Aussie Growers Thread

I've always like the old air cooled Porsches. You do feel like a race car driver even driving round town. Never owned one but driven a couple. They have a cult following a boss of mine collected them and Mustangs. Ive also driven quiet a few WRX's and a rex will eat an old Porsche and thats to be expected really.

I rememeber people coming in with shittie 924s and trying to off load them. Im like "its not a real Porsche mate, it wont sell on the lot". them getting shitty cause they new i was right- they were there for a reason.
Do regret not purchasing for myself a 924 Turbo though for $7k. I should of researched that one a bit more.
993s are nice to.

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I've always like the old air cooled Porsches. You do feel like a race car driver even driving round town. Never owned one but driven a couple. They have a cult following a boss of mine collected them and Mustangs. Ive also driven quiet a few WRX's and a rex will eat an old Porsche and thats to be expected really.

I rememeber people coming in with shittie 924s and trying to off load them. Im like "its not a real Porsche mate, it wont sell on the lot". them getting shitty cause they new i was right- they were there for a reason.
Do regret not purchasing for myself a 924 Turbo though for $7k. I should of researched that one a bit more.
993s are nice to.

air cooled is easy as fuck to work on and an awesome design. But it’ll never beat a water cooled turbo car. also power isn’t everything and a wrx will out handle and out turn a Porsche any day of the week.