Autoflower effects vs photoperiod

Jimbo the Gael

Well-Known Member
Just got my first auto seeds for next growing season, and I'm not worried about whether it'll get me high or anything. I'm just wondering if anyone has smoked both the auto and photo versions of the same strain, and has any thoughts on how they compare.

This is kinda complicated by some seed vendors who seem to take liberties with the names of strains. I'm pretty sure Amnesia auto isn't usually White Russian x Lowryder 2, for example. I'm talking about auto and photo versions from the same breeder.

Do they have the same effects? Have you noticed any differences?

I haven't had the opportunity to compare before. None of the weed I've bought has said whether it was grown from auto or photo plants, but it would be nice to know sooner than about a year from now when both the auto and photo versions I have seeds for are both done curing.



Well-Known Member
Autos are always different. That's why you should get good autos instead of "auto versions". Mephisto has great autos, not sure how easy they're to find at the moment though.


Well-Known Member
Just got my first auto seeds for next growing season, and I'm not worried about whether it'll get me high or anything. I'm just wondering if anyone has smoked both the auto and photo versions of the same strain, and has any thoughts on how they compare.

This is kinda complicated by some seed vendors who seem to take liberties with the names of strains. I'm pretty sure Amnesia auto isn't usually White Russian x Lowryder 2, for example. I'm talking about auto and photo versions from the same breeder.

Do they have the same effects? Have you noticed any differences?

I haven't had the opportunity to compare before. None of the weed I've bought has said whether it was grown from auto or photo plants, but it would be nice to know sooner than about a year from now when both the auto and photo versions I have seeds for are both done curing.

There really is no difference as far as high and smoke. On the other hand growing is very different. There is no light changes and you need to have either 24 hour light or 18/6 hours of light, dont transplant alot if, if you transplant, only do it once, they use less nutes compared to photos, usually a quarter to half a dose, topping is sometimes frowned upon for autos, autos have very little wiggle room for fucking up, there not like a photo were you fuck up and just extend the veg period, once you fuck up with autos you can expect your yields to drop quickly. I would say autos have more issues than photo's. I like autos though, they are done quick, and there tiny plants.

Jimbo the Gael

Well-Known Member
There really is no difference as far as high and smoke. On the other hand growing is very different. There is no light changes and you need to have either 24 hour light or 18/6 hours of light, dont transplant alot if, if you transplant, only do it once, they use less nutes compared to photos, usually a quarter to half a dose, topping is sometimes frowned upon for autos, autos have very little wiggle room for fucking up, there not like a photo were you fuck up and just extend the veg period, once you fuck up with autos you can expect your yields to drop quickly. I would say autos have more issues than photo's. I like autos though, they are done quick, and there tiny plants.
All good advice.

I'll be growing outdoors, so the amount of light shouldn't be a problem. I already have the 26 litre fabric pots for them, and I'll be going straight from starters to there. I won't be topping them. Maybe lst, but that has been hit or miss for me in the past, and given what my photo plants yielded this season I don't really need to worry too much about how much I get here. I'll be using Megacrop. I figured I'd start at 1/4 or 1/2 dose and see how they handle it, but they shouldn't need it for the first month. I use promix organic veg & herb mix so they'll have plenty of food for at least 3 or 4 weeks.

26 litres would be about 7 gallons. I know most auto guys would think that's overkill, but better too much root space than to little. I'm doing a mix of autos and photos next season, and it'll almost all be recreational. I have enough meds for a couple of years stored up from this past season.

Thanks for the response.