Autoflower Easy Ryder Grow Journal - PC Grow


Well-Known Member
Alice is looking great man!
Really stocky and solid, Looks like she is getting plenty of light!

How old was she when you put her under the grow lamp? Or did you put here there as soon as she sprouted?


good god is that gary b? what a nut goda love the guy i had to show my gf that pic she started to lhao only gary would have a mini gary to play w/ lol


Well-Known Member
Alice is looking great man!
Really stocky and solid, Looks like she is getting plenty of light!

How old was she when you put her under the grow lamp? Or did you put here there as soon as she sprouted?
Soon as she sprouted she was under the old CFL's. To be hoenst I made a few mistakes with this grow. Regarding light at begginning, bit root bound etc.


Well-Known Member

Hey everyone, you all ok? For everyone who cares I had a good weekend with lots of sex and drinking which always nice.

Its has been lovely to come back and see my ladies! I missed them well bad. Unfortunately so problems have occured because I havent been here. Basically Alexandra got bit heat burn. I come in opened the wardrobe and she was basically touching the light even though I moved it miles away when I left! I was surprised.

Both Alice and Alex have had a big nute watering which should help them.

Also I have a question, Alice is quite short, very short node space and foilage everywhere! and only a few bud sites. Even though Alex is younger by 6 days she is lot less foilage, just over taken Alice in height but with lots lovely bud sites. What causes this difference? I just wanted an idea.

Alice is on: Day 25
Alexandra is on: Day 19

So enjoy the pics and all comments appreciated and I will try and answer any questions. p.s. still cant find my fucking camera!



Well-Known Member

Right guys you know I was worried about my mum as she was getting suspicious? Well this weekend was dday and she text me a couple times and I thought o fuck but when I read the text was totally irrelavent. I thought great she hasnt looked. WRONG. I was sitting on here and she walked in and said I looked at your plants in your wardrobe over the weekend... I said yeah you know there cabbages? Trying to act dumb. She said I looked it up on the internet (probably google image and typed something like cannabis plant). I thought bollocks. Again acted dumb. I siad yeah and? She goes they look nothing like them there totally different leaves. She said I just was checking. I am presuming she just saw some 6ft monster Sativa plants. SCORE!!!!! she is now totally at ease and wont be peeking anymore. Relief or what!


haha kick ass man lucky when i first started i had a lil record cabinet next to be and one day my sis when lookin for cd's go fig shed come for mine anyways next thing i know i come home from work and my mom and dad are both crouched over on their elboes googelin at my baby...... i thought i was fucked for sure then the first thing out of my moms(Who i was most worried about) mouth is "well how much longer?" i just about shit my pants they figured if i could keep it under their noses for over 2 months then i could finish it out! my sister was pist of course she thought she was gona have leverage against me and they spoted it before she could even rat me out lmao... so im wonderin if your mom's not the one playin the dumb card on you?! either way i would still keep tryin to stealth it as much as possible good luck!

youll really know whats goin on when they get to stinkin like crazy!
or mabe she was sayin they look nothin like cabbage


Well-Known Member
haha kick ass man lucky when i first started i had a lil record cabinet next to be and one day my sis when lookin for cd's go fig shed come for mine anyways next thing i know i come home from work and my mom and dad are both crouched over on their elboes googelin at my baby...... i thought i was fucked for sure then the first thing out of my moms(Who i was most worried about) mouth is "well how much longer?" i just about shit my pants they figured if i could keep it under their noses for over 2 months then i could finish it out! my sister was pist of course she thought she was gona have leverage against me and they spoted it before she could even rat me out lmao... so im wonderin if your mom's not the one playin the dumb card on you?! either way i would still keep tryin to stealth it as much as possible good luck!

youll really know whats goin on when they get to stinkin like crazy!
or mabe she was sayin they look nothin like cabbage
Nice story man, well I dont know about my mum but I will keep it stealthy as possible. Hopefully move out sooner rather then later then wont matter as much. As for smell I am keeping it under major control. To be honest she must have had a little woft when she looked at them but I don't think she knows what they smell like. O yeah also I have my DIY Co2 yeast and sugar bottle in there and to be honest the wardrobe mainly smells of beer haha


Active Member
hows the smell for you? i have 2 easy riders in my pc about 20 days from harvest and they stinkkk! im going completely stealth also, and the carbon filter i put on saved my life lol.


Active Member
talking about stealth... theres no way i could have grown anything whilst living at home, that with a fan and a huge light going, its just too bates, all i gotta worry about is if the landlord fancies coming over... but im good at the moment, gasman didnt notice a thing, but starting to smell it in my room when i come back from uni...

built a new exhaust fan today... will wait to the weekend to set it up though, gotta get some duct tape and make this mofo tight before it starts to smell real bad....

safe tho geezer, make a hash brownie or something with your pride and joy and give it to your mum at the end, just a secretive nod to her, she'll love it for sure... I gave my mum a joint once, she loved it and it just knocked her out for a couple hours, was too funny!



Well-Known Member
s'up man. How r ure plants doin? Many bud sites forming?
Yeah alright, see latest picture update? Alcie real bushy with fe sites and Alex alot leass bushy but will be taller and got tons bud sites. Strange. Any reason behind this you think? How about you grow?