Aussie Outdoor 09' 10'


Active Member
Go easy on the water soluble nutes since the organics should provide enough nutrients. One good tip i have when the seedlings are a week or two old give them a diluted shot of nitrogen I believe this increases the chances of females
cool man but what is the ratio of nitrogen to water? and how strong is the nitrogen to start.....ive got dutch master penetrator and its got .006% of nitrogen and thats it.



Well-Known Member
thats what im using now just some seeds out of a bag i got. would't mind a really nice strain though. i have a lilttle 6 plant ebb an flow system 4th weeek of flowering. 15 inches high my tallest plant first go at it. always been an outdoor grower


Well-Known Member
Yeh ive tried indoor soil and hydro but didnt have enough or the right type of lights so it wasnt spectacular,i think outdoors' much more exciting and rewarding (doin my first guerilla this year).
Got any pics of ur grow?


Well-Known Member
yeah i will get some a bit later it's a fairly modest grow an my first try so dnt laugh mate it looks sad compared to some i have seen on here.


Well-Known Member
Well there can be specific nutes for hydro and different nutes for soil,alot of specific nutes are released more quickly and frequently for hydro,coz plants will reach a different stage faster in hydro than soil etc...
Havta check the nutrition panel brother,or get to know ur nursery or hydro dealer....i dont.


Well-Known Member
if you have got hydro nutrients you can use it in soil. just use it at like 1/4 or half strength


Active Member
Heyy guys i just planted my seeds in queensland this week i got a couple bagseeds, magic bud, and durban from planet skunk and i would recomend them to australians they took only 10 days to be sent over. Im growing outdoor geurilla and so far everything is going well. Its my first grow and ill post pictures soon.

Happy smoking


Active Member
I went to my plot today took some pictures and gave then a little water..sorry for the bad quality i used my phone but next time ill use my digital camera.

The magic bud is the two rows on the right and the durban are on the 2 left rows.

Ill post some high quality pics in a week for you guys.



Active Member
What other strains you got going??
I got a couple of different bagseeds one them turned out to be ducksfoot which is male so im going to cross pollinate that with the KCbrains TNR. Also Ive just planted a strain this old guy at work has been growing for 15 years he claims and ive smoked and it goes alright.


Active Member
cool man but what is the ratio of nitrogen to water? and how strong is the nitrogen to start.....ive got dutch master penetrator and its got .006% of nitrogen and thats it.
read the what the container says and dilute it more maybe double that, I personally use cheap slow release nutes to begin with NPK 14:2:4 and i use a quarter stick and it doesnt seem to mind.
Also get some seasol or seasol powerfeed its good shit