Auto Blue Mystic Twin Grow


Active Member
Agreed! But they have to go fanless during repairs an this is the second time theyve had to go fanless for a period of time. so this is a questionable time. but nothing i can do since work begins in me flat in 5 hours or less.


Active Member
Well the second part of the ceilings now been done. my ceuiling is boarded up so it now resembles a a ceiling. just needs to be resealed all the way around, an whatever stuff they need to plaster all over it. Then i get to have fun repaiting it but that wont be until the end of november as the guy claims shes got other jobs to begin, so il be left unfinished for another months time. Oh the joy. but il have both beautys chopped an curing by then.

I think Right madams gonna be ready before the 20 week marker as both her an her sister. accidently got treated to 2 days of constant 24 hrs lighting, due to me forgetting to change the timer to auto an not all 24/7.

But its resulted in quite a few more ambers which is good. i think at the current rate right madam will be due for the chop by next week maybe the week after. some of her still have only a faint sparkle of amber freckles compired ot the main cola which is showing more ambers every few days. It really does seem like right madams gonna need semi chopping unless i leave her going an chop the whole thing at once, instead of just chopping the 7030 amber tricomes ratio when i feel its reached that point. well after a 48 hour enduced full darkness peoid before the chop.

Lefts still some way behind her right sister is look smell an grow so i maybe able to keep her growing even longer than 20 weeks. ive been enjoying some cheese lately but the blue mystic arounds distracted me more than whatever kick arse cheese this is i got off my local supplier. im sure its jamacan the supplier got me cause of its pungenty fruit flavoured taste an aroma. but thats pretty much along the lines of the arouma i had while giving both ladies a good close full body inspection. if you wasnta smoke youd be high under the lupoe tricome checking. i no i feel it but im about to enjoy a mini cheesy cone so all is cool beans.

Yes its a idweek update. but below are things ive been thinking over while htey worked on me ceiling.

The whole you cant grow weed using hydro lighting an non hydro soil is understable, but at the same time silly because if you keep the dro light far away enough the nutes from your soil will already be working underground until you begin add your own nutes. plus then it means not wasting a 1ltr of grow nutesw i never touched.

if you could go dro lighitng an soil nutes i could be all set for a dro grow in less than a few weeks. as the place i get alot fo my stuff have good prices an the items i would need. but no all search results on google, all say you cant grow weed using dro lighting an soil nutes. silly would be great for anyone wanting to make the transition from soil over to dro as a stepping stone instead of jumoping right in head first.

I definitly need to work on me LST but ive them 5 Kaia Kush beans i can mess wiht well when ive got more soil. If the light stuff i mention above wasnt an issue i could be tring me first kinda hydr grow by now but researching that brought no positive feed back. might end up just throwing out the unused nutes i wasted money on since the rules state organic grow nutes cant work with hydro grows.

Im buzzing to much to think more bout this. so thats all. feed back on hydro grows aqn non hydro nute welcome or links if anyone knows of linsk to sites where muti grow types can work will be accepted with open arms...


Active Member

This week confirms the lady on the right has been putting on extra bud weight, because i was greeted by the right madan nearly bend over in half!

Lucky with some cotton thread i was able to to emergancy propping up surgery and today as you can see, right madams looking a little hung over so to speak.

but today they had a refreshing nutes feed, it maybe there last depending on how they both look under the lupoe in a few days.

Leftys still looking more bushy compared to her sister. sadly most of her bushy is the lower bud sites, but there gonna be popcorn buds in my book. before igave them both there nute feeding i cheekly cut off a few popcorn buds off both an they both have the same, yet also different aromas.

i think from now on im gonna work my grows inbetween any repairs due to the stress i have to put these ladys threw, with no fan for days.

tricome wise i think there about 30% amber on both ladys i maybe wrong but my eyes are tired from a few to many alte nights. so in a few days il re check when ive got a few other inconvienient issues sorted out.

Thanks really all this week folks.

Now i need to recover from 2 weeks of constant cheese smoking to keep me sanity while they did SOME of the ceiling work.


Active Member
Im aiming for half ambers/half cloudly for the left lady, since shes not as mature as her sister.

And most ambers Narcotic/couchlock buzz, for the right lady. This is because shes the mature of the pair.

Due to nute feeding i gave them earlier today, both have atleast 2 weeks more. Until i decide if any are getting chopped or left to grow it out more.

but one/if not both of them will be couchlock buzz targeting because it helps with my sleeping. to stop me heading to bed at gone 5am like im about to do now after posting this. an to unwire my mind in the process. hyperactive minds like mind are a nightmare to relax half the time.


Well-Known Member
Very interesting. I love the stink and so I wait too.

...but the only fixed goal for me, trich-wise, is 0% clear.

I will not let amber get too high, yet, before I chop, so I know
that I will end up with some clears.

I suppose that something like 5% - 75% - 15% would be
perfect for me (Clear - Cloudy - Amber).

Good luck,



Active Member
I will not let amber get too high, yet, before I chop, so I know
that I will end up with some clears.

I suppose that something like 5% - 75% - 15% would be
perfect for me (Clear - Cloudy - Amber)
took this a few hours ago. its the lady ont he right who i call the mature one.

since i see them regularly as i can. i can see by looking at this picture that the right ladys not doing so well. Im not sure shes just handling how big shes got. OR if her remaining leafs curling up an yellowing out as something different. she sure wasnt looking as unwell as i though she looked earlier.

Im wondering if this is her way of saying shes closing in on chop time. because even the cottons being tested by her weight. Her bugs are also feeling very think an almost cruchy when you slightly grip any of her main cola buds or surrounding ones.

Ive been on my feet since 6am this morning an only now finally resting but i like to keep this updated as all diarys help future growers.

I will keep you posted when i see any developement! and when ive hybernated for 14 hrs.


Active Member

Well this week i think both are showing there closing in on finishing time, due to how almost crisp most of both ladys feel to the gently grip.

Im content that the lady on the right is feeling an looking better, so thats reasured me. As for tricomes well lady on the left is slowly gaining ambers up top. an the rest of her is sitting happy in the milky tric side of life. but as there atleast another week away from being able to be flushed im gonna leave her to ride it out with her more mature sister.

On to miss right, well shes stinking as well as ever. not to strong aroma wise so no smeel worries. Tricome wise shes looking an feeling the most alomst crunky to the feel. so week 20 will be a interesting one, since i chopped the last BM on week 20. an that will mark 2 weeks after there last nute feed.

Unless they look like they can go another month, they might have had there final nute feeding for this lfie cycle.

As always I will keep you all updating.

Also JD i keep refering back to your quote where you said "5% - 75% - 15% tric count. as that could well be where miss right is heading if my observation is correct. then il be able to sample the best of both kind of different highs.

Have a nice weekend all.


Done some researching HP lights an until i can get a tent kit im gonna stick to CFLs buti may jump from 125w upto 250w red cfl if ive enough £ after the new year as a tents a little more until ive saved a feww pennys up.


Active Member
Both Ladys got a good flush on Monday, to see if that helps them look less crispy friend. but it hink the damage has been done. From me stupidly forgetting to flip my timer from 24hrs on back to the shcedualed 18/6 lighitng twice.

Ive noticed some of the sugar leafs are turning slightly purple which is a trait of Blue Mystic which was a surprize as ive never had trait appear in the last grow. An i no them effects tend to appear towards the nding of the grow cycle.

If i didnt have 2 more weeks before the final ceiling work is suppose to be done, according to the guy who came early this month. then i could plan out my ladys finasl weeks as they dont need any more interuptions thats for sure.

But as i only flushed them bearly a week ago, all i can do is water them an hope they can handle possibly another day of no fan during the day. But the no fan is not a major worry for another 2 weeks unless i get told they cant make the arranged date again.

I hate repairs which take nearly 10 months to freaking finish. youd thing around xmas time the councils repair pariniship team would have some concideration for the xmas stressfactor. an us hidden growers needs. lol but uk is a no no zome so us brits cant really complain.

The next update will be early next week for week 20.


Active Member

Week 20

both ladys are getting more crispy to the feel an covered in milky tricomes with ambers almost on every single site. I couldnt find te bud sites with the BLue shading i noticed last earler but both still smell fruity so im happy to use me nose to check them close up all the time.

even my last grow the buds wernt this crispy so im hoping i aint semi fried them during the 2 past accidentel forgetting to turn their lighting from 24 over to 18/6 while inspcting them...

other than that there both now pretty much popcorn free an nice popcorn to i might add. An now i no cotton might be useful for future tying up since its not failed even under the lighting.

Next week is closing quicker than i hope but soon as its here i will no if i got a new groom an a finished ceiling(debatable very debatable).

IF CC companys are kind to me.I MIGHT own this Hydro Wilma +Tent Package I hand picked in the coming weeks. > <

*Mini Drooling spree right there*

ALso bigger space would mean i can have more chances to experiment without limited surroundings. mainlining to mention 1 ideal...

Thats all for now


Active Member
Theres something to do with the heating i can figure out what it is, but its fried a single remaining popcorn bud i left on my right lady to see how the heating was effectign the lower buds. an just now popped my head in o see that sole remaining popcorn was completely fried it literily fell to pieces soon as i gripped it.

Due to it being so late intot he grow, i cant do anythng major to fix whatevers going on. But the 2 weeks after a flush deadlines nearly up so if im still feeling theres a heat issue they going lights out for 24 hrs then chopping as they smell great, an are just how i want them tricomewise.

and i could have them curing by this time next week before the ceiling is possibly finished so less to semi worry about.

plus th then gives me a more clearer mind for my jump from 150 cfl over to 400w hydro intention. as ive got the ok from CC company so soon as i get me card im ready to buy by future package. I hate counting down the hours tilly ou get credit you need for upgrades an shittle. all stress even during the waiting game

As My sister always says, Toodles lol

If i change my mind about the ladys il post but ive though deep an hard since finding that fried popcorn bud an theres plenty of water an there not over watered either so. but its late im tired so MEh to that an hello nightime joint Good night!


Active Member
Well the ladies both had a final check over under the loupe an the tricomes are now pretty much 40% amber/60% Milky so they both went into the 24 hours pure darkness an no lighting stage BEFORE i chop them an begiin the drying process.


Well-Known Member
Seems like I've been watching these Autos forever! lol.

20 to 21 weeks is a long time to wait, you have great patience. My first Auto finished up on week 9-10, but my amber was only around 5-10%.

40% amber should knock you on your ass pretty well.


Active Member
I think ts all down to seed banks flowering times, i see them as flowering guidelines. this gives you a rough idea of how long until your harvesting. Then you just follow the tricomes progression since they are what we all aim for.

The Tricomes tell you when there ready to be chopped. Simples.

I no smething was effecting my right plant towards the end but ive no cle if it was ph related or not as i never checked that stuff i went on gut instint which all grows since 2012.

But now this grows over an doen i can look towards my future 400w plan ive had no real feedback on. so joined another fourm to see if i can get some feed back.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm sure people would be happy to help you with your next grow, but if you want to jump the gun and say we aren't helping you and you want to run off to another forum fine. You held me onto this thread till the end then burned your bridge.

You have one thread you posted in three times for your 400w thread and it's just your plan, make a grow journal about it, post pictures, make people interested. The second thing is that I see you posting mainly in your threads only and keeping to yourself, so how is anyone else suppose to even know about it. This plant was 20 weeks old and you only have 8 pages, you are calling out for help to no audience. I've only really seen one other person even watch this thread from start to finish. Make more friends on here, be more social. If that's too much to ask we rather not have you around here.

Peace out dude....


Active Member
guess no everyones been fucked over by everyone whos classed them self sas a friend so im just not going to take any notice if your make friends reply cause thats been answered.

were i post is on the newbies selection because noibs need feedback tips an pointers. well thats supopose to be the case on here.

lastly click thread tools above this tpoic an unsub then you wont get updates on this grow.


Active Member
HeLLo, nice plants sir. I just harvested my regular blue mystic and got 2Oz. What is the high like for yours? For me I took 3 bong rips and didn't take effect. I predetermined that nirvana and blue mystic was weak. However the very next day I decided to roll a fat blunt. Boy was I wrong about the potency heheh