auto ak-47xdiesel..2/5 having issues


Well-Known Member
Hey this is my 1st grow and im roughly 3-4 from finish. while they all did pretty good from the get go, about a mth or so back 2 started having problems. i tried flushing and not feeding for a lil after but it seem 2 b getting worse. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks to every1 that has helped me along the way and i included some porn of my other beauties!


T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
im not to up on problems with plants but im guessing you need some calcium and magnessium.......??


Well-Known Member
im not to up on problems with plants but im guessing you need some calcium and magnessium.......??
I dont get why its only on 2 plants tho. i feed all them earth juice grow w molasses and theyre in ffof. I was thinkin mayb due 2 diff phenos? it seems like these autos r unstable, as they wuld b being relatively new. and ye i do use tap other guesses? and how can i add the above?


Well-Known Member
lol what the hell i posted on the thread..guess it didnt show up..yeah cal and mag tall did your plants get..never had that strain before..been interested in them