Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
im thinking of making some hash with my 2 superskunk males...but first need to get the polen which i cant even see lol ? and yeah the pollen sacs are open....wierd
i think your gunna have trouble collecting the pollen if the sacks have opened ? if your lucky you might be able to cut the sacks off into a film canister or something and still get some of the pollen left over in the sacks but if they have opened i would think they have dropped most of it and i hope you dont have flowering females around :-(


Active Member
oh i'm just in a good mood lol don't mind me. i talk a lot of shit
haha its all good i was just a bit slow on the pick up :dunce: but anyways no i did not intend to spell bare backwards and had never realy thought about till you brought it up just now lol


Well-Known Member
haha its all good i was just a bit slow on the pick up :dunce: but anyways no i did not intend to spell bare backwards and had never realy thought about till you brought it up just now lol

so who are you? where you from? lol i am too stoned to be more subtle in my pursuit of knowledge lol


Well-Known Member
oh i dont read entire things usually, i have the attention span of a retarded gnat. you should see me on wikipedia, i start on one thing and end up being utterly fascinated by so many other things i need to follow that i end up with 20 half read tabs lol


Well-Known Member
"I'm losing my edge"

"I was there in 1968.
I was there at the first Can show in Cologne.
I'm losing my edge.
I'm losing my edge to the kids whose footsteps I hear when they get on the decks.
I'm losing my edge to the Internet seekers who can tell me every member of every good group from 1962 to 1978.
I'm losing my edge."

"But I'm losing my edge.
I'm losing my edge, but I was there.
I was there.
But I was there."


Well-Known Member

Picked up some sweeeeet sativa last night, I had the jitters like a mofo! Katt Williams and new Family Guy.. perfect :D


Well-Known Member
there's a fine line between perfect sativa and shakey fuckin paranoid sativa lol

glad ya found some!


Well-Known Member
Yeah wasnt para at all :)

And after yesterdays fucking weather gayness I'm getting my car today... Literally couldnt make it there yesterday, yay for flash flooding and lightning strikes :/


Well-Known Member
ah mate i'd have driven ya myself lol hate to see a fellow smoker down.

i was at work in the city and there really wasn't much going on storm wise, but it did very suddenly get super dark. that's about it. the train line home was a disaster, i left 45 minutes early and made it home at my normal time

The Cat

ok so i know this has probably been covered a million times already and i did a quick search but nothing clear came straight up so im gonna throw it out in here. Can anyone post a link to or just give me a VERY QUICK explanation of the difference between indica and sativa strains? im gonna be growing in a small broom closet to about 1.5m so what am i best of looking for and whats the easiest way to tell the difference? cheers.


Well-Known Member
Hey Cat...... I'm losing my kids who are actually very nice :lol:

a Sativa is taller,takes up to 18 weeks to flower and is gen a more cerebral high....because they take so long to ripen the buds usualy pack a punch....the leafs have many thinish to thin fingers

A Indica is shorter,can be a quick as 7 1/2-8 weeks to ripen ,the high tends to be more body stoner.....and the leaves have few fat fingers...

then you have the hybrids which I find the most interesting,,,,they display cross over characteristics

hope this helped :bigjoint: