Aussie Growers Thread

Thats gotta suck steve!!!! As GOD said prob best to just toke up and clear your head then sort it later once you have time to cool off a little. (im assuming your spewing with rage atm lol)
rage didnt really come into it. it was like it was in slow motion the only good thing was i was there wen it happened and the light wasnt on and burn the place down and the second good thing was that the globe didnt break spewin about the damage to the plant tho
rage didnt really come into it. it was like it was in slow motion the only good thing was i was there wen it happened and the light wasnt on and burn the place down and the second good thing was that the globe didnt break spewin about the damage to the plant tho

Well thats a great way to look at an otherwise shitty problem. Take a snap if you can of the damage as it might help inspire the other guys to give you quick fixes?
hey guys i usually get my coco from the hydro should i buy the nf 5kilo bricks which make about 50litres. i checked out they have 5kg blocks there i spoke to a rep and i can get them for $3.60 a block, compared to $18 a block from the hydro shop. do u think the other coco is a less quality product i got a sample for free from the owner and he grows tomatoes in them, he also quoted me $55 for 25kilos of nuterients which sounds so cheap to me, but i guess the cheap nutes are out there caz ive always thought neutes are so expensive how do normal farmers make there $$$

You know how much the 25kg ones are, that expand to 350 litres (the coarsest) I reckon I could haul 1 or 2 with me into a guerilla grow mix in some worm cast and a bag of perlite and I'd be set. Also where are they located?
the rage has subsided.... did a quick google search and soon realised im not the first dumb ass growing weed ended up getting plastic coated copper wire and making a spiral and weaving this around the bent stems some worked better than others but im happy that one of the main stems is fixed cheers skiz and god for lightening my mood i took photos about 5 minutes before the damage so might show a before and after pics (hopefully after a full recovery)
Hey guys gunna start my flush tonight
i was just wondering as i will be trimming next weekend
what do you guys use to trim cause im thinking i need something easy to clean as what ever i use they gunna get sticky as hell
keep in mind i got fuck all money icky is an expensive whore i mean um lady :P

Buds looking amazing Odlaw....leaves not so amzing :P

I have a disection kit i use for uni and its constantly treated with various "burn anything that touches it" type chemicals then auto claved, so makes it super easy to wash up :P ...Basically just get yourself some stainless steel ones and use Metho on them after. Water won't clean off shit, but metho (or any alcohol or hydrocarbon i assume?) works GREAT. Use it in bongs/pipes then just rinse with water REALLY well, then dry (in the sun to allow vapour to leave) then rinse with water again to get any residue.
yeah im not worried bout the leaves lol np its probly just a cal/mag prob as im in coco and didnt add any
I am looking for marijuana coz i use it for my medication, I only don't know how to grow it or where to find one. Not using it for addiction if someone thinks it like that, I just need where to find one. I am suffering from a disease right now that the doctor prescribed is, that i need to find one of those for my treatment. It's illegal to sell it on most places, that's why it is hard to find. I never have tried to use marijuana before, so don't know how to use it. In a legal way, I am allowed to use it for treatment.

hahaha your in an Australian thread so if your asking where to find it in Australia i don't get how you can then say its been prescribed and is legal for medical use. Hate to tell you mate but its illegal in Australia PERIOD!

If your asking where to find it PRE grown (ie. ready for smoking) then you need to give more info like where abouts you from as there is no such thing as a Yellow Pages for Weed. Most ppl just find weed through "the guy they met through another guy". If your asking on where to get seeds there are heaps of places and if you google "marijuana seeds" im sure you will find more than enough places. Following on from getting seeds, if your asking how to grow, thats kinda like asking how long is a piece of string. There are ALOT of variables to consider.

Just to name a few:
Indoor or out?
Method of growing? (hydro or soil)
Lights used? (HID or Fluro)
How many your growing?

For a REALLY quick simplified version on how to grow:
1. Get seed
2. wet paper towls in WARM water and place seed between the wet paper
3. once it throws out a tap root place it in growing medium
4. give water, light (sun or artifical) and nutrients
5. wait till its ready
I am looking for marijuana coz i use it for my medication, I only don't know how to grow it or where to find one. Not using it for addiction if someone thinks it like that, I just need where to find one. I am suffering from a disease right now that the doctor prescribed is, that i need to find one of those for my treatment. It's illegal to sell it on most places, that's why it is hard to find. I never have tried to use marijuana before, so don't know how to use it. In a legal way, I am allowed to use it for treatment.

As your doctor has prescribed it, maybe you should ask him/her where to acquire your medication and how to administer the medication. Being a responsible physician he/she should have all the information available.
As your doctor has prescribed it, maybe you should ask him/her where to acquire your medication and how to administer the medication. Being a responsible physician he/she should have all the information available.

Well said grumpy, this is the first thing he/she should have done seeing as how the doc prescribed it in the first place, maybe the doc can recommend one of his dealers? lol
Is anyone else hooked on seed collecting? i've got way too many strains now and i just ordered more :neutral:
i doubt i'll even be able to try them all, but it's good to have them there for when i need it, surely im not the only one lol
Is anyone else hooked on seed collecting? i've got way too many strains now and i just ordered more :neutral:
i doubt i'll even be able to try them all, but it's good to have them there for when i need it, surely im not the only one lol

Feel free to send me any you don't want :P ....ABC for example lol.

As for seeds i don't have the money or the time to grow them all, yet i too keep looking and when i do actually have money buy a couple strains. Still waiting for my fooking Jack Horror though :(
As your doctor has prescribed it, maybe you should ask him/her where to acquire your medication and how to administer the medication. Being a responsible physician he/she should have all the information available.

Geriatrics shouldnt preach, especially when you cant even remember to get up and go the tiolet when you need too.