not that familiar with the specs on my new toy/medical apparatus :)

So, I asked my buddy...
Here is a copy and paste of his reply...

Regarding the mechanics of this thing, it uses a resistive heater in an annealed nickel/steel tube, formed to fit this application. There's a strategically placed thermocouple bundled in there as well. I'd love an induction setup, but the closer things are to off-the-shelf, the more reliable and less expensive they tend to be. Heaters like these are usually used in plastic extrusion machines, massive high temp glue dispensers, etc.

He is actually going to switch out my power box next weekend, told me he had resigned the power box to be a less complicated when adjusting temps.
We are currently using 500° C / 950 ish° F

I'm anxiously awaiting, so I can play with temps...
But,'s pretty fucking perfect.

The only change I would make is the nail design, which I'm going to relay as feedback.
My feedback will ultimately determine this guys final design, he is tweaking things according to my comments.
Hence , the free price tag attached. :)

The problem before getting the enail was the ROARING torch screaming at midnight while my wife is trying to sleep.

Now, it's excessive clouds of vapor that fill the room after 3 dabs..
She is actually getting super ripped from the contact smoke...haha.

The bong was also ” gifted” to me by a dear friend that knows I love Mario Bros.

I think the pink hue is dope, I even went and got a pink glass on glass down stem to match.

I really wish I had tons o cash to buy these neat toys.
but having good friends helps quite a bit.

He is the same dude that have me the Micro rig,(Quartz Domeless.)


Well-Known Member
I thought 'seasoning' the nail was just like a myth, saw it one youtube once, some idiot in a wig kept heating his Ti up ad dunking it in water. Are you really supposed to do this with dab shit? I take it this would simply bust a quartz nail, lol. And do you do it like you would season a grill? Rub bho all over it and heat it up? lol.


Well-Known Member
Anybody heard of gabe halliday? Dude blowz the sickest rigs ive ever seen.

Sorry i meant CoylCondenser.. Gabe halliday is badass too tho.


Well-Known Member
"When the surface is uniformly dull gray, it is seasoned."

The most makes total sense till I get to this bit. That is what all my Ti dabbers look like brand new, uniform dull gray. I only use 1 Ti nail anymore and that is the one for my SSV Oil Kit e-nail thing. I never get it red hot, don't think the ssv ceramic heater gets high enough to do it anyway. The thing came grey, and is "stained" from dabbing on it, the bottom where it attaches to the ceramic is blue. Are you saying I need to take a trouch to it over and over otherwise I'm getting bad stuff off when I dab on it?


Well-Known Member
I thought 'seasoning' the nail was just like a myth, saw it one youtube once, some idiot in a wig kept heating his Ti up ad dunking it in water. Are you really supposed to do this with dab shit? I take it this would simply bust a quartz nail, lol. And do you do it like you would season a grill? Rub bho all over it and heat it up? lol.
Al, that's pretty much what I did and I did use some oil when seasoning. I figured it was similar to a cast iron skillet or yeah, a grill. Not sure if/how it worked, but every dab tastes like the material. I can't tell of any other taste. I thought the idea of seasoning was to close or fill the pores in the metal so it would be difficult for residue to build up on a microscopic level.


Well-Known Member
damn glass nail cracked last nite. was kept in room temp too. right when the torch touched it, pop! luckily it didnt crack all the way off. Ive heard glass nails dont last very long.


Well-Known Member
yeah going to go to quartz or ti. Glass was only thing i could get the nite i bought everything locally due to snow storms.


Well-Known Member
Hey thannks for the inputs.... And yea, I did that with both my illadelph hot hit wands. Was like 68 in the house, put it to the flame, and SNAP. hehe.