Autoflower Easy Ryder Grow Journal - PC Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey man, aint bin on for a while, looks like ive missed alot. Sorry to hear aba ure grandad...thats not so gud. Plants r lookin swish tho! Shoud take off with the new light...but be carefull about heat issues!
I made that grow journal i was talkin aba earlier...links below for anybody interested!

Hey dude, yeah the light has been installed today! come well quick. I will go and sub over at your journal. Yeah seems hot and I mean I got a small fan in there in the 80's. Not ideal but working on it. I mean im away till sunday night again so only my parents home so if burns down that will be a funny conversation


Well-Known Member
Im going to check temps when I get home sunday night which I fear may be ridiculously high but my final purchase is going to be again from ebay - 3 in 1 unit - Air Cooler, Humidifier (not exactly needed but you know) and Air Purifier! Solves all problems for my wardrobe grow! I don't see why people dont use it instead carbon filters and shit loads fans etc.


Well-Known Member

My plants have NOT over heated and died since I been away the weekend which is fantastic. My mum says its a fire hazard and said I can move everything to the outside concrete shed with electric. Result. Im going to germinate my last Easy Ryder seed and my free LA Woman seed tommorow.


Active Member
alright dude... sounds awesome!

Your mum still think theyre cabbages? you gotta take a pic of the setup with the new 400watter and NFT system...

peace dude


Well-Known Member
alright dude... sounds awesome!

Your mum still think theyre cabbages? you gotta take a pic of the setup with the new 400watter and NFT system...

peace dude
I don't know what she thinks. It does seem pretty bate. Alexandra has suffered some heat stress. I really don't think I am going to yield much at all. I don't know if im going to use the NFT yet there still happy in soil so you know. I tried taking a pic but everytime I point my iPhone camera towards the light it puts massive blacks lines across the picture so you can't make out shit. I think it may be the magnetic ballast throwing it off somehow.


Well-Known Member
quick tip, dont take pics with your iphone, when you take a pic, iphone saves your location(for some pointless reason) in the exif data of the pic, so people could possibly track you down etc.


Well-Known Member
quick tip, dont take pics with your iphone, when you take a pic, iphone saves your location(for some pointless reason) in the exif data of the pic, so people could possibly track you down etc.
Arrr great tip. Vary much appreciated. + rep to you sir. I do have a 8.4? mega pixel digi cam sumwere but my parents took it to turkey and i havent seen it since and im pissed off about it!


Active Member
Alexandra has suffered some heat stress. I really don't think I am going to yield much at all.

Mate youll get enough to have a few good sessions no doubt... important thing is were learning through experience, imagine when we light that first spliff from our own months worth of labour, gonna be amazing!


Well-Known Member
Mate youll get enough to have a few good sessions no doubt... important thing is were learning through experience, imagine when we light that first spliff from our own months worth of labour, gonna be amazing!
Yeah too true! I'm going to try and sell spome to get some chronic reg seeds. There £60. I'm going to plant my LA Woman soon meant to be killer smoke and killer yield. If it female take clones ;) actually might germ it today. I might veg it for one month then flower it. When can you start taking clones? Can you clone by just putting in soil? May research today.


Active Member
dude your in the UK im gonna start germinating just before april as im gonna get it growing till the point i can take a few clones then grow it outside in some woods fairly near me, got a killer secluded spot surrounded by a bunch of nettles, gonna be shweet, bit shaded tho but these plants do the fuck they want!

As for growing in soil, my bro always used to take a clipping and just plant it in some soil and let it do its thing, my bro has a proper green thumb and just sticks it outside and lets it grow!

Not sure when but pretty sure you do it after it shows sex... not 100% werent planning on doing it just yet, so ill research it closer to the time!

No woods near you you can grow in?


Well-Known Member
Yeah but very popular always has kids and people with dogs around. I'm goin to veg the shit out this LA women. Take couple cuttings as long as it female then maybe seed her or mother plant her. If I get northern lights I might cross her with male northern light pollen. Got to wait for all this until my easy ryders are done.


Well-Known Member

My new AC style unit which coold air and purifies it is pretty good and has been set up for couple days. I moved everything back inside was getting too cold outside and to be honest looked sus if a helicopter flew over and saw a reasonable heat signature from a shed. All back in my wardrobe and I can keep my temperatures within the 70's which is sweet. Occasionally if I shut the door completely tips over to the low 80's. I will try and get pics up late if anyone actually wants to see?