Auto-flowering outdoor questions


Hello rollitup, a few questions about the Nirvana blue mystic strain.

This will be my first attempt at growing, and I was planning on growing indoors but it was not possible for me. I do however have a balcony that faces almost directly west and was thinking about growing them on there. The only downside is it would only receive a maximum of 5-6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Would this be sufficient for a successful harvest? Also people on the street will have an easy time seeing them once they get a little bigger, so any tips for stealth to minimize risk?

I've searched the forums for an answer and since every situation is different, I decided to make a post.

Thanks in advance for any advice, and stay classy ;-)


Well-Known Member
Your not going to pull a good harvest with just 5-6 hours of direct sunlight. You could try going out and getting a couple CFLs to supplement when ever your girls arent in the direct sunlight. Just my advice but autos do better on the 20/4 or 24/0 light schedules so you can expect a harvest but no more then 14g maybe.


Active Member
im not too sure about autos but ive done blueberry skunk on a balcony facing west with about 5-6 hours direct sunlight and did some in the bush at the same time and the ones in the bush yeilded more than double. pots were pretty small on the balcony ones too so that may have played a factor as well.


Well-Known Member
I've heard Nirvanas auto's do not automatically flower, so I'd probably avoid. Its up to you though mate!

Dr. Yo

Active Member
5-6 hours of direct light will be enough, but you won't have a great harvest. The more light, the bigger the harvest.

It'll be enough though to have some buds to smoke.


Well-Known Member
I've heard Nirvanas auto's do not automatically flower, so I'd probably avoid. Its up to you though mate!
Also heard that, but I've heard they've been fixing them problem and it hasn't occurred as often anymore. Originally their autos did suck ass and people had to put them under 12/12.


Active Member
I've heard Nirvanas auto's do not automatically flower, so I'd probably avoid. Its up to you though mate!
I have a bubbelicious auto from Nirvana just gone into flower in a green house @ 51 N lat. :hump: but im not expecting a heavy yield on this one. id post pics but cant find the USB connection for my camera ._.

to the OP it could still be really hit and miss with Nirvana's autos, i got mine in Feb from a seed shop in Holland so maybe they got new stock or something, but if you already have the seeds id recommend getting something to catch the light from behind, i have a wall of A3 paper, 8 sheets thick, 2sheets tall and wide to reflect all that direct sun light to the back of the plant really helps, you could do it with mylar too!