Aussie Growers Thread

I know you all just said dont suggest medications but for magic mushrooms and lsd have completely turned my life around.

They arent like other drugs that leave you feeling terrible. They actually leave you with a positive glow.
If you have the right mindset and want to be fixed you can capitalise on that positve energy and keep the ball rolling.

Furthermore on much larger doses you will find your self soul searching and facing the issues that ypu already know about but try to bury and avoid.

It will not fix you on its own but it can be a powerful tool to help.

I have been using it a lot lately with a health mindset and i can tell you i have moved forwards in leaps and bounds. My eating has improved. My exercise has improved. My cleanliness around the house has improved. Im more social. As a result of all these i am much happier

I started out just using it for fun but i tell you it has altered my way of thinkong and my thoughts about how wonderful psychadelics are
rare dankness bitches

when can we aussies post content like this ??????

feels a bit like being in russia or china if you living down under and smoking weed atm

like communist dictatorship but with bloody scomo as its leader :lol:

“Here Kitty”..:lol:

Which one did you get? I’d like to give GTH#1 a run. I like Haze’s.

M8, it’s much better in Aust these days than when I was younger. Fuck me, you’d even get busted bad just for having seeds where i was in the day.
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it took a gp all of 15 mins to prescribe a random anti-depressant that made my already severe mental health condition degrade suddenly and rapidly, but it took a panel of 3-5 drs, all of who are mental health specialists (ie only treat mental health cases) 3 weeks to figure out anti depressants of any kind wouldn’t make my condition any better.

GP’s aren’t mental health professionals they are there to direct you to someone who is. One of the main issue our society is facing with mental health is gps over prescribing anti depressants without proper diagnosis and according to the drs during my last hospital visit a large number of people they see admitted are because of gps incorrectly prescribing anti depressants which exacerbate existing issues.
That's pretty much where I'm at now.
Drugs haven't worked, was given something stronger to try and I'm really unsure about it.
Need a few different opinions from other GPs and psychologist / psychiatrist before I commit.