Aussie Growers Thread

So far of of three strains iv smoked from real growers y’all no who u are shame y’all aren’t my naigbers I’d pay 350 a half easy
I’m bad lol I wanna go to Bunnings so Fukien bad lol gotta resist temptation I just wanna keep the soil moist I rekon im gunna get some of those soil meters but good ones and I wanna start getting my soil and off possible my compost I’m curios tho wi indoor I rekon within a day u can see a difference but I wonder how long in soil idk I love soil after fuck I can’t wait to smoke these gunna be awsome
Was kinda a bit worried before she posted this messages to me apparently her fam is bikers can’t remeber witch remeber her name dropping w9nt say tho but Fukien hell no wonder people thing trans peop”e are nuts we Fukien all are ay I don’t even no what to think I told her if she fucks with or hurts rikki I’ll Fukien kill her lol then she was all like she’d go to cops lmfao have laugh at this View attachment 4235291View attachment 4235292View attachment 4235293she almost had me triggered she now I got problems n Ye true coolers to call me the r word I’m 6 4 130 kilos fuck her wing Chun n Bruce Lee two did that cunt even ever really fight he’d of gotten flogged today I rekon but lmfao
You have lost me
You have lost me
Some one I’m having drama with these turned out to be a fake cunt like that was the only trans person I knew that was also in syd n she is fuking mental I lost my Snead n told her I would kill her if she fucked wit that girl then she said she’d go to cops she has my phone number so it’s possable swollowed my pride cuse fuck it not orth it but he she’s and alcaholling whim 8m sure is abusing her estrogen soooo Ye Fukien batshit crazy reckons she’s gunna fglog me with wing Chun it’s what Bruce Lee first learned pretty sure then Mae she name dropped was Walsh n I’m pretty sure there’s two of em doing time over coke idk she prob full of shit but all I need is drama eather way I thought those screen shots where funny
Hey need some advice first time outdoor grow!! Melbournea weather is nice ATM do I leave my plants in the direct sun all day? With shade or no shade at all and during the days where it hits above 35 degrees what do I do?