Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
That’s a sweet set up

So if I’m seeing this right that’s your property fence and you have some net shade stuff canopy? This is for stealth?

Tell me more please
It's like a 3/4 greenhouse built off the fence the fence is my private fence goes a half acre down...then on the outside of that fence is a taller more secure fence that runs along between neighbours :)
It's secure plus secure
Like having 2 boundaries with in between patrolled by dogs
Semi rural outside town neighbours but mostly half acre or full acre blocks
Your gonna grow big girls under a 7ft high cover u need to scrog top and lst

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Nope thats what i was told. Fuck all there apparently
Not many farms thats for sure, some mines and World heritage listed forests. Preety place. I love the hashness of it- silly place to grow anything it rains more days than it doesnt.
I think you mean the North West Coast is where they grow most the seed hemp. Did the last couple years anyway- havent seen any this year so i guess the markets flooded.
I hear theres fk all most placers but whoever is tellin ya 5k a pound is pulling ya leg.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
The person doesn’t mind a smoke but I don’t think they will want to be tonked daily but taking heavy THC caps.
I found the THC helped dull the pain which let one patient sleep. In the the other patient i found that the THC gave them more energy and they were able to function better for longer. So when they took their caps was different.
There is some evidence that also suggests that high THC can kill cancer. From memory Saffa/Coco had a win using massive THC doses with one of his patients.


Well-Known Member
For darts arvo last Wednesday i made me mate bring his own. Be doing the same this week.
Yep definitely time to take precautions
I knew yesterday would be the last day at the local pub for me They have all been ordered to close indefinitely by midnite tonite
Bottle o are all safe
Still go to auto car shops clothes supermarkets etc etc it's not to bad
We have decided immediate family only unroll advised otherwise visiting us

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
For any other Sole Traders.

Australian job seekers are set to have their payments temporarily doubled, as part of the government’s second stimulus package.

The JobSeeker Payment, formerly known as Newstart, will be paid at an additional rate of $550 per fortnight to both existing and new recipients during the coronavirus pandemic.

“The coronavirus supplement will provide an additional $550 a fortnight on top of the existing JobSeeker or Newstart payment and will be available for sole traders and casual workers who meet the income test,” Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said.