Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
USed to use speedy but then he stopped replying to orders, now i use attitude with no probs yet except that my last order has taken over 3 weeks. i contacted attitude and they said it will arrive in 7 days so see how it goes from there.

the don

Active Member
Just to be different ... and I am always different :-)

I dry my buds in a food dehydrator, 24 hours on lowest setting on for 15 mins, off for 15 mins ... lucky I have spare timers.
After about 24 hours the buds look crispy and I then put them in jars with a hygrometer. After a little while the residual moisture spreads throughout the buds and the hygrometer lets me know how much moisture is left to remove.
The last lot ended up being about 75% rel humidity once the moisture had equalised.
It is not easy to air dry buds in Queensland when the RH can be over 80% - the buds end up absorbing moisture from the air.

Once the buds have been in jars for a few hours and I know the moisture content, I then introduce sachets of silica gel and suck out the moisture until the RH is 65% ... then I just seal and leave to cure, no need to burp the jars or disturb the buds until smokin time.

When I have an abundance of buds that I want to store I will just drop the RH to 55%, seal and store.

I have found that drying with the food dehydrator produces buds that are indistinguishable from slow dried buds except that slow dried buds have a higher chance of being attacked by mould before they get to the curing stage.

The curing begins after the drying, so having an extended drying time (especially in humid conditions) seems to be a waste of time and a lengthy period when you are smelling out the neighbourhood.

Reducing the drying time to 24 hours (plus a few extra hours of silica gel work) lets me get the buds curing much earlier and therefore lets me smoke the buds much sooner.
Wow that's awsome, if only i could fit all my buds in a food dehydrator. Your idea about the silica gel sounds like something i can try out.


Active Member
Outdoor update - I moved the best pheno of the white widow inside & LST'ed the other nice pheno which is staying out, the Super G x Orient Xpress is looking super delicious, its getting hell frosty and is starting to swell up nicely here they are;

*Not bad for iPhone 4 camera :P

Getting frosty..........I decided to call her Frostina :D



Active Member
Thanks for that haze, similar to what i've done previously. They seem to dry within 2-3 days where i keep them.... do you recommend moving the buds around while curing or shouldn't it matter?? Also is it a problem that my buds are drying too quickly??
Na man, not at all, if yours only take 2-3 days it obviously means your humidity level is low, which in essence when drying is a good thing, and yeah once you open the jars, give em a gentle shake so they move, try not to handle them to much as each time you do so you damage the trichomes, i try to keep my smoke primo and untouched, fully manicured & cured, you really get the deep flavours and full enjoyment from it this way in my opinion. Good luck


Well-Known Member
As far as I am aware, Autoflowers will not survive 2Rusty... They are designed for a short lifespan... But nature can be amazing, so you never know... Give it a go... :-)


Well-Known Member
Hi 420, see the steel grate you're sitting your plants on? Next crop, put the plants underneath it and let them grow up thru the screen... You'll get a better yield and they wont grow as high, and your branches will spread horizontally... Scrogging its also known as... Just a little idea I got from looking at your photos.. :-) Peace...


Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Hi 420, see the steel grate you're sitting your plants on? Next crop, put the plants underneath it and let them grow up thru the screen... You'll get a better yield and they wont grow as high, and your branches will spread horizontally... Scrogging its also known as... Just a little idea I got from looking at your photos.. :-) Peace...

Scrogging as an art form ...

110226 MB 4 way SCROG A.jpg


Active Member
I Know ive said it before Grump's but yes your scrogging is good enough to be art, for the next pic you up load to your thread, do you think you could you add a tape measure across the circumfrence of that scrog, or something us sub's can gauge against in relation to the actual size of her, cos she's a beauty!:clap:

Oh and Hazey those cola's should start densing up real nicely, congrats on the clean grow ;) your Lst is so semetrical, looks great!! after staring and marvelling at it i noticed the use of cable ties....nice touch and works a treat. Can't wait for the bud porn pics, give us some real dirty filthy frosty stuff, you know dripping wet with resin and the like lol:leaf:

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
I Know ive said it before Grump's but yes your scrogging is good enough to be art, for the next pic you up load to your thread, do you think you could you add a tape measure across the circumfrence of that scrog, or something us sub's can gauge against in relation to the actual size of her, cos she's a beauty!:clap:

Oh and Hazey those cola's should start densing up real nicely, congrats on the clean grow ;) your Lst is so semetrical, looks great!! after staring and marvelling at it i noticed the use of cable ties....nice touch and works a treat. Can't wait for the bud porn pics, give us some real dirty filthy frosty stuff, you know dripping wet with resin and the like lol:leaf:
The screen is 52cm across.

I won't be getting any huge colas, but the ones that I have should be about 3 to 4 inches long once they fill out - and I think 3 dozen small colas is better than a couple of large ones :-)

Should have more pikkies in my thread in a day or two, and my next ScrOG (Barney's L.S.D.) should be getting fitted with a screen in about a weeks time.


Active Member
4" nugg's x 36~ sites of red dragon heads is fine by me! plus when people are growing 2 foot cola's people tend to forget that in that dry weight there is or has a massive and i mean MASSIVE stem running through the guts, untill you trim every nugget off of it, your dry smokable (chop it in the moulli) weight is substantially lowered and is smokabilly incorrect hahah (i just made a new word/meaning if ya get it?)

Edit: thanks for the memory jog! 520mm rang a bell!


Active Member
Hey all just getting ready to order some seeds and was just wondering what strains you would all suggest ?


Active Member
silver haze..nice lacey...nice that final result???or sumwhere in between.....jus wondering i know growers that sum like to get more buds..while others would rather get as large buds as possible.......thats why i discrimination at all...jus a random question.....mine is up to my hip in a week and 3 days now..since seedling ones killn it growth wise.......but spacing between nodes but not too much so its not male.......but hasnt shown sex a bunch that aint......12 weeks left to grow....straight out 12 week grow atm in w.a from seed....if u plant right now this say.....ull get around about a 4 to 6 foot i love this tym of season......


Active Member
and from that youll get roughly around 9 oz......from previous grows at this tym of yr from seed ive done.....but i gropw indoors tooo.....grow room is cramped as fuck tho......n itll scratch the shit outa my new fone u guys will have to wait for them pics......sorry...but sumtymes jus gotta do it


Active Member
n sweet i got adjust a wind but they are defender in the world im told......they are large 600 watt's...but adjust a wing are the ish......especially since u can adjust the lamp holder...unlike other systems ive noticed....


Active Member
new style preserve-ing jars with aluminium all around it and on the lid...really quite good..only the bottom and the side where u can see what strain ur working with are not covered....idk i jus seen em the other day grabd a few....they got much larger ones also...but i think theyd b great for both storage(thats what they are sold for after all)and :weed::leaf::bigjoint:


Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
4" nugg's x 36~ sites of red dragon heads is fine by me! plus when people are growing 2 foot cola's people tend to forget that in that dry weight there is or has a massive and i mean MASSIVE stem running through the guts, untill you trim every nugget off of it, your dry smokable (chop it in the moulli) weight is substantially lowered and is smokabilly incorrect hahah (i just made a new word/meaning if ya get it?)

Edit: thanks for the memory jog! 520mm rang a bell!
That ScrOG is Magic Bud, not Red Dragon - it'll be a few months before I ScrOG my next Red Dragon although I need to do it soon as I want to try out my own feminised seeds.