Aussie Growers Thread

Any of you fellas tried or known anyone succesfully get clones shipped here from like canada/USA? Got a fella in Detroit that will send me a Bruce banner #3 cut if I can get it here.
Shit man you’re living the unlucky life. I keep this place spick n span don’t ask him to do anything in the house apart from shower the kid and put him to sleep then his job is done. He often takes our son out on play dates with his mates and their kids etc. I have some very feministic views but I do believe if a woman isn’t working then her job is her house. If she’s also working then the load gets split I don’t give a shit who earns more.
As for the blow job cmon man ur living in fantasy land if u think u can just look at your Mrs and say blow me and she’s gonna drop the dishes in her hand and then down to her knees. This 2019 now not 1949 good little house wife. When my hubby wants a happy ending I say OK me first!! What’s good for one has to be good for the other.
Don't get me wrong it's not like get on your knees bitch. But when I've just sucked the clit and licked it like rubeyfruit and you haven't had a blowy yet alone a root in month it's kinda expected. I know I make sure she has a good time when I get home it's really gotta go both ways..on top of that I am the house bitch/cook and kid wrangler when I'm on days off and I don't complain. I even go to the extent of making sure the "manly duties" like yard maintenance ect is done and wash the dishes and vacume and mop in hopes of a good root because she has nothing to worrie about. All to be left to go and Jack one out on the toilet on xnxx when I get a spare 10 mins because she's not keen..rant I over haha
You poor cunt, I feel for ya bro my misso is fuckin ocd wants everything cleaned at once and it’s like everyday we are cleaning, but she wants me to clean and doesn’t clean when she’s home by herself lol but she’s always keen for it, she wants baby number 2 lol
I'm giving her baby number 4 by the end of the month .
Dunno, nah they’re not flowering. Was just talking to hubby not more than ten mins ago about planting them in the ground. We might have a particular spot in the yard where it can be done and where I can cage and cover them. Ooooh this is getting a bit exciting!! Outdoor monster mayhem fuck yesssssss!!!
It would make sense to flower them outside if it's an option. Can't wait to see them girls in flower
I do the cooking cause I'm pretty good at it but I can't work or drive or do the dishes cause of my epilepsy being unstable, so it's only fair
I feel for you mofo. The one thing that I can always count on is myself . I would hate to be in your boat man. I have a pretty bad heart condition and I have to lie when I'm at the docs just to keep my independence.
Yeah went to start trimming those butters and they just ain’t there yet plenty of bend in the stem but the colas feel dry I took a branch off each and realised they need another day or so, glad I stopped myself
Yeah went to start trimming those butters and they just ain’t there yet plenty of bend in the stem but the colas feel dry I took a branch off each and realised they need another day or so, glad I stopped myself
when you harvest your fem seeds. There are lots of nice growers on that will swap you or give you seeds for free.
Don't get me wrong it's not like get on your knees bitch. But when I've just sucked the clit and licked it like rubeyfruit and you haven't had a blowy yet alone a root in month it's kinda expecte
I haven’t read past there ^^ yet but will say I totally agree with you
Don't get me wrong it's not like get on your knees bitch. But when I've just sucked the clit and licked it like rubeyfruit and you haven't had a blowy yet alone a root in month it's kinda expected. I know I make sure she has a good time when I get home it's really gotta go both ways..on top of that I am the house bitch/cook and kid wrangler when I'm on days off and I don't complain. I even go to the extent of making sure the "manly duties" like yard maintenance ect is done and wash the dishes and vacume and mop in hopes of a good root because she has nothing to worrie about. All to be left to go and Jack one out on the toilet on xnxx when I get a spare 10 mins because she's not keen..rant I over haha
If everything ur saying is true and ur STILL not getting laid that’s pretty fucked up. I’d let him tie me up if he was doing half my house work LOL!!
I feel for you mofo. The one thing that I can always count on is myself . I would hate to be in your boat man. I have a pretty bad heart condition and I have to lie when I'm at the docs just to keep my independence.
I do a 10 min research session if I've got something I wanna to be main topic,like medical mull, and make them talk to u like Ur at their level,not a twat who thinks 1 +1 is 11.. but yeah it must be hard , ppl pussyfooting around cause they don't wanna upset anybody. Bit late for that aye
Nah if ya cant tell me by now it ain't worth my time going to Google
Back to the cooking steven
It's actually noongar.. and there is a few other ways to spell it.. But, not nunga haha sounds like ya doing shit.. " I'm goin ta drop a nunga luv"
Don't get me wrong it's not like get on your knees bitch. But when I've just sucked the clit and licked it like rubeyfruit and you haven't had a blowy yet alone a root in month it's kinda expected. I know I make sure she has a good time when I get home it's really gotta go both ways..on top of that I am the house bitch/cook and kid wrangler when I'm on days off and I don't complain. I even go to the extent of making sure the "manly duties" like yard maintenance ect is done and wash the dishes and vacume and mop in hopes of a good root because she has nothing to worrie about. All to be left to go and Jack one out on the toilet on xnxx when I get a spare 10 mins because she's not keen..rant I over haha
Haha sounds really familiar dude . Are u stalking me and talking the piss or wot.. but we still not sure if it's the dishes ,the dishwasher or just convenience for me lol.. the docs can't tell me shit .. and I think the keen part dwindles with each child scream