Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Active Member
i ant no pro but i would wait till the day the seed bank says just until the buds are huge iv seen some threads were guys go to long wit these autos and leaves just start diein thats when you would kno forsure wats is that lifespand of the ak? 8 or 10 weeks?


Active Member
the life span is 70 to 75 days mate shall i leave them till the leaves are yellow and there startin to go yellow now what do you recon no longer than day 80 mate help lol


Well-Known Member
heres my latest female, pretty sure I messed it up a bit with nutrients so I backed off completely. I only gave her a couple 1/4 strength feedings of fox farms tiger bloom. Seems to be growing pretty good anyways.



Active Member
mp377t lookin nice makes my mouth water. wat is ur strain? how far along are you? i havent started any nutes yet but have read that autos dont need as much nutes and normal strains. looks god tho gonna have some nice nugs


Well-Known Member
mp377t lookin nice makes my mouth water. wat is ur strain? how far along are you? i havent started any nutes yet but have read that autos dont need as much nutes and normal strains. looks god tho gonna have some nice nugs
It sprouted july 10th so that makes her 59 days old from when it sprouted. The strain is unknown, I got a lowlife mixed pack from dr chronic 15 seeds for $48 sounded like a good deal. I don't think I am going to use nutes on these anymore, they seem way to picky about them.

attached is another picture of a female that is actually older than my other plant, but it obviously didn't like the nutes either but I think it's even worse because its in miracle grow soil, my other decent looking plant is in fox farm ocean forest soil, and is even in a smaller container but is bigger. Also that is a picture of my closet which only has auto's in it. Currently 3 females and one male which I just put in a different room. The last picture is a female that showed sex about 2-3 days before the picture was taken.

Oh and I guess I should say that I am using a 150 watt HPS, a 68 watt cfl bulb in that metal clamp light thats hanging, and a 2' 20 watt floro tube to start my little plants. I am kind of just keeping a cycle going so I have a steady supply for myself.



Well-Known Member
It sprouted july 10th so that makes her 59 days old from when it sprouted. The strain is unknown, I got a lowlife mixed pack from dr chronic 15 seeds for $48 sounded like a good deal. I don't think I am going to use nutes on these anymore, they seem way to picky about them.
That harvested plant looks cooked. What are your temps running in there?


I recently got some auto flowering seeds. They are 10 days old and sprouting nicely. Any tips from experienced Auto growers welcome. Can I run the seedlings under HPS right away? and do they need darkness to root and grow bigger? 20/4, 18/6? .

Also as cloning is not an option any tips on pollenating would be swell... some say just leave the male and female plant of choice in the same room.... others say collect the males pollen.... once successful in pollenating, how long do you wait to remove the seeds?

thanks ppl


Active Member
mp377t yeah most autos are picky about nutes ill probably use it once and 1 month for growth and maybe maybe twice for flowering. And for the miracle grow i used it on my last attempt and killed my seedling so i switch to organic. as for the steady supply im with you on that!


Well-Known Member
heres my latest female, pretty sure I messed it up a bit with nutrients so I backed off completely. I only gave her a couple 1/4 strength feedings of fox farms tiger bloom. Seems to be growing pretty good anyways.
nice buds :weed: how tall? what kind? i am growing my first af, and if they turn out i would like to try some others. :peace:


Well-Known Member
76 most of the time, ive seen it at 83 a couple times though.
Huh. That's the perfect temp too. My b. they looked overheated to me. Seen that coloring pattern before myself on one of my grows where I stuggled with temps in the 90s.


Active Member
hello people need HELP again 4 of my AK47 af are lookin good on day 67 but one of them has stoped growing the buds seem to be growing long n thin but the rest are fat and round any ideas could it be the nutes HELP lol thanks


Well-Known Member
this sucks, 1 of my feminized(paid extra for what) auto bueberry is getting balls:cuss: my wife says breed them. that way we won't have to buy any more blueberry seeds. :peace: