you happen to catch the names of them?...I got hyalite (another .com'er)
in that case i should start the kiss ass proceedings so i got someone to maybe sell me some clones or seed later *inconspicuous whistle*
Yer im with lacey wouldnt mind seeing what it takes off in terms of useable bud.
Hyalite, Thats the 1..
No clones here sorry buddy.. I would never do anything so highly illegal.
Stick around Lace, i'll show ya the rest of the pile..
there still seems to be a lot more fine trimming to do thou to get it to what you once said you like it
how much have you used it as the lid still looks quite clear Ninja but for 100 bucks less then the full stainless one its a bargain
im guessing it would only have taken about 5minutes to that stage
That was one of the first few spins. I reckon i could pull a few grams of Golden Hash from inside the lid at the moment

Takes hardly any usable bud off.. Maybe lose 0.2g Wet outta every 3oz wet..
I looked at the stainless steel model, but wanted the clear 1, and i always get wat i want

I have relaxed my standards on the trim a little, i find a tad bit of leaf adds flavour during the curing process.. I can always yank it off before i mull it up if i dont want it, but the bud leaf is so resinous on the SLH that it would be such a friggin waste!