Australia gun ban? U.S. gun ban?

should firearms regulations and bans continue to escalate in the U.S.?

  • yes

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • no

    Votes: 23 92.0%

  • Total voters
Exactly. I was responding to bucky, saying he could kill more people in a DAY with 100 rds in an AR.

I said all those rounds won't kill every hit person, even in the head, because a gun is NOT the "most efficient" killing machine and certainly not an AR-15

We could run 3000 doomed Jews under the blade in that same day. But, even that was not efficient for some.

Zyclon gas, even, is not that efficient. It cost money, there is delay in filling and then deploying the room again, etc.

Mr. G's blade won't need to be resharpened that day. Dull as a post it will still take your head off. It is low energy, a green machine.
i accidently stepped on my balls and tripped and fell. yes they are that large. also they are made of a hardened material similar to steel but much stronger so they rolled under my feet like big ball bearings. lmao. good weed. :) hope everyone else is having a good day.
i accidently stepped on my balls and tripped and fell. yes they are that large. also they are made of a hardened material similar to steel but much stronger so they rolled under my feet like big ball bearings. lmao. good weed. :) hope everyone else is having a good day.

They must be huge...

Must've put them in the microwave again...

Must've put them in the microwave again...
nah sat on em a few days ago climbing in the truck. pinched em between the seat and my thigh. they just a wee bit swollen. lmao. all kidding aside i really do have balls of steel. lmao. ;)

mmm. on a side note. grill time. :) got the munchies.
OK, he will count 3 for Mr. Guillotine. We'll take 2, first thing, in a simple bend over. Then grab him and slam him.

The last in line! We are Done! And it's not really even dark yet. The 3000 have passed. May their memories never darken our minds. Amen.