Aussie Growers Thread

F3C4E9F3-6118-4E8F-8EDC-C9F548E6FE20.jpeg 21300410-CED1-4CFD-B83D-B2589D301121.jpeg A6CA5DC3-B1C2-4793-A15D-106329609DCF.jpeg Cool I know I put one worm in but there seems to be more now idk I’d the little worms in there are bandies of those or if there nematoeads but this is fuken cool
If you pinch them and they turn purple yer good to go!
I forgot that I’m gunna go back and have a look ay fuck it lol l y’all rekon I should grab some water it would have els n ducks shitting in it I think I’m gunna grab a bottle of it n put it in my compost might be some good micro life 98D88795-60A4-42BD-9CB5-BC90F3BB2526.jpeg