Autoflowering plant


Well-Known Member
Looking good, it does resemble lr2 in stature.

Low Ryder has ruderalis in it. Don't let the name scare you it is just herb that came from Eastern Europe and didn't match sativa or indica so they gave it it's own name. Plenty of THC, you should be happy. Does it smell good?

Sorry your thread got so muddled up! I really only meant to tell you to enjoy the ruderalis.


Well-Known Member
Looking good, it does resemble lr2 in stature.

Low Ryder has ruderalis in it. Don't let the name scare you it is just herb that came from Eastern Europe and didn't match sativa or indica so they gave it it's own name. Plenty of THC, you should be happy. Does it smell good?

Sorry your thread got so muddled up! I really only meant to tell you to enjoy the ruderalis.
Well I certainly learned something from it ;-)

Not wanting to risk another muddle up, but if she is a LR2 then 18hours is gonna be your best bet, 12/12 will reduce your yield somewhat.

Oh and I don't know what pick I was looking at in the beginning of your thread, but your recent pic looks just like my LR2's.

Anyway good luck bro, if it is LR2 your in for a treat :weed:


Active Member
Awesome guys, thats what im thinkin too. I heard a rumor thats what was sold around here. She just started smellin right like yesterday, I dunno anything about growing these I just figured moving her to the 600hps would be the best bet. Yea you guys battle it out, people that smoke weed shouldn't fight man. Anyway I'll keep you guys posted with the clones I made of this plant, they seem to be makin a bit of new vegetation. Who knows, maybe you can clone lowryders?! :weed:


Well-Known Member
I wasn't trying to battle or ruin the thread, just correct a guy who was clueless and giving bad advice.

Honestly I'm sorry, it was below me to even talk to him and now he has a personal vandetta against me for some reason.

Must have missed his meds or something today!

You can clone LR but you will not get very much bud production because it will not want to veg just flower. I would say from experience with other strains containing ruderalis, but yours may be different. You will experience stunted growth on the clones and then it will produce a bud with no upwards growth. I've seen people put them in aerogardens because they don't get much bigger than the small machine.

Experimentation breeds knowledge.


Well-Known Member
I dunno anything about growing these I just figured moving her to the 600hps would be the best bet.
Well you seem t be doing just fine and moving her under 600w was a good move.

Just type LR2 into google or take a look at Dr chronics site. And I don't mean to nag but You may want to consider an 18/6 photo period.


Well-Known Member
Well you seem t be doing just fine and moving her under 600w was a good move.

Just type LR2 into google or take a look at Dr chronics site. And I don't mean to nag but You may want to consider an 18/6 photo period.
Tricky is right about the longer photo period. My first grow of a ruderalis (Ice) I went to 12/12 and the bud production was less than stellar. My top cola was as big as my forearm because I LST'd it to the side of my box directly under my HPS light. The plant just seemed to want to continue stretching like in veg but was producing flowers.

12/12 is a safe bet though. Judging by how well it was flowering before you put it into 12/12 I would be you should have no problem on 18/6. Give it flower nutes and lighting and you should be surprised.


New Member
hello everyone, ive been following this thread and it seems there is much confusion about wether Ice from Nirvana contains Ruderalis. I was sceptical to say the least, So i took the liberty of e-mailing Nirvana myself and asked them wether Ice contained Ruderalis. Here is my letter to them and what they said.

· 8 Jan 2009, 09:20 PM
hi my question is about Ice and AK48. I have heard rumours that Ice contains Ruderalis genetics, is this true? If so this would mean AK48 also contains ruderalis genes. This is a great shame if to be true, personally as i do not want this genetic material in my gene pool : ( if in the description for AK48 or Ice had it said that they both contained ruderalis i ceritanly would have not bought those seeds. so can you confirm with me if this is true or not? thanks so much.

Alice · 16 Jan 2009, 10:23 AM
Hi R***,

Sorry for the late reply! Our Ice and AK48 seeds contain no Ruderalis genetics!!

Alice | Nirvana

So this confirms that There is no Ruderalis in Ice or AK48.

Sorry Dubb83 but it looks like your information is wrong on this one buddy..


Well-Known Member
Awesome guys, thats what im thinkin too. I heard a rumor thats what was sold around here. She just started smellin right like yesterday, I dunno anything about growing these I just figured moving her to the 600hps would be the best bet. Yea you guys battle it out, people that smoke weed shouldn't fight man. Anyway I'll keep you guys posted with the clones I made of this plant, they seem to be makin a bit of new vegetation. Who knows, maybe you can clone lowryders?! :weed:

Hey wildbill, u say they just barely started to stink? Jw, cuz i got my lr2ak's flowering and they really don't stink at all, yet. If lowryder is one of those so called 'low odor' strains, it could be another clue as to the strain of ur plant. This is my first lowryder grow so idk if theyre supposed to stink bad or what. Alls I know is I got lowryders, and they aint stinkin


Well-Known Member
hello everyone, ive been following this thread and it seems there is much confusion about wether Ice from Nirvana contains Ruderalis. I was sceptical to say the least, So i took the liberty of e-mailing Nirvana myself and asked them wether Ice contained Ruderalis. Here is my letter to them and what they said.

· 8 Jan 2009, 09:20 PM
hi my question is about Ice and AK48. I have heard rumours that Ice contains Ruderalis genetics, is this true? If so this would mean AK48 also contains ruderalis genes. This is a great shame if to be true, personally as i do not want this genetic material in my gene pool : ( if in the description for AK48 or Ice had it said that they both contained ruderalis i ceritanly would have not bought those seeds. so can you confirm with me if this is true or not? thanks so much.

Alice · 16 Jan 2009, 10:23 AM
Hi R***,

Sorry for the late reply! Our Ice and AK48 seeds contain no Ruderalis genetics!!

Alice | Nirvana

So this confirms that There is no Ruderalis in Ice or AK48.

Sorry Dubb83 but it looks like your information is wrong on this one buddy..
1 whole post and then banned...

People this is a person with a personal vandetta and no knowledge of plant genetics.

What ever Pepsicola, and ruderalis genetics can be bread out as previously covered. I experienced a ruderalis plant from Nirvana and reported it before you even thought of growing herb. On the original Nirvana website it stated it may contain ruderalis. My guess is that they were still trying to stabilize the genetics. The fact is that 6 years after winning the cannibis cup the genetics were not stabilized and many people experienced auto flowering... A ruderalis trait, a trait that only ruderalis and not sativa or indica exibit.

I give you a challenge, tell me why my seeds from that strain auto flowered under 24/0 and 4 20w flouro tubes? Typically I was use to forcing my plants to flower and it was a first for me.

Stop your imaginary crusade. Your spreading mis-information... AKA lies. I don't buy it because I know the truth through experience. I saw it with my own two eyes.



New Member
you are going to kick yourself when you email nirvana and ask them the same question i asked, you will get the same answer i got. The only references on the entire internet about Ice have ruderalis genes have been created by YOU. its all in your head, email nirvana, or better yet phone them! i dare you, you will get the same answer i got.

but the bottom line is - your wrong.


New Member
In Nirvanas description for Ice it says 'a very special Skunk' was used in breeding the Ice. You claim this is a Ruderalis Skunk but perhaps there is a slight possibility it is Nirvanas own 'Special Skunk' variety which was used?? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Explain why my plant auto flowered.... There were many other reports on Overgrow, I was not the only one.

I believe that was the challenge. Why would a plant without ruderalis genetics auto flower? Did I discover a new genetic family entirely... I highly doubt it.

The plant auto flowered and I also posted a reference to another person who experienced the plant auto flowering.

Go back re-read and do more than "internet research" when that plant won the cannabis cup it was not a stable strain and exhibited many different phenotypes.

You prove to me that a sativa or indica without ruderalis can auto flower and I will admit Ice has no genetics of ruderalis in it.

Unless you can change science, I don't see it as possible. Ice = auto flowering = ruderalis.


New Member
Stress can often cause plants to go into early flowering regardless of the photoperiod. This may be mistaken as 'auto flowering'.


Well-Known Member
My plant was not stressed. Perfect environment. It grew great and I was very happy with it. I am not complaining but I am telling you it looked like a tall lanky full on flowering LR plant under my 4 20w flouro tubes.

I really wish they had CFLs back then.

I let it auto flower for a week under the flouros because I wanted to try and accumulate more buds before I changed the kelvin on my flouros and turned on the HPS to finish her out.

I'm telling you it was a classic example. They may have stabilized the genetics by now but 5 years ago it was definitely anything but stable. I have been looking like a mad man for the pictures I had they are on CD somewhere. I have no reason to lie.


New Member
Im afraid as you said yourself, your going to have to admit Ice doesnt have Ruderalis in it. Your 24/7 light schedule stressed the hell out of your plant thats all!! If you dont know that stress can cause flowering then you have a lot more learning to do my friend. adios.


Well-Known Member
Im afraid as you said yourself, your going to have to admit Ice doesnt have Ruderalis in it. Your 24/7 light schedule stressed the hell out of your plant thats all!! If you dont know that stress can cause flowering then you have a lot more learning to do my friend. adios.
Your a moron, 24/7? I said 24/0 and is no different then 18 hours on 6 hours off in most cases other than the electric cost.

Give me a break. That is normal veg, nothing wrong there. You know nothing of my grow and you sit here and say I stressed my plants. That is kinda like seeing color through the telephone right?

standard veg


New Member
Your a moron, 24 hours a day for 7 days a week is what I meant and is no different then 18 hours on 6 hours off in most cases other than the electric cost.

Give me a break. That is normal veg, nothing wrong there. You know nothing of my grow and you sit here and say I stressed my plants. That is kinda like seeing color through the telephone right?

standard veg
A plant may be stressed from many factors, too much light, not enough, fucked up photoperiod, too much water, not enough, too cold, too hot. there are many many many reasons why your plant may have got stressed. and your plant got stressed, thought it was going to die and as a last ditch attempt to reproduce, flowered as fast as possible!

How long are you going to continue to argue with me for? We'll just wait for somebody elses input before anymore posts are made.


Well-Known Member
yeah, four 20W flouros on one plant was too much or too little to veg? Your nuts.

What about the offspring? The genetics that ore being produced as we speak exhibit different properties of ruderalis, not all ruderalis flowers at the same time but they do all flower under 24/0.

You know nothing of this strain. Please explain my real life experiences to me through your highly educated copy and paste google mind. You seem to know everything about everything after all.

I have the real life experience and I stand by my honest word. I am not the only one experiencing an autoflowering ice from nirvana seed co. Especially back in 2004. OG had many articles on it. There were Ice phenotypes that did not show ruderalis. The strain was not stabilized.


New Member
let us recap..

you had a plant that was stressed and it flowered early. you thought this was an auto flowering plant, ie, auto flowering genetics. but indeed you were mistaken. the plant was simply stressed. you assume it has ruderalis and spread around the net that Ice has ruderalis in it. I search and find nothing, i email nirvana themselves (you can see the email on their support area on the website) and they say there is no ruderalis either.
the offspring from that stressed plant will probably be naturally liable to be easily stressed, just like hermaphrodite plants tend to produce other hermaphrodite prone offspring. your breeding a severly fucked up set of genetics!! your wrong. you need to stop saying i know nothing when i CLEARLY know what im talking about.


Well-Known Member
will you please be quiet you silly little boy and wait for input from others, thanks
Sure, what ever... I'm done with this thread and I know you are wrong.

Just as wrong as you were calling the picture at the beginning of this thread "pre-flowers"... Ha ha ha, I want to see pictures of your honest grow, and I want to see pictures that are consistent and have proof of what you got to work with and then we will talk. I think you talk out your ass.

Really you sound like you have never had a harvest or watched a plant pre-flower. I have a good bit of ruderalis experience thanks to Ice and a chunk of it lives on to this day.

Pepsicola, duchebag, POS, johnogroats, what ever your name is now, I don't want you to ever contact me or refernce me again. I don't care much for your oppinion versus my facts and experiences.


P.S. Again sorry for wrecking your thread WildBill420....