Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh my bloom nutes are almost empty lol maybe another week of feeding left and thas it, just ordered cyco bloom a&b this morning for only $24 with FREE postage! hazzah! and they already shipped it, gotta love DHS!


Well-Known Member
Man what a sad day, just heard Nate Dogg passed away, the guy is a legend i grew up listening to him,
definitely gonna blaze one up in memory of him while blasting Regulators, Rest in Paradise, Nobody Does it Better :peace:


Active Member
the luv heart is a like if ya look down the bottom right of a post while mouse is over post u can now see the word like and click it to like the post
Hey guys,

Still lurking away. Since my last post (pic1) the smaller one went hermie so was passed on to a mate. The female was tied down and continued. I'm a bit worried right now though, it's been on 12/12 for 71 days which is over 10 weeks! Starting to crystal a little bit on the top buds but not exactly what I would expect going from other people's pictures (this is my first time though so could have nfi). Germed over 5 months ago. Finished the Cyco 8 week feed cycle and just getting pure water now all hairs are still white too. How long is too long? I ordered a jewelers loupe on eBay today... :-?

Sorry for the crappy photos, will try and get some better ones in the next couple of days.
Northern Lights underway too :hump:

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Hey everyone :)

Just a quick Q, What online shops would you guys recommend using? i know of aussie ponics and h2grohydroponics the 2 mains sites i have been looking at but i hear aussieponics is not the best a quick google search showed me this =( shame they have really good prices and a nice range. Then there are all these others but not too sure on whats good. Thanks for the help guys


Active Member
discount hydroponics u cant go wrong most of us here use them good people and cheap prices
they sell on ebay or you can ring them and things will be a lil cheaper than on ebay

benjamin alexander

Active Member
hey everyone just wondering when the earliest i could srout an outdoor been in adelaide would be? auto and photoperiod? was gifted last seasons that got ripped and never been an outdoor guy but i moved to the perfect spot
Would like to know the same, I have a couple of girls outside at the moment, but they were originally inside. Just had to move em out of the house. Problem is they are Sativa's and will take forever to finish, BUT I WANT TO SMOKE EM NOW !!!!!! They smell so yummy........
Of note, one is a Green Spirit which is big bud crossed with Skunk #1 and the other 2 are Jack Herer's . Completely different Pheno's too.. One is goin great guns but its sister is a crystal factory even now, and smells so dank I have to go out at least twice a day to stick my nose on it... Damn they need to make aftershave in that smell..

Eau De Dank... By Tommy Chillfiger
Hey Guys
wondering if i could get a little more advice :D
So I have been looking at discount hydroponics trying to figure out if its better off going with a complete tent setup and ditching my wardrobe then building a something to hide the tent in. Not sure yet got an old shed out back but they can use the helis to scan heat waves correct? worst came to worst i would have to build a new wardrobe a bit bigger then the tent but hey then i could fix up all the errors on the one i have at the moment. Would a tent be a better option? I just like the way everything is there and all i have to do is connect it all up and buy a few other things but most of the main gear required is included.

thanks and sorry for all the questions I just really cant get my head around this :(

benjamin alexander

Active Member
build a drobe man or pick 1 up cheap, tents arent worth the dosh imho, i priced up custom diy'n 3 drobes fitted out ready to go 4 a 3 stage set up lights an all, couldn even get the tents 4 the same lol


Well-Known Member
yeah build a tent i did it's basic and easy and you learn as ya go i did turns out im betta at building than i thought never built anything in my life but when funds are low you use what ya got lol.

the good thing bout building ya own man if ya wanna cut holes an shit ya can and mod it if ya want cause u aint paid a heap for it.
but if i had the coin prolly would have went the tent less hassle lol.

plus im lazy.

but eh i still ended up spending $500 some how :confused:


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure this has been covered here but couldnt be stuffed sifting through the billion pages to find it....

What are some of the easiest/most productive hash making methods u all have tried,should have a fair bit of trim so wanna try it this year.

Thinkin ice or link plz anyone??
:O 500$ is a lot? the light i have been looking at is 200 something then +2 intake exhaust fans + a fan to move air + carbon filter seemed to add up 400$ short of the tent but with the tent u got much more? or am i doing something wrong? xD

benjamin alexander

Active Member
i got bubble bags man and the machine to go with bein 1 armed and all lol, pricey initially but so easy like a hash juicer stick it in, come back later and presto, never seen easier.
made the cost back with the first batch i made nehow