Automating CBD grow


I was just approved to grow for CBD indoor 5k, greenhouse 20k and outdoor 5acre this season. State I’m in is heavily involved in process even approving hires so I’m trying to automate.

Most of the strains I’m going to grow are regular cannabis with the THC cross pollinated below .3%. Some use hemp but from my understanding its the same growing conditions and state is going recreational real soon.

Im looking for any idea’s. basic math for coco perlite smart pots in greenhouse and outdoor would require like 50k dosed gallons every morning.

Im required to mix tech(arduino/pi) with different grow techniques. planning on ebb flow, drip, dwc, and others. I’m doing so i can spread the resource requirements.

i can go small and manage but id rather maximize as flood gates open. Ive checked out things from growtronix to the full greenhouse automation but current location can go full blackout style. I’d want to add supplemental but currently trying to figure out h-influx, gavita, emerson bars, etc. for indoor.

what would you do?


Well-Known Member
I hear ya, employees suck. Then you have to pay all the extra costs. As long as an LLC only uses 1099 contract workers and the business partners themselves there are a lot of complications and expenses you can avoid entirely.

Automation can be achieved a number of ways. That said cutting clones, potting plants, harvesting, cleaning... Those tasks will be a big chore.

As to automation, dosing pumps, ebb and flow, thats a proven way to go when plant counts don't matter. There is a lot of cutting clones though.

I am not sure as to why you need to run multiple types of grow systems, it seems that may end up costing more to implement and would be more work daily to maintain and operate.

As far as supplemental lighting in a greenhouse I would give CMH a good look. If cost isn't a problem then LED is a good way to go as well.

With a grow that large you should look at using the Jacks nutrients with dry salts. That will save you a ton of cash. Reduces my grow from 978 bucks of GH nutes every flowering run to less than 60 bucks for a full run. I am in the process of making that move myself, you might watch my journal and see the upcoming run.

Another thing to look into is the regulations for waste / used nutrient disposal.

With all the outdoor CBD about to flood the market I personally wouldn't invest in an expensive CBD grow unless there was a potential to convert over to a THC grow in the near future. Right now in Colorado I have sources for outdoor CBD bud at 200 - $250 bucks a pound trimmed, my buddy and I use it to make CBD oils for retail. Looks like good outdoor bud, smells great, sorta fruity, but it won't get you "high". Less than 0.3% THC as per regulations.

Anyways just spouting what popped in my head after reading your post. Hope some of it helps.


Gov said he was going to legalize THC this year and start recreational sales next. limited medical growers can’t keep up demand but doubt this location would work for THC and CBD.

Scope of work I submitted in application requires me to utilize technology to automate and record growing conditions. expecting to use arduino/pi, maybe upgrading to real controllers.

was planning on doing:
dwc for mothers
aero clones
ebb/flow and rdwc indoor, thinking perpetual
drip coco/perlite in greenhouses,
outdoor is tough because of drafting
- mix in soil, smart pots
- don’t know how pollinated affects delta 9 thc

indoor space is blank. dirt floor in half. getting electrical upgrade now but will take months. no rebates for lights but discounted price. designing radiant and waste pipes now.

thinking 301b’s/h-influx for indoor with a few gavita mixed around. emerson if i get it tuned with co2.

supplemental in the greenhouse will be hard with neighbors a few feet away. led’s have to be close and would cost a ton. Want to build a blackout greenhouse deep in woods but need a few crops to raise funds to drag electrical or generator/solar and build new

I’m planning on bringing to retail eventually because of the prices you mentioned. I don’t know if there is any difference in the CBD grown in flber/grain male/female oil and female only CBD indoor. Also trying to find other terps.