Australia gun ban? U.S. gun ban?

should firearms regulations and bans continue to escalate in the U.S.?

  • yes

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • no

    Votes: 23 92.0%

  • Total voters
Oh, and what is more scary? Answer the door with a pistol at your side, or casually holding a shotgun barrel down?

And think about this first hand experience. If the guy has a pistol and brings it up and tells me to leave and never try to see his daughter again, I might be tempted to scoff. "What are you going to do, shoot me?"

But, since he just causally motioned with the shotgun toward my ankle, I immediately got the picture in a flash.

(Woops, accidental discharge, trying to protect his family.)

I backed away slowly.
Oh, and what is more scary? Answer the door with a pistol at your side, or casually holding a shotgun barrel down?

And think about this first hand experience. If the guy has a pistol and brings it up and tells me to leave and never try to see his daughter again, I might be tempted to scoff. "What are you going to do, shoot me?"

But, since he just causally motioned with the shotgun toward my ankle, I immediately got the picture in a flash.

(Woops, accidental discharge, trying to protect his family.)

I backed away slowly.

True True :)

N i am with yall on pistol rounds only injuring lots of times...but still certain places that will lay your ass flat :) if you got the right handgun....I had a kimber .45 a while back small as a glock 9 but damn was it a mini cannon :):joint:
Like i said "legally" i cannot own guns :( so what they do with this whole gun ban wont affect me lol :( but if i could i would be extremely avid for not taking it away.....Guns make countries safer when the population has guns in their possesion its proven statistics over the years !!
I didn't switch to 9mm. .45 ACP or .357 magnum for me. But you can see why the cops did. Improved to 25%, the hit rate, did they?

So, to wrap up..... How many bullets do you need if in action, the cops can't hit but 1 in 4?
I didn't switch to 9mm. .45 ACP or .357 magnim for me. But you can see why the cops did. Improved to 25%, the hit rate, did they?

The .45 and .357 have awesome penetration through ballistics gel.. the 9mm passes as well, but not to the depth that the other two do
Is why my 17+1 handgun has 3 spare magazines, and is why plenty of low light / reflexive / steel tree practice is a good idea, as well.
doesnt matter. you pull the trigger in a dark room you arent really going to be able to see much after anyways except spotty vision. besides spare mags or not an ak or ar wont care if your behind cover...
doesnt matter. you pull the trigger in a dark room you arent really going to be able to see much after anyways except spotty vision. besides spare mags or not an ak or ar wont care if your behind cover...

I'd rather take accuracy in a dark room, and if it's dark.. they're going to be spray and praying at waist level, all things the same.
That is all true and more so with adrenaline and Kaat or PCP. But, double ought, to center of chest will kill you.

No one lives through that. And it may take some minutes to expires, but you won't be returning to consciousness, much less returning fire.

mmm. you might be wrong. might not of been buckshot but i could still return fire if need be hopefully for a few seconds with my subcompact.[video=youtube_share;O3z4NMWdTcg][/video]
i understand this but at 15 ft you wouldnt need shit for choke except a 12 inch barrel. lmao.

Agreed, but if birdshot was used.. a tighter cluster without having a 'fixed' range as 15ft/5m to work with... it may make the difference between enough critical mass damage to take someone out, or just piss them off - not even factoring cover/concealment .. and am not going to even throw in tacticals like 2/4 man leapfrog down long hallways (obviously not specific to home defense, but it applies to the shotgun choke discussion)
CRIMINALS dont obey the laws so no matter what law you put into place that criminal will still be able to get it.

and rape laws don't stop rapists, so no need for those laws.

and murder laws don't stop all murders, so no need for those laws.

supreme logic, ma'am.

Well, look at it this way. The laws are to prevent the vendetta. I think people have this backwards.

We have to look into history, (I can't, being senile) to understand the Rule of law. Justice and Law are very different.

So, there are places, Albania?,(near Georgia) that have feud laws to this day. And many, many sons stay on their hereditary farm lands. To be caught elsewhere is death. To trespass is death. Impasse for society.

So, you could not have escaped justice for rape, ever. Not your family or their family either.

So, no, laws iron it out and level it up, not to deter crime. The Rule of Law is to allow certain things that certain folks don't like. But, it's the law. Most of the law is to punish, not deter.

All though, the CA, use a gun, go to jail, works OK, they still use the gun and go to jail. But, they don't get lynched and BBQed.

Law, seeks to. but does not completely succeed in, balancing the scales of retribution. The rest, we just suck it up, in self rule. But, even with law there is vendetta. Without it, war in the streets, like Juarez.

Start from there and it is too easy to figure out why we'd rather have a high prison population. There is so much vendetta it carries on in prison. At least it is somewhat contained.
Well, look at it this way. The laws are to prevent the vendetta. I think people have this backwards.

We have to look into history, (I can't, being senile) to understand the Rule of law. Justice and Law are very different.

So, there are places, Albainia?,(near Georgia) that have feud laws to this day. And many, many sons stay on their hereditary farm lands. To be caught elsewhere is death. To tresspass is death. Impasse for society.

So, you could not have escaped justice for rape, ever. Not your family or their family either.

So, no, laws iron it out and level it up, not to deter crime. The Rule of Law is to allow certain things that certain folks don't like. But, it's the law. Most of the law is to punish, not deter.
All though, the CA, use a gun, go to jail, works OK, they still use the gun and go to jail. But, they don't get lynched and BBQed.

Law, seeks to but does not succeed completely to balance the scales of retribution. Even with law there is vendetta. Without it, chaos.

Start from there and it is too easy to figure out why we'd rather have a high prison population. There is so much vendetta it carries on in prison. At least it is somewhat contained.


I thought I'd share this note I got from a needy person that lacks a job.
Hey everyone, Numb-nuts, here. No I'm not bored. I'm afraid of Militia. I have to suck my nuts to keep them numb.

I will be de-balled any day now, so Numbs the word.

I'd like to be the poster child for Numb-nuts. This is my head shot that I'm going out there with. Wish me luck. Numby

Isn't that sweet?

I thought I'd share this note I got from a needy person that lack a job.
Hey everyone, Numb-nuts, here. No I'm not bored. I'm afraid of Militia. I have to suck my nuts to keep them numb.

I will be de-balled any day now, so Numbs the word.

I'd like to be the poster child for Numb-nuts. This is my head shot that I'm going out there with. Wish me luck. Numby

Isn't that sweet?
well i cant say i wouldnt suck on my own balls if i could. lmao. how bout you? bahahahah