Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Well-Known Member
july7 012.jpg

Left to Right: Nirvana Auto Bubbilicous, Nirvana Auto Jock Hororr, Nirvana Auto Northern Lights

All are about 40 days old. They spent 9 days under really flourecent lights, so might have stunned them a little. They have been outdoors since. Barring nothing crazy happens whats the least I can expect from these babies?? plan on curing them for a month before even taste testing.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1031573

Left to Right: Nirvana Auto Bubbilicous, Nirvana Auto Jock Hororr, Nirvana Auto Northern Lights

All are about 40 days old. They spent 9 days under really flourecent lights, so might have stunned them a little. They have been outdoors since. Barring nothing crazy happens whats the least I can expect from these babies?? plan on curing them for a month before even taste testing.
Who knows? Brand new strains. Good luck! A lot of peps are saying they arent auto flowering.
Yours look like they are though... need higher resolution pic!



Well-Known Member
really dude. well use what you want bro. my grows speak for them selves. with autos you dont have 3 weeks of veg so agree or dis agree . iv done it enough to no what works and what dont. good luck with your grows.
highly disagree. To get the largest plant/yield I would highly advise using a blue spectrum the first 2-3 weeks. Without it your plants won't veg to a decent height and you won't yield as much

Actually, autoflowers DO veg, and flower. It's just automatic when they switch from veg to flower. So you SHOULD veg with 6500/blue/daylight lights.

Also, my girlfriend pointed out "Look at the way these two type. I'm gonna trust the guy with proper spelling and punctuation, and not the kid that types like a retard". Dub... mega props to you. you know your shit.


Well-Known Member
Actually, autoflowers DO veg, and flower. It's just automatic when they switch from veg to flower. So you SHOULD veg with 6500/blue/daylight lights.

Also, my girlfriend pointed out "Look at the way these two type. I'm gonna trust the guy with proper spelling and punctuation, and not the kid that types like a retard". Dub... mega props to you. you know your shit.

Thanks Broke :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
View attachment 1031573

Left to Right: Nirvana Auto Bubbilicous, Nirvana Auto Jock Hororr, Nirvana Auto Northern Lights

All are about 40 days old. They spent 9 days under really flourecent lights, so might have stunned them a little. They have been outdoors since. Barring nothing crazy happens whats the least I can expect from these babies?? plan on curing them for a month before even taste testing.
Really hard to say dude - complete noob guess at 45grams total.

Very interested in how the auto bubbilicious turns out, im thinking of trying them next. :peace:


Active Member
is it a good idea to leave your lights on 24/7 for the first 3 weeks and then change to 20/4 for flowering or all the way thru with 20/4 the strian is short rider any advise


bigby, i have had a similar prob to you in the past. it was caused by coal ash that was in the soil mix i was matter what i did those poor plants suffered.all that was happening was each time i watered with ph 6.3 water it started to eat away at these coal ash chunks,releasing calcium into my mix,thus raising the ph of my runoff water.this was supposed to be top quilty garden mix....what a joke [the bag never said ''full of shitty coal ash to bulk out our mix''.]. i now mix my own soil up.hope this is of some help to you.
I swear mine has. The run-off started at just below 6, so I watered with 8 ph water a couple of times. Now when I water with 6ph water the run-off comes out at 7.5ph. The only explanation I can think of for this is that the soil ph has raised. Can you think of any other possible reason?


Well-Known Member
Blimey, that does not sound good. I will certainly look into whether that is in my soil - id be surprised if it is though as im using 'canna terra pro' soil, which is fully organic and is said to contain "a blend of soil, compost, worm castings, perlite and a special 'natural plant booster' which is a blend of organic ingredients... high value organic ingredients such as airy peat moss and types of tree bark that have an antiseptic action are components of Terra Professional". Im almost convinced it was me using water with too high a ph, and adding epsom salts and baking soda to my water during one of the waterings. The only way it could be coal ash is if someone had opened the bags and added it then resealed them again, which seems unlikely.

Really appreciate you taking the time out to answer my question though :-) +rep :peace:


Well-Known Member
is it a good idea to leave your lights on 24/7 for the first 3 weeks and then change to 20/4 for flowering or all the way thru with 20/4 the strian is short rider any advise
I wouldn't say its a bad idea. Never done it myself, or heard of anyone doing it though so couldn't tell you whether it'l provide any benefits or not. How many seeds/plants have you got? Maybe try half of them on 20/4 all the way through and try the other half at 24/0 for the first 3 weeks then switch to 20/4 for the remainder - then you can compare yields and maybe educate us all on a new way to yield higher. :peace:


Active Member
I wouldn't say its a bad idea. Never done it myself, or heard of anyone doing it though so couldn't tell you whether it'l provide any benefits or not. How many seeds/plants have you got? Maybe try half of them on 20/4 all the way through and try the other half at 24/0 for the first 3 weeks then switch to 20/4 for the remainder - then you can compare yields and maybe educate us all on a new way to yield higher. :peace:
thanks for your answer man i have 2 just because i have limited space but will try both just to show you guys how it goes since no one has tried it


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of it for sure. Even though the veg period is relatively short, having the light period longer for it, then slightly shorter for the flower period should make the whole process feel a little more 'natural' for the non ruderalis part of the plants genetics. But, again, whether its gonna make any difference is open to debate - be interesting to see.


Active Member
Hey guys , i had ordered my lowryder bubblicious and my blue mystic from nirvana , i live in northern usa , and i was just wondering since the mountain and stuf if customs and recieving packages is slowed down?

If not how long have you guys recieved your orders?

I am asking cause i cant w8 to get it and i cant w8 to plant it since my time frame is almost up.

ANyways , i ordered my grow bags and i will pick up my bale of promix bx tomorrow , and my ferilizers should be here any day.

I wanted to ask about them , and ask what would you guys do if you had these following nutrients.

How would you apply and at what stages ...

AMINO ACID water solube powder
LIQUID FISH fertilizer
FULVIC ACID liquid fertilizer
HUMIC ACID liquid fertilizer


Jamaican Bat Guano

Let me know how i should use and apply these or how you would with your low ryders.


ps , how do i add a signiture , i have a current grow of some master kush that should be flowering end of this month i think.
But its getting really big and i hadent updated pictures for 2 weeks now , and i will be next week , frogot camera today when wattering.



Active Member
these are my short riders from nirvana and if you see yellow or one fan leaf missing from one plant its because the light fell on top of my plants a few days a go
86.jpg81.jpg82.jpg83.jpg85.jpg87.jpg84.jpg there 12 days old going to be 13 in a few hours , so is it looking good?


is it a good idea to leave your lights on 24/7 for the first 3 weeks and then change to 20/4 for flowering or all the way thru with 20/4 the strian is short rider any advise
I can't give you a definite answer mate, but I can tell you I used 24/0 for 4 weeks under a flouro tube then 18/6 with my hps until done on my Big Buddha Auto. Didn't have a huge yield but the smoke was quality!!


Well-Known Member
Ive been reading every 5 pages of this thread and didn't see anything about topping AFs. I know it will have been talked about but I don't wanna read 95 pages to find out.

So what does everyone think of topping AFs, worth it? When to do it? and which node to do it to?


Well-Known Member
K I need help auto flower people. I am already planning next years outdoor grow and I am looking for an auto or 2 that will stay fairly small, yield halfway decent with decent smoke and low odor. I know you guys probably get this question more often than you like but I am autoflower ignorant so any info on strain or outdoor grow advice will be much appreciated and I do plus rep if anyone cares anymore.


Active Member
Ive been reading every 5 pages of this thread and didn't see anything about topping AFs. I know it will have been talked about but I don't wanna read 95 pages to find out.

So what does everyone think of topping AFs, worth it? When to do it? and which node to do it to?
From what I can tell, the general opinion is not to top AF's at all. They are already supposed to be short and bushy, just let them grow....