Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
hot spots
you have pockets of air hotter then the rest and they are sunburning need more air movement above the canopy
I can adjust that easily. Thanks.
just slowly pinch till you hear a crunch
or get your old lady to do it
females naturally have steadier hands
I'm an artist, I have steady hands, I just have a tendency to use too much strength at times.


Well-Known Member
But its in the beginning of flower and I don't really want to stress her that much.

If it comes down to it, I'll bend the tops down.

I have a feeling its going to though cause I need at least 12" above the canopy and I'm losing that space quick.


Well-Known Member
Looks like when I get seeds from her she is going to be put into smaller containers and grown in a sog type grow. I just won't cut the side branches. That should keep her from getting too tall. As it stands the 5gal of space is too much room for a 5.5" height tent.

Guess I should go by the 1 ft per gal eh?


Well-Known Member
I asked my fiancee to pick up some pork chops on her way home this was her response.

Bone or no bone......Me: Its up to you

Thin or thick.............Me: Its up to you

How many do you want?... Me: Use your own judgement.
